希尔顿旗下60余家酒店推出外卖服务 | Over Sixty Hilton Hotels in China Provide Food Delivery Service
希尔顿旗下60余家酒店推出外卖服务 | Over Sixty Hilton Hotels in China Provide Food Delivery Service

In this special time, over 60 Hilton hotels nationwide launched food and beverage delivery services in China. Hotels have selected high-quality and healthy ingredients to create exquisite packages and rich a la carte menus, including Chinese and Western signature dishes. Diners who are looking for a long-waited culinary taste while staying at home can restore the shock of fine dining between their teeth to the greatest extent.

此次,众多标志性菜肴和人气美味都囊括进了外卖餐单,并颠覆传统外卖打包盒的千篇一律,以精致的组合及包装呈现。同时,希尔顿尤为重视外卖的食品卫生安全,不仅提供从制作到递送中的各个环节的追溯,成熟的 FSAA 食品卫生管理体系更可追踪食材的源头,进货渠道甚至制作前在酒店内的周转;从食材烹饪到美味配送,希尔顿层层把关,让食客安心大快朵颐。
Many iconic dishes and popular delicacies have been included in the take-out menu, and all of these are presented in exquisite combinations and packaging. At the same time, Hilton pays special attention to food safety for take-out. Not only can it provide traceability from all aspects of production to delivery, the FSAA management system can also track the source of ingredients, purchase channels and even turnover in the hotel before production; From the cooking of ingredients to the delivery of delicious food, Hilton controls every step, ensuring safety for all diners.