Panagiotis Kotsilimpas - Amphora Olympia持有者(香港 & 珠海 & 古奥林匹克)— Owner,  Amphora Olympia International Group Ltd, Hong Kong, Zhuhai & Ancient Olympia.
DB:您当初如何想到将上乘橄榄油送到每家每户的理念?When did you come up with the concept of bringing good-quality olive oil to everyone?

It took a lot of convincing. The Olive Oil market is a very saturated one filled with colossal companies. The only way I would have entered such a market would have been if I competed on unquestionable quality. My entire family back home has always been involved with oil. They always suggested I got involved with exports. So one day I got a fresh sample and sent it to a chemical lab for analysis. The results were mind-blowing and the rest is history.

DB:Amphora的产品与其它橄榄油品牌相比有什么不同之处? What makes Amphora Olympia’s oil special from other brands?
The economic crisis that has plagued my country, believe it or not helped more than anything. It helped Greek farmers realise that we had to change our ways and rethink our strategy in a time of pressure. Pressure is the world’s biggest motivator. During our first year of operation, we gathered the most qualified and experienced agriculturists, millers, producers, farmers, sommeliers etc. and created a routine, habits of excellence from start to finish.
DB:目前您们有多少款橄榄油系列的产品?哪种在中国市场最畅销? How many types of olive oils do you have on offer? Which is the most popular in China?

We wanted to concentrate on things we are good at. The oil used during the ancient Olympic times was of the “Koroneiki” variety, which has been cultivated in our parts for thousands of years. We offer a completely organic cultivation method as well as a methodical classic approach. In China, classic olive oil is still very popular for its price, but more and more consumers are realising the importance of organic super food. Furthermore, our organic range comes in an “Early Harvest” and “Late Harvest” edition for a more specific taste.

DB:Amphora 在许多国际橄榄油盛赛中获奖,你能为我们举例说说有哪些吗? We know that Amphora Olympia won awards in many international olive oil competitions, could you name some for us?
To confirm the direction, we were heading to get validation from the world’s best competitions. We were pleasantly surprised to be regarded as the most distinguishable new brand in the world through the London International Competition, Europe’s biggest. Soon after our organic and classic range both got awarded in the world’s biggest event in New York. Now our organic oil is considered as the best delicate intensity oil of its kind in the world. The Chinese competition in Beijing is coming up soon! We aim to continue this standard and be awarded every year from every major event.

DB:您在中国未来的市场扩展上有什么计划吗?What is your future plan for expanding your olive oil business in the Chinese market?

中国市场在橄榄油业内人士的青睐下受誉为“金宝贝”。整个国家有少于百分之一的人食用橄榄油。然而, 越来越多的中国消费者意识到了健康的重要性,尤其是上层阶级人士,而我们旨于为中国消费者们提供世界级品质的橄榄油。目前,我们正为中国市场研发数款专属的新产品,并且数量有限。它们是有机无过滤精油,从树上取材,完全效仿数百年前古代人制油的程序,这将会是中国人都喜欢的橄榄油产品。
The Chinese market is considered as the “golden baby” in the olive oil world. Less than 1% of the country regularly uses olive oil. Yet, it continually grows as more and more Chinese realise the importance of health, especially in the upper-class sector. We aim to bring the best quality in the world here for Chinese customers who want the best. We have a few new products on the horizon, such a very exclusive and limited line for China. An organic, completely unfiltered oil that replicates ancient time production, from trees that are hundreds of years old. It’s an exciting time to be an olive oil fan in China.

DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘Amphora Olympia’?Where can we get more information about ‘Amphora Olympia’?

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