天巢法国餐厅 ”与“ 8餐厅 ”再度荣膺米其林三星殊荣
Robuchon au Dôme and The 8 receive Michelin 3-star honours once again

澳博旗下的新葡京酒店再获权威认可,“ 天巢法国餐厅 ”、“ 8餐厅 ”与“ 大厨 ”在最新公布的《米其林指南香港澳门2020》中,荣膺米其林星级殊荣,继续保持亚洲美食界先驱。澳门以东西方饮食文化的荟萃与交融为傲,而澳博旗下的新葡京酒店是澳门唯一一家同时拥有两间米其林三星餐厅的酒店,提供法式美馔与中式佳餚。今年是 “ 天巢法国餐厅 ” 自2009年首版《米其林指南香港澳门》发佈以来连续第十二年获颁米其林三星荣誉,同时亦是中菜餐厅 “ 8餐厅 ” 成功蝉联米其林三星荣誉的第七年。
SJM’s Grand Lisboa continues to set records as Asia’s leading dining destination by earning recognition once again for Robuchon au Dôme, The 8 and The Kitchen from the Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2020. SJM is the only hotel in Macau, a city that takes pride in its East-West culinary culture, to have two Michelin three-starred restaurants serving both European and Chinese cuisine. For 12 consecutive years, Robuchon au Dôme has retained its 3-star status, just as The 8 Cantonese restaurant has successfully maintained its 3-star status for seven straight years. 

澳门博彩股份有限公司董事局主席何超凤女士表示:“ 新葡京今年继续共获颁米其林七星荣誉,并成为澳门唯一的酒店同时拥有一家米其林三星中式餐厅及一家米其林三星西式餐厅,我们对此深感荣幸。作为亚洲领先的餐饮目的地,我们秉持最高标准为客人服务,致力提升澳门‘ 创意城市美食之都 ’的魅力。 ”
Ms. Daisy Ho, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. said: “We are honoured that Grand Lisboa remains home to seven Michelin stars and is the only hotel in Macau with a Michelin 3-starred Chinese restaurant and a Michelin 3-starred Western restaurant. As Asia’s leading dining destination, we will continue to uphold the highest culinary standards and promote Macau as a UNESCO-designated Creative City of Gastronomy.”

澳门博彩股份有限公司款客服务管理董事总经理苏仲礼(Jonas Schuermann)先生亦补充表示:“ 我们为澳博引领美食而感到自豪,我们很高兴再次刷新纪录成为澳门唯一一家同时拥有米其林三星中餐厅与法式餐厅的酒店。《米其林指南》对新葡京酒店的认可,再次印证了酒店厨艺团队每日坚持提供的高水准服务。我们的客人一直寻找非凡的用餐体验,我们亦不断努力提供澳门最顶级的中西烹饪文化。 ”
Mr. Jonas Schuermann, Managing Director, Hospitality Services of SJM S.A. added: “We take great pride at SJM in leading the way in gastronomy, and we are pleased to be setting new records once again as the only hotel in Macau to receive three Michelin stars at both our French and Chinese restaurants. This recognition is a testament to the consistently high standards of service that our culinary teams at Grand Lisboa provide each day. Our guests are constantly in search of extraordinary dining experiences, and we continually strive to offer the best of Macau’s East-West culinary culture.”

澳博将欧式与中式烹饪文化的美妙融合,庆贺澳门被联合国教科文组织评定为“ 创意城市美食之都 ”的地位。坐落于新葡京酒店顶层的法式餐厅“ 天巢法国餐厅 ”是由行政总厨 Julien Tongourian 领导。行政总厨 Julien 将誉满全球的名厨 Joël Robuchon 的烹饪热忱传承并延续,对每一道菜品的细节都精益求精。此外,由来自香港的粤菜烹调大师、行政总厨谢锦松师傅所领导的中餐厅“ 8餐厅 ”于午市提供四十多款精美点心,并全天候提供多达150道採用最新鲜且最优质的食材烹製而成的多元化菜式。
SJM celebrates Macau’s role as a UNESCO-designated Creative City of Gastronomy by embracing the culinary cultures of Europe and China. Grand Lisboa’s European restaurant, Robuchon au Dôme, which sits atop the Grand Lisboa is overseen by Chef Julien Tongourian. Chef Julien carries on the legacy of world-renowned chef Joël Robuchon by ensuring meticulous attention to detail is given to each and every dish. Meanwhile, Grand Lisboa’s Chinese restaurant – The 8 – is led by Executive Chef Joseph Tse, a true master of Cantonese cuisine from Hong Kong. The 8 presents more than 40 varieties of dim sum for lunch and 150 innovative dishes made throughout the day from the freshest and highest quality of ingredients.

新葡京酒店的另一家著名西餐厅“ 大厨 ”凭藉其顶级的肉类及新鲜上等的海鲜亦已连续七年荣膺米其林一星殊荣。
Another renowned Western restaurant at Grand Lisboa – The Kitchen – has received one Michelin star for its selection of prime meats and premium seafood for seven consecutive years.

新葡京酒店亦是亚洲最丰富的葡萄酒收藏地。在“ 天巢法国餐厅 ”、“ 8餐厅 ”、“ 大厨 ”和“ 当奥丰素1890意式料理 ”用餐的宾客可选择逾17,000款来自世界各地的名酒佳酿。
Grand Lisboa is also home to Asia’s most extensive wine collection. Guests who dine at Robuchon au Dôme, The 8, The Kitchen and Casa Don Alfonso may select from an impressive wine collection of more than 17,000 labels from all around the world.