2019中国年度酒单大奖于日前揭晓,澳门新葡京酒店旗下所有特色餐厅——“天巢法国餐厅”、“8餐厅”、“当奥丰素1890意式料理”及“大厨”均荣膺最高荣誉“三杯卓越奖”。“天巢法国餐厅”更是同时获得“最佳餐饮酒单——杰出奖”。同时,酒店亦首次摘得“最佳德国酒酒单”殊荣。此外,今年中国年度酒单亦首次表彰那些为高品质葡萄酒付出心血的优秀个人。葡京综合城餐饮总监罗富华先生(Paul LO)获得“中国年度杰出餐饮管理者——港澳台地区”及“中国年度酒 单大奖——名人堂”荣誉。在他的努力下,新葡京酒店现已成为拥有逾17,000 款名酒佳酿的收藏地。
China’s Wine List of the Year has awarded all the signature restaurants at Grand Lisboa Hotel – Robuchon au Dôme, The 8, Casa Don Alfonso and The Kitchen – with the highest honour of the “3 Glasses Award”. Robuchon au Dôme was even granted as “Best Restaurant Wine List—Outstanding”. And, for the first time, Grand Lisboa received accolades for “Best Listing of German Wines”. In yet another first this year, China’s Wine List is celebrating individuals for their investment in high-quality wines, and has honoured Mr. Paul LO, Director of Food & Beverage for Lisboa Complex with both “Outstanding F&B Director – Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan” and “China’s Wine List of the Year—Hall of Fame” awards. Through his efforts, Grand Lisboa is now home to an extraordinary collection of more than 17,000 wine labels.

Mr. Paul LO

“此次新葡京酒店获得多项2019中国年度酒单大奖的最高荣誉,我们倍感欣喜,”葡京综合城餐饮总监罗富华先生(Paul LO)表示。“今年,新葡京酒店亦收获了许多重要的“第一次”。四间特色餐厅首次共同摘得最高殊荣“三杯卓越奖”,同时酒店亦第一次荣膺“最佳德国酒酒单”。而我本人也非常荣幸能够代表酒店获得“中国年度杰出餐饮管理者——港澳台地区”以及“中国年度酒单大奖——名人堂”。这些奖项皆肯定了新葡京酒店一直以来致力于为宾客提供来自世界各地最优质佳酿而做出的努力。“
“Grand Lisboa Hotel is thrilled to receive the highest honours from China’s Award List of the Year 2019,” Mr. Paul LO, Director of Food & Beverage for the Lisboa Complex said. “This is also a year of many important firsts. For the first time, all four of our signature restaurants have received the ‘3 Glasses Award’, and we have been recognised for our ‘Best Listing of German Wines’. It is also a true privilege to receive recognition as ‘Outstanding F&B Director’ and ‘China’s Wine List of the Year—Hall of Fame’ on behalf of the hotels. These awards are the reflection of our continued commitment toward providing the finest quality of wines from around the world for our guests.”

新葡京酒店以其非凡的德国葡萄酒收藏获得了2019中国年度酒单的认可。酒店的酒窖珍藏了83,000款德国葡萄酒,其中附有曼弗雷德·普朗博士(Dr. Manfred Prüm)亲笔签名的1959 J.J. Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling TBA “Auction wine Trier 2008”臻酿,是德国葡萄酒收藏中最珍贵的酒款之一。
China’s Wine List of the Year 2019 has also recognised Grand Lisboa for its impressive collection of German wines. The hotel is home to 83,000 bottles of German wines and one of the most important bottles in this collection is the 1959 J.J. Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling TBA “Auction wine Trier 2008″ signed by Dr. Manfred Prüm himself.

年度酒单旨在为提升酒单质量而付出时间与资源的餐厅与个人给予认可及表彰。创立于2012年的中国年度酒单大奖,以寻找、评估、认可与奖励大中华地区餐饮界的最佳酒单为使命,并由来自世界各地最受尊敬的葡萄酒、葡萄酒服务及葡萄酒评论专家组成评审团,对各酒单作出肯定、表彰及推广。The Wine List of the Year Awards recognises and rewards the investment in time and resources that go into developing the best quality wine lists. Launched in 2012, the mission of China’s Wine List of the Year Awards is to seek out, assess, recognise and reward the best Wine Lists in hospitality throughout the Greater China region. The panel of judges are comprised of some of the world’s most respected experts from around the world in Wine, Wine Service and Wine Commentary.

如遇查询更多有关新葡京酒店信息,请电话联系:(853) 2828 3838,或网页浏览:https://www.grandlisboahotels.com。
For more information on Grand Lisboa Hotel, please contact: (853) 2828 3838 or visit: https://www.grandlisboahotels.com.