5 月 21 日,由广东英国商会主办的“2021 杰出商业女性论坛”于深圳蛇口希尔顿酒店成功举办并圆满落幕。本次活动特别邀请了四位来自不同行业的会员企业的优秀女性代表,就“挑战自我·砥砺前行”的主题与现场来宾分享各自的解读和心路历程,并联手会员企业艾珈莎琥、赛立复、BRAND BY MEI 等共创伙伴,带来别出心裁的艺术陈列和互动体验,共同打造一场“五月里最具艺术美感的女性盛会”,受到现场近 250 名来自大湾区政商各界来宾的一致好评。
On May 21, the “Women in Business Forum 2021” hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong was successfully held at the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai. Four VIP keynote speech speakers from different fields were invited to share their insights and stories around the theme “Choose to Challenge”. Together with AJOY SAHU, CELFULL, BRAND BY MEI, and other two sponsors, guests were treated to different experiences ranging from a mini art exhibition to fully interactive experiences – resulting in an event aptly titled the “Most Artistic Female Event in May”. The event attracted almost 250 people from all walks of life in the Greater Bay Area and was warmly received by our guests.

广东英国商会作为致力于支持广东地区中英商贸的非营利机构,自 1996 年成立以来,一直关注中英及国际社群中商业女性的相关议题。近年来,随着 “她经济”的蓬勃发展、女性议题备受关注,广东英国商会于 2012 年顺势推出“杰出商业女性论坛”系列主题活动,主要针对中外企业高管、创业家、外交官、政府机构及主流媒体代表关心的商业女性话题进行分享交流,目前已连续 9 年成功在广州、深圳两地举办,累计邀请逾 40 名杰出商业女性嘉宾进行主题演讲分享、近 3000 观众线下参与论坛活动、辐射影响力超 500 万受众。
The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, founded in 1996, is an independent, non-profit organization. Ever since then, we have been paying attention to issues related to businesswomen in the Chinese, British and international communities. In recent years, with the vigorous development of “she economy” and women’s issues attracting attention, BritCham Guangdong launched a series of theme events “Women in Business Forum” in 2012, mainly targeting Chinese and foreign corporate executives, entrepreneurs, diplomats, representatives of institutions and mainstream media. Through those events, topics and discussions relating to women in the business world have been shared and exchanged. The event has been held each year for the past nine years in Guangzhou and Shenzhen and has welcomed 40 speakers and over 3,000 guests in total. An online audience of over 5 million has also linked into these events over the years.

Elite Businesswomen
from Home and Abroad
Share Their Experience of
Challenging Themselves
论坛开场,广东英国商会的主席赵利民先生(Mr. Jeremy Sargent OBE)首先代表商会致欢迎辞,感谢各位贵宾及来宾的支持与参与。他表示,20 年多年前他第一次到访广州,如今人们对女性的刻板印象已发生巨大改变。作为拥有众多女性会员的商会主席和一位商业男性代表,他十分认可、支持和重视本次女性论坛及与系列相关活动。他还指出,本次论坛的所有赞助商和演讲嘉宾、及台下大部分嘉宾都是商会的会员代表,这反映了论坛在会员群体中的受欢迎程度,他对此感到非常的荣幸与自豪。
At the opening of the forum, Mr. Jeremy Sargent OBE, Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, first delivered a welcome speech on behalf of BritCham, thanking all the distinguished VIPs and guests for their support and participation. Since his first visit to Guangzhou two decades ago, people’s stereotypes toward women have changed phenomenally. Jeremy, as the Chair of BritCham with many female members as well as a male business representative himself, very much recognizes, supports, and values the Women in Business Forum and related activities. He also pointed out that all the sponsors and speakers at this year’s forum, as well as most of the guests in the audience, were BritCham members, testament to the popularity of the forum among members. BritCham see this is a great honour and something to cherish.
随后,本次大会的特邀嘉宾及广东英国商会的战略合作伙伴——英国驻广州总领事馆总领事贺颂雅女士(Ms. Jo Hawley)在致辞中坦言,作为一个两岁男孩的妈妈,她在成为职场妈妈以后也曾面临巨大的挑战和质疑。贺颂雅女士结合调研报告说明,职场妈妈实际上是非常高效的职场群体,她们斗志昂扬,长期需要兼顾孩子和工作的各种琐事,往往是出色的项目经理;她鼓励在场的职场妈妈勇于挑战自我,也呼吁职场里的女性领袖们多支持和激励职场妈妈和年轻女性。
Subsequently, Ms. Jo Hawley, the British Consulate General in Guangzhou as well as special guest of this forum, and the strategic partner of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, gave us an inspiring speech and admitted frankly that as the mother of a two-year-old boy, she also faced huge challenges in the workplace. Jo proved with research data the fact that working moms are very efficient. They are highly motivated, and need to take care of their children as well as issues at work for a long time, which make them excellent project managers. She also encouraged working mothers to challenge themselves, and called on female leaders in the workplace to offer more support to working mothers and young women.
Dr Juliane Hitzel was delivering a speech under the topic of “Follow your heart to find your former self through challenges”
演讲环节的第一位演讲嘉宾——何友娜博士(Dr Juliane Hitzel)是英商会会员企业赛立复(中国)线粒体医学研究院的高级研究员。作为一位在生物科技领域拥有突出成绩的年轻女性科研人员,何友娜博士首先分享了她在攻读博士学位期间应对繁重学业和跨文化团队协作面临的挑战和突破;以及她在加入赛立复以后,利用专业素养、理性思维及女性的细腻心思,带领团队一起攻克线粒体抗衰老科技课题的心路历程。最后,何友娜博士欢迎在场的女性朋友一起加入赛立复线粒体研究项目“赫柏青春计划”(Hebe PLAN),为解开人类抗衰老奥秘一同挑战自我,助力人类抗衰老科学事业发展。
Our first guest speaker, Dr. Juliane Hitzel, is a Senior Researcher of the Institute of Mitochondrial Medicine, CELFULL, a member company of BritCham Guangdong. As a young female scientific researcher with outstanding achievements in the field of biotechnology, Dr. Hitzel first shared the challenges and breakthroughs she faced in dealing with numerous research projects and cross-cultural teamwork during her Ph.D. studies. After joining CELFULL, she led the team to conquer the mitochondrial anti-aging scientific and technological topics with her professional qualities, rational thinking, and delicate thoughts as a woman. At the end of her speech, Dr. Hitzel welcomed all female friends present to join the Hebe PLAN, a mitochondrial research project of CELFULL, to challenge themselves in unlocking the human anti-aging mystery and to help promote the scientific development in this field.
Ms. Grace Liang was delivering a speech under the topic of “Be My sHero”
第二位演讲嘉宾——梁睿女士(Ms. Grace Liang)是英商会会员企业罗德传播集团的高级副总裁兼广州、深圳总经理。梁睿女士从自身成长经历出发,讲述了自己作为一个平凡而普通的女孩,一点一点通过自己的努力实现品牌传播职业理想的成长故事:作为“独孩政策”实施的第一代,她在原生家庭的超高期待中成长;幸运的是,她依然能找到自己仰慕的女性榜样,并在她们的影响下一路“升级打怪”,成长为业界的女性领袖。梁睿女士表示:“作为一名平平无奇的非天赋型选手,我更容易共情平凡女性所面对的每一个挑战,这也是我带领团队从事女性营销的优势所在。”
Our second speaker, Ms. Grace Liang, is Senior Vice President & General Manager, Guangzhou & Shenzhen, Ruder Finn Communications, also a longstanding member company of BritCham Guangdong. Ms. Liang started by sharing her own experiences of growing up. She was an ordinary girl but with her efforts, step by step, she has successfully embarked on the career path in the communication industry, which had always been her dream. She was the first generation after the “one-child policy” and was raised in a world of great expectations from her parents. Fortunately, she still managed to find her own female role models who has greatly empowered and encouraged her to forge ahead and become one of the women leaders in the industry. Ms. Liang said, “As an ordinary, non-talented person myself, I am more able to put myself in the position of women like me for all the challenges they are and will be faced with. This also means great advantage when I am leading the marketing campaign targeted at women. “
Ms. Beth Jones was delivering a speech under the topic of “How to survive and thrive through challenge?”
第三位演讲嘉宾——Beth Jones 女士是英商会会员企业爱莎国际教育集团的市场传讯总监。来自英国威尔士的 Jones 女士从一名母亲和教育工作者的角度,通过分享她从事国际教育 30 年来游历欧美、亚洲、中东等地的个人事业轨迹,及她三位优秀且精通双语(英语和希腊语)的女儿的几个有趣的成长故事,向在场的职场妈妈传达了她具体有国际化视野的教育理念和独特的育儿心得,也藉此鼓励女性要从自我做起,为我们下一代的孩子们尤其是女孩儿们树立无惧困难、用于挑战自我的女性榜样。
The third speaker was Ms. Beth Jones, Director of Marketing and Communications, ISA International Education Group, a member enterprise of BritCham Guangdong. Ms. Jones delivered a thought-provoking speech – with a focus on “How to survive and thrive through challenges?” As a mother and an educator, she shared her career experience of international education across Europe, America, Asia and Middle East over the past 30 years. At the same time, she also shared with the audience interesting moments of raising three bilingual daughters who are fluent in both English and Greek. She introduced working mothers to her education concepts with an international vision and distinctive experience of child education. With these stories, she encouraged all the mothers to set role models for their children, especially girls, who are fearless and constantly challenging themselves.
Ms. Tammy Tang delivering her speech “Would you like to be successful, independent and free?”
邓懿君(Ms. Tammy Tang),高力国际的中国区董事总经理。她是业内公认的商界女性精英,拥有 20 多年的 B2C 和 B2B 跨行业的商业运营经验。台上这位气质卓群的跨国企业女总裁,竟出人意料地在演讲中大胆揭露她的成长路上不为人知、颇有传奇色彩的奋斗史:事业瓶颈期勇于挑战和突破自我,扭转困境;在国际咨询公司快速成长,从“小白”逆袭成销售冠军;自律日常让她从初级经纪人晋升为总裁,带领团队斩获多项大奖,创造行业多个第一。最后,她还分享如何塑造有内外兼修的优雅女性,家庭与生活的平衡之道,激励大家勇敢前行。
The fourth speaker, Ms. Tammy Tang, is the Managing Director of Colliers, a member company of BritCham Guangdong. Ms. Tang is well recognized as an outstanding female business leader with more than 20 years’ experience of B2C and B2B business operations across a wide range of industries. It was hard to believe this confident and remarkable female senior executive on the stage would disclose her ups and downs in the early years, which had been little-known but legendary as well. Ms. Tang was never afraid to push herself to the limits when faced with bottlenecks in her career and she always managed to turn the tables. From a green hand to the sales champion, Ms. Tang achieved rapid progress in the international consulting company. Her self-discipline got her promoted from a mere junior broker to the Managing Director, and helped her team win multiple awards and harvested many top rankings in the industry. In the last part, Ms. Tang offered practical solutions of balancing family and career and becoming an elegant lady and also encouraged all the women to press forward bravely.
大会主持人由广州加拿大国际学校家校沟通及公共关系主管、《城市家》杂志主编李娜女士(Ms. Lena Gidwani)担任。作为广东英国商会的教育行业会员企业代表及合作媒体代表两重身份,李娜女士与英商会一直保持紧密的沟通与合作,曾担任多场商会大型活动及晚宴的主持人。谈及对大会主题的解读,李娜女士选择用一句简洁而有力的“Stand Up, Speak Up(站起来,说出来)”,来呼吁各位女性无惧未知,勇于挑战与发声。
Our host for the day was Ms. Lena Gidwani, Director of Communications and Community Relations of Canadian International School of Guangzhou and Editor-in-Chief of Urban Family Magazine. As the representative of both the BritCham member company in the education industry and the media partner, Lena has maintained a close relationship and deep cooperation with BritCham and has previously helped us hosting many large-scale BritCham events and dinners. “Stand Up, Speak Up”, a concise and powerful sentence, was Lena’s interpretation of the theme of the forum “Choose to Challenge”. She called on all women to be brave enough to challenge themselves, and to speak up with confidence.
During the panel discussion, Ms. Jo Hawley, HM Consul-General in Guangzhou, and four other guest speakers were invited to the stage to discuss and answer questions on topics of concern to the audience. A number of defining moments in the discussions were captured by all.
论坛结束后,48 位来自广州、深圳、中山等地的特邀嘉宾出席了本次大会的 VIP 精英晚宴,其中包括来自英国驻广州总领事馆、英中贸易协会、伦敦发展促进署及地产、教育、时尚、科技、供应链、传媒、展会等行业的女性代表及关注女性议题的男性嘉宾,共同就论坛中大家共同关心的议题进行更加深入的交流和探讨。
Following the forum, 48 VIP guests from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhongshan and other places attended the VIP Exclusive Dinner, including representatives from the British Consulate in Guangzhou, the China-Britain Business Council, London & Partners, and other industries such as the real estate, education, fashion and technology. All the guests joined together for in-depth exchanges and discussions on topics of common concern.
Excellent Sponsors
Helping Female Elites in the GBA
Choose to Challenge
本次活动中,英商会会员企业 AJOY SAHU(艾珈莎琥)、 BRAND BY MEI 、CELFULL (赛立复)、罗德传播集团及爱莎国际教育集团作为大会的赞助商精彩亮相,通过企业品牌的优势,覆盖职场女性所需的时尚休闲、健康生活、家庭教育、品牌传播等领域,助力职场女性挑战自我,实现自我价值。品牌方在现场精心巧妙的布置和契合大会主题的内容传播,获得了现场来宾的欢迎和好评。
AJOY SAHU, BRAND BY MEI, CELFULL, Ruder Finn and ISA International Education Group were the sponsors of Women in Business Forum 2021 to help women choose to challenge. The brands cover the fields of fashion, leisure, healthy life, family education, brand communication and other fields for women in the workplace, and help them challenge themselves and realize their self-value. The brands’ meticulous layout of the booth and the philosophy in line with the theme of the forum were welcomed and acclaimed by the guests.
活动现场,英国设计师轻奢鞋履品牌 AJOY SAHU (艾珈莎琥)巧妙地以自然、简约的艺术装置,向来宾呈现了最具品牌辨识度的虞美人花朵元素和华丽的鞋履展示台。传达了品牌一贯的使命感——为职场女性创造更多赋有价值感的轻奢产品,将舒适科技与时尚穿着,华丽面料与功能结构无缝结合。向来宾赠送的虞美人镀金胸针,用黄铜的硬朗呈现花瓣轮廓曼妙的美态,刚柔并济,完美诠释女性力量。
As an affordable designer brand from England, AJOY SAHU ingeniously decorated the booth with the poppy elements and the concept of nature and simplicity. Compared with the fast fashion, AJOY SAHU provides more classic, exquisite, wearable, and easy-matching products for Elite women. The poppy brooch in the gift bag for guests is beautifully made by the brass and presented as a graceful shape which best epitomizes the beauty and power of women.
Ms. Joey Zhao, Co-Founder of AJOY SAHU, was delivering a speech to explain the brand philosophy
AJOY SAHU 品牌联合创始人赵芝仪(Joey Zhao)女士在大会发言中表示,品牌初心是创造更多赋有价值感的轻奢产品,用搭配不费力的原创设计与高品质产品,降低无必要的购买频率,打破快时尚局限,做轻奢界的笃定者。赵女士还提到:“我们曾与国家级非遗传承人、著名的苏绣艺术家邹英姿老师跨界合作,将苏绣艺术呈现于鞋面上。未来,我们将持续开放和时尚界乃至跨界精英的合作,将 AJOY SAHU 打造成显化梦想的平台。”
Ms. Joey Zhao, Co-Founder of AJOY SAHU, said that the original aspiration of the brand was to create more valuable entry lux products that were easy-matching, originally designed and of high-quality. AJOY SAHU aimed to overcome the limitations of fast fashion, and were determined in upholding their philosophy. Ms. Zhao also mentioned that AJOY SAHU has worked with the famous Suzhou embroidery artist Ms. Yingzi Zou to present the Suzhou embroidery on our shoes. In the future, AJOY SAHU will continue to open up to the cooperation with the elites in the fashion and other industries, and make the brand a dream-realizing platform.
本土原创女性服装品牌 BRAND BY MEI 的理念与“商业女性论坛”精英人群 “精致,优雅,职场”的画像所契合,为此特别在大会现场展示了五个由鲜花簇拥、身着品牌服饰风格鲜明的模特陈设,用点、线、面的方式去诠释品牌的与众不同与精致:基础款为“点”以极致的剪裁,传递 “少既是多,版型为王”的设计理念;时尚款为“线”传递 “源于经典,高于经典”的设计理念;优雅为“面”传递“源于通勤,致力优雅”的理念。
The concept of BRAND BY MEI is in line with the delicate, elegant and professional characteristics of the elite group of “Women in Business Forum”. Five models were presented in the booth to demonstrate the uniqueness and delicacy of Brand BY Mei from the perspective of “point”, “line” and “surface”. The basic styles are the “point” with the ultimate tailoring, delivering the design concept of “less is more, version is king”; the fashion styles are the “line” which is based on the design concept, “from the classic, higher than the classic”; the elegant styles are the “surface” and convey the concept of “from commuting, committed to elegance”.
BRAND BY MEI 联合创始人 Mei Li 女士在发言中袒露了自己创立品牌的心路历程:凭着对理想的坚持和执着,从一个平凡的、毫无背景的小女生,从一个农村女孩儿一步步成长为时尚品牌橱窗陈列师、再成为备受都市精英人士认可的时尚品牌创业者。这一蜕变经历和品牌故事与论坛主题不谋而合,打动了在场的众多来宾。
In the speech, Ms. Mei Li, Co-Founder of BRAND BY MEI, disclosed her own experience of establishing the brand. From an ordinary girl in the rural areas to a fashion brand displayer and later a fashion brand entrepreneur, Mei wrote her own story of “Choose to Challenge” with her persistence and perseverance to ideals, echoing the theme of the forum.
专注细胞线粒体抗衰的国际品牌赛立复(CELFULL),由一支强大的生物医学博士带领的技术团队打造,自 2001 年创立至今,一直致力于运用线粒体医学研究改善每个生命阶段的健康状况,其科研成果已先后在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本上市、19 年进入中国。
本次活动,赛立复为来宾们精心准备了多款拥有领先生物科技的王牌产品,包括抗衰黑科技 NADH 口服片、焕颜胶原蛋白粉、品牌旗下 Celfemale 美妆系列的王牌产品 NADH 抗糖祛黄急救面膜等,助力繁忙工作之中的职场女性,迅速恢复身体机能及肌肤状态,在重要场合时刻保持最佳状态,光彩照人。
CELFULL(China) prepared a variety of ace products with leading biotechnology for the guests at the forum, including CELFULL NADH, CELFULL NADH Anti Aging Mask and CELFULL Collagen Peptide Powder,etc. CELFULL NADH Anti Aging Mask is the flagship product of Celfemale beauty series under the US CELFULL brand. It applies NADH transdermal patent technology (patent number: ZL201810979315.3) and 4 natural plant extracts, with patented TurnA, Anti-Sugar Aid Mask retains the natural active structure and helps women in busy work to quickly recover skin condition. It can remove yellow, brighten and replenish skin in one step. When you are in important occasions, you are the most beautiful one.
本届“广东英国商会杰出商业女性论坛”圆满落幕,再次成功通过大会平台汇聚和链接了广东英国商会会员企业及大湾区政商界的优秀女性代表,也再次向外界传达了广东英国商会 “链接你我,共创商机”(“Joining the Dots”)的理念。适逢广东英国商会创立 25 周年,商会将继续关注商业女性议题并举行相关活动,并在下半年举行更多精彩的高峰论坛、商务对接交流活动及中英文化盛会,也期待更多有志于推动中英商贸合作的企业和个人加入到广东英国商会的大家庭!
The “BritCham Guangdong Women in Business Forum 2021” was a great success – helping to join BritCham member companies with outstanding representatives of businesswomen in the Greater Bay Area. The forum once again practiced its mantra “Joining the Dots” with the outside world.Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the founding of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, BritCham will continue to pay attention to issues related to women in business and hold related activities. During the next half year, BritCham is planning a range of high quality summit forums, business exchanges and Sino-British cultural events. As always, we also welcome to have companies and individuals to join us as BritCham members and engage in our mission of promoting China-UK business cooperation.
If you weren’t be able to join this event and still want to connect with our speakers and have a glance at the forum, don’t forget to follow BritCham GD WeChat Account (ID: britchamgd) and type in “WIB” to get access to the photos and video review!
Women in Business 2021 was a great success. If you have any inspiring speaker recommendation for our forum next year, please contact us.
Your story with Women in Business Forum is to be continued.
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Eman Zou 邹媛媛
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