This month at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall, take a trip down memory lane with ‘A Night of Melodies from Movies and TV dramas’ brought to you by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.

The Power of Music in Motion Picture

自从电影问世以来,音乐就成了影视娱乐中不可或缺的一部分。 20世纪初,在默片时代,音乐家们经常通过现场演奏为电影配乐。 上世纪八九十年代,电影、电视进入千家万户,成为了人们首要的娱乐方式。 因此,影视剧音乐进入人们的生活,成为了一代人的集体记忆。 现在,音乐仍然是我们电影文化中的核心部分。 也许我们对音乐的存在已司空见惯,习以为常,但一旦失去了音乐,我们定会惘然若失,满腹惆怅。 因此,一部电影没有配乐或一部电视剧没有主题,看起来就有些怪异或残缺不全。 在最精彩的电影情节里,配乐或配音绝对是一个必不可少的组成部分,它能勾起我们对电影或电视情节的回忆。
Since the arrival of motion picture, music has been an integral part of entertainment, both on the big and small screen. In the early 1900s, in the midst of the silent film era, musicians often accompanied the movies with a live soundtrack. In the 1980s and 1990s, watching film and television became the primary form of entertainment. The soundtracks of these movies and TV dramas thus became the collective memories of a generation. Now, music remains a central part of the way we consume motion picture. Even though we might not always notice the music that is there, we certainly notice when it is absent. Subsequently, a film without a score or a TV show without a theme seems strange or incomplete. In the most iconic cinematic moments, the score or soundtrack is categorically inseparable from our recollection of the film or TV show’s events.

这场音乐会的演出内容既有影视剧的原创音乐,也有精心挑选的配乐。 虽然每一首乐曲都具有自身的独特魅力,但与电影情节结合后,更加引人入胜,扣人心弦。 这些都是人们耳熟能详的乐曲,曾经影响过一代又一代的观众,每当听到这些乐曲,人们就会开怀大笑,甚至热泪盈眶,这是很多观众共同的经历。 电影的作用可叙事,而音乐的作用则是将这种叙事引向更加遥远的过去。 一段没有音乐伴奏的电影画面未免让人失望,然而,一段没有画面的原声音乐却能唤起人们美好的回忆和情感上的共鸣,让人心潮起伏,思绪万千。
This concert comprises of both original scores and handpicked soundtracks. Each piece is captivating in itself and yet the accompaniment of motion picture has allowed the pieces to adopt a special place in our hearts. These are songs which generations of viewers will recall listening to while experiencing scenes which possess the power to induce laughter or even tears. Motion picture was created for the purpose of telling stories and music has been used to tell stories for as far as our history dates back. Although rewatching a scene without the music can be a disappointing experience, revisiting the soundtrack without the picture conjures fond memories, familiar emotions, and provokes the imagination.

A Nostalgic Performance For All To Enjoy

由香港中乐团主演的这场影视之夜音乐会将举行两场,这是一场特别的音乐会, 专门为不同年龄层的观众精心打造,具有无穷的艺术魅力。
For two nights only, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra will pay tribute to the invaluable contribution of music to film and television. This tribute will take the form of a specially curated concert. The program has been carefully designed to captivate an audience of all ages.

在常任指挥周熙杰的率领下,香港中乐团将上演一场具有怀旧色彩的音乐会。周熙杰于2002年加入香港中乐团,曾多次获得国际大奖。 周指挥的音乐作品富东南亚独特风格,亦把独特的中国音乐文化带给世界各地的观众。
For this nostalgic performance, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra will be led by their resident conductor, Chew Hee Chiat. Chew first joined HKCO in 2002 and he has since attained many international awards. Chew has shared his gift and the unique culture of Chinese music with audiences from all around the world.

香港中乐团首席唢呐演奏家及「2016香港艺术发展奖—艺术新秀奖(音乐)」得奖者馬玮谦将演奏唢呐及管子。 他将以唢呐演奏电影《苏乞儿》中的配乐,由顾嘉辉作曲,定会成为音乐会的一大亮点。
HKCO’s Suona Principal and Hong Kong Arts Development Awards “Young Artist” of 2016 Ma Wai Him will be performing on both the Suona and the Guanzi. His Suona performance in Joseph Koo’s score from the Legend of Master So is certainly a concert highlight.

A Surprising Program

音乐会以六首电影配乐开始。前两首乐曲取自中国经典电影《苏乞儿》和《戏班小子》,由顾嘉辉作曲并编排,作品于2008年1月在香港文化中心音乐厅举行的「 顾嘉辉名曲精选」音乐会上首演。
The program begins with six cinematic scores. The first two scores have been composed and arranged by Joseph Koo. The pieces are taken from the iconic Chinese movies Legend of Master So and The Understudy. Koo’s composition premiered in January 2008 during the “All-time Favorites by Joseph Koo” concert at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.

音乐会还将演奏1958年上映的中国舞剧《小刀会》的序曲,为电影《如来神掌》的配乐。 该乐曲融合了明清江南民间音乐的风格。 序曲以充满激情和活力的音乐拉开了电影的序幕,将主人翁的悲剧故事逐步推向高潮。 音乐将影片开场时的场景重现在观众面前,让人联想到鸦片战争和晚清政府的衰落。 序曲没有对电影的其余情节做进一步的演绎,也许为观众留下更多的想象空间是最好的选择。
The “Prelude” from the 1958 Chinese dance drama, Dagger Society, film music of Buddha Palm, will also be performed. The music combines the folk music of Jiangnan of the Ming and Qing period. The prelude introduces the film with passion and vigour, preparing audiences for the tragic tale of heroes. Audiences will relive the emotions of the film’s opening as the music conjures images of the Opium War and the decline of the Qing regime. The rest of the film pieces are perhaps best left a mystery.

这场音乐会的一个突出亮点是由胡伟立编曲的《影视金曲联奏》(选段), 乐曲带领观众体验香港娱乐史上最具标志性的银幕片断。 观众无需辨别,即可直接听出包括《至尊无上II之永霸天下》原声中的「一起走过的日子」和电影《醉拳II》中的「挟枪制刀」等乐曲。
A sure highlight of the concert is the medley piece arranged by William Wu. “Golden Hits from Television and Movies” takes audiences on a journey through some of the most iconic on-screen moments in Hong Kong entertainment history. Without giving too much away, audiences will be able to pick out themes including “Times We Have Gone through Together” from the Casino Raiders II original soundtrack and “Tricks to Seize the Upper Hand in Close Combat” from the movie The Legend of the Drunken Master II.

除此之外,香港中乐团亦会演奏丽的电视连续剧《大地恩情》的主题曲,由黎小田作曲。 上世纪80年代香港剧集《天蚕变》的粉丝们也将在惊心动魄的演奏中重温这一主题曲。
For the TV drama segment of the concert, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra will be playing the theme from the ATV drama series Fatherland as arranged by Michael Lai. Fans of the 1980’s Hong Kong show Reincarnated will also enjoy revisiting the theme in a chilling orchestral rendition.

A Night of Melodies and Memories

「银影留声」音乐会将以精彩纷呈的表演,向观众奉上一台饕餮的音乐盛宴,让观众领略香港中乐团的魅力以及香港对世界电影音乐的突出贡献。 这是一场让人受益匪浅的音乐盛会。 也许一些经典的音乐主题对年轻观众来说有些陌生,但这对他们来说是一次抚今追昔,展望未来的难得机遇。 对其他人来说,香港大会堂音乐厅将变身为浓缩的时间胶囊,透过这些多年流行的音乐,定能解开那些沉睡已久的记忆。
The “A Night of Melodies from Movies and TV Dramas” concert will take audiences on an emotionally charged journey through the musical highlights of Hong Kong’s contribution to the world of motion picture. The program truly offers something for everyone. Younger audiences who may be less familiar with some of the classic themes will nonetheless be transported to scenes of the past. For others, the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall will transform into a time capsule, unlocking memories through the melodies that have been so prevalent over the years.

A Night of Melodies from Movies and TV Dramas

日期和时间: 2020年1月3-4日 (周五,周六) 晚上 8:00
Date and Time: 3-4/1/2020 (Fri, Sat) 8:00 pm

地点: 香港大会堂音乐厅
Venue: Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall

票价: $170, $220, $280, $350
Ticket Fee: $170, $220, $280, $350


Chew Hee Chiat 周熙杰

Performed by:

管子、唢呐: 马玮谦
Suona, Guanzi: Ma Wai Him

备注: 音乐会约于晚上 9:30 结束,不设中场休息。敬请留意。
Notes: The concert will end at about 9:30 pm with no intermission. Thank you.

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