Recently, DB spoke to Anna Yuan, owners’ representative of Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Having worked in the hotel industry for more than 20 years, Ms. Anna is inextricably interwoven with the hotel industry. Luckily enough, DB was able to listen to her story and experience with the hotel. In addition, she also shares her views and talks about the plans on the future development of Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.
DB:基于您对酒店业的长期了解,相比于市中心其他同类档次的酒店,广州白云机场铂尔曼大酒店拥有的优势在哪? Based on your understanding of the hotel industry, how do you think of the advantages of Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, compared to other similar hotels in the city center?
The advantages of hotels mainly depend on location. Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport is close to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, which is its major advantage.
DB:白云机场现在已经是国际机场,酒店是如何应对这巨大的旅客吞吐量的?How does Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport deal with the large passenger throughput since Baiyun Airport became an International Airport?
From 2007 to now, as the passenger throughput has increased from 25 million to 65 million, the total number of supplied hotel rooms in the surrounding area has increased ten-fold, from 1600 rooms to nearly 12,000 now, and it continues to increase. To adjust the marketing strategy of the hotel and successfully transit the passenger throughput into our real customers, we need to understand the airline route layout, identify the destination of passengers, and master the regularity of passengers’ check-in time.
DB:您在酒店行业几乎担任过所有的职位,精通各个部门的工作和业务。您如何从这些工作经验中获益并运用于后来的岗位中?You have held almost all the positions in the hospitality industry, specializing in the work and business of each department. How do you benefit from these work experiences and consequently apply them to your later positions?
Basically, the staff cadres in the hotel will shift to a new job every three years. Such training has brought me a lot of learning opportunities and allowed me to reach different positions in the hotel. Since coming to the hotel in 2007, I have been involved in coordination, operations management and marketing, so I am familiar with hotel business. Once we get to know different jobs, we will learn how to think about problems from the standpoint of each other. Therefore, I perform my duties in three aspects including: preparations beforehand (budget and benchmark), measures during the process (supervision and control) and afterwards (supervision and control). If we can keep every aspect running well, then the management company and the owners will get on well with each other and perform better.
DB:因为您所在的管理公司通常是国外的,您会觉得存在文化差异吗?Do you think there are cultural differences when you are in the management companies, which are usually foreign companies?
Actually, I have been doing the marketing sales for a long time, which means I have met lots of customers from home and abroad. So I don’t feel much difference culturally. After working in different positions in the hotel, I was able to better understand their needs. As long as we pay attention to daily communication, the problem of cultural differences can certainly be solved.
DB:目前各大酒店都在提倡女性领导力,您认为自己在这个领域有何贡献?作为一名女性高管,在酒店的管理策略上您有什么新的见解吗?At present, many hotels are advocating for female leadership. Do you think that you have made contribution in these fields? As a female executive, do you have any new ideas about the hotel management?
As women, working in hospitality industry means we have to pay more efforts than men and be more considerate due to the nature of the hotel industry. Engaging in the hotel industry for more than 20 years, I totally appreciate the meticulous service provided by the hotel. In this case, I think the biggest difference between women and men is that women possess more insights and a more sensitive and careful personality in handling things.
DB:您对酒店的未来发展有什么看法?What are your thoughts on the future development of Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport?
Government of Guangdong province proposes to construct Guangdong as a powerful civil aviation province. In other words, the pattern of airports in the future will become 5+4. Consequently, new airports are going to be built in Guangzhou, such as Foshan and Zengcheng Airport. In accordance with the positioning strategy of the Airport Group, each airport will be connected with an airport industrial park as well as a hotel in it. With the opening of the T2 Terminal, there will be a significant increase in passenger throughput at Baiyun Airport, and it is expected to approach 90 million by 2020. This high passenger throughput is bound to bring opportunities and challenges to the hotel industry. Thus, we still have a long way to go.
DB:您在酒店行业打拼了二十几年,您对其拥有怎么样一种感情?You have worked in the hotel industry for more than twenty years. How do you feel about your work?
When I came to Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, the business was below performed.So, the management company wrote a report to the head office and hoped to find a person that was familiar with the entire source market. Therefore I was assigned to the hotel. I felt it was a sacred mission for me since the leaders put so much trust in me. In about two to three months, we slowly adjusted the source market by organizing the original customers and gradually the hotel developed. Before I left in 2012, the hotel’s annual occupancy rate was about 90%. Of course, this was also thanks to the continuous development of airline routes of Baiyun Airport, which brought to the hotel a steady stream of customers. In the past few years, I still served as the sales director of Pullman, responsible for the hotel’s major customers, and continue to contribute to the development of Pullman.
DB:您在酒店行业工作了二十几年,遇到困难或者挑战的是怎么应对的?You have worked in the hotel industry for two decades. What difficulties or challenges have you encountered and how did you deal with them?
Although I don’t always set goals for myself, once I do, I will stick to them. I do not want to escape when I have troubles, instead I will solve it with the help of other people or my leaders. Sometimes difficulty is a challenge to individuals, which will turn out to be good experience.
DB:您怎么看待专门去培养某一部分的人才这种做法?How do you think of the training methods that cultivating talents in particular fields?
From my point of view, I would rather let everyone go through various positions. By doing so, they will think about problems more comprehensively. If we train them in one particular position, it will ultimately restrict their development if they want to get promote, which requires them to control the market from a macro point of view.