今天与撞艺术的执行董事Candy Hou和艺术家Viki Min见了面。 撞艺术在香港举办艺术导赏团,他们赢得了2016年Tripadvisor的奖项。今天的采访中,DB主要探讨了撞艺术正在做的事情,以及他们的使命。
Meet CEO Candy Hou and art expert, Viki Min. Accidental Art run art tours in Hong Kong, which they won a Tripadvisor award for in 2016. In today’s interview, DB finds out more about what you can expect on these tours and the mission of the people that run it.
DB: “撞艺术”是什么?“意外地”是什么意思?What is “Accidental Art” and what do you mean by “accidental”?
Candy: 撞艺术是一个艺术推广及咨询平台。我们希望把艺术带到每个人的生活里。我们会定期举办艺术导赏团和组织艺术展览。撞艺术是一个年轻、有活力的平台,我们相信艺术可以在任何时间,成为任何人生活中的一部分,而不只是局限于你去参观画廊的时候。在任何一个地方你都有可能碰见艺术,这就是我们所说的“意外的”。
Candy: Accidental Art is an art promotion and consultancy platform. We try to bring art to everyone’s life. We lead regular art walking tours and organise arts exhibitions. We are a young and energetic platform and we believe that art can be part of our life anytime, anywhere and not necessarily just when you go to galleries. You can run into art anywhere and that is what we mean by “accidental.”
Viki: 也因为人与人之间的相遇是意外的。我们通过艺术结识许多有趣的人,我们来自不同的行业,但因为对艺术的热爱而相遇。
Viki: Also, we met accidentally! We meet so many interesting people through the art. We come from different industries and meet through our love of art.
DB: 可以向我们介绍一些关于你们举办的活动和艺术导赏团吗?Can you talk us through some of the events and tours that you run?
Candy: 我们举办3种日常的艺术导赏团。一种是画廊导赏,一般持续两到三小时。我们和4到5家画廊合作,展示世界各地的艺术品。我们也有街头涂鸦艺术团,这个和画廊导赏是不一样的风格。
Candy: We run three regular walking tours. One is the gallery tour which is 2-3 hours. We work with four to five galleries displaying art from all over the world. We also do a street art tour which is a difference style.
Viki: (街头涂鸦艺术团)比较随意,也更有趣。第三种是结合艺术和生活方式的新形式。艺术导赏途中,我们会参观画廊,挖掘街头艺术,去餐饮店尝试不同的食物。烹饪也是一种艺术。这些艺术导赏团每周都会举行。香港有许多艺术展,因此我们也会举办季度的艺术导赏团,这样更集中。我们也会举办我们自己的艺术活动,展示我们非常喜欢的艺术家。
Viki: It’s very casual and more fun. The third one is a new one which combines art and lifestyle. On the tour, we visit galleries and discover street art and visit food and drink places to try different food. Culinary art is also art. These tours are run weekly. Hong Kong has many art fairs and so we also have a seasonal art tour which is more intense. We also hold our own art events and represent artists that we really like.
DB: 为什么你们会觉得把艺术带到人们日常生活中非常重要?Why do you feel it is important to bring art into people’s daily life?
Candy: 对我来说,我从小就很喜欢艺术。香港有很多艺术的资源,但人们并没有意识到。我开始参观画廊、拍卖行,建立自己的人际关系网。我发现很多人都能得益于这种联系,因此我想与大家一起分享。人们认为香港只是一个金融中心、购物天堂,但其实香港也是世界第三大艺术市场。我想让更多人了解香港的这一面。艺术改变了我的思考方法,我想让更多的人也能感受到这一点。
Candy: For me, I have loved art since I was a kid. Hong Kong has lots of art resources that people are not aware of. I started visiting galleries and auction houses and began building networks for myself. I realised there are lots of people that would benefit from these connections and so I wanted to share. People think Hong Kong is just a financial centre and shopping paradise but it is also the 3rd largest art market in the world. I wanted to bring this side of Hong Kong to more people. Art has changed my perspective and I want more people to feel this too.
Viki: 现在人们的工作紧张、压力大,让周末能有不一样的生活方式是很重要的。我们为人们提供一种完全不同的经历,让他们在工作外能好好地享受不同的生活方式。艺术没有界限,你可以从艺术中得到任何的感受。
Viki: Working is intense and stressful. It is important to find a different lifestyle on the weekend. We provide a totally different experience so people can enjoy another lifestyle outside work. Art has no boundaries. It can give you any feeling or experience.
Candy: 艺术让人们的生活有无尽的可能性!
Candy: Unlimited possibilities!
DB: 对比起独自参观,参与你们的艺术导赏团有怎样的好处?What are the benefits of taking one of your tours rather than visiting alone?
Candy: 你可以从另一个角度体会香港。就连香港本地人也会告诉我们,他们每天经过画廊,也不会走进去;他们根本不知道香港的艺术是这样的。第二点,许多人不懂如何去欣赏艺术,尤其是现代艺术。撞艺术的艺术导赏团能教给大家更多的知识,让人们开始学会如何去欣赏艺术作品。最后,人们以后看到艺术品不会觉得胆怯,会变得更有兴趣去挖掘艺术品。
Candy: You get to experience a different side of Hong Kong. Even Hong Kong locals tell us they have passed by the galleries every day without going in and didn’t know this side of Hong Kong. Secondly, many people don’t know how to appreciate art, especially contemporary art. The tour helps to equip them with more knowledge and gives people a starting point to appreciate artwork. At the very least, they won’t feel intimidated and will become more interested in discovering artwork.
Viki: 而且,还能交朋友!大家可以向对方分享各自的想法,进入到艺术的世界里。
Viki: Also, making friends! They can share their ideas with other people and step into the artworld.
Candy: 在导赏团形成的联系是非常有趣的。我发现它能促进大家从不同的角度学习、学会从新的角度看问题。
Candy: The interactions on the tour are really interesting. I find it inspiring to learn different angles and see new perspectives.
DB: 在你们看来,是什么让香港的艺术变得特别?In your view, what makes Hong Kong art scene special?
Candy: 作为一座国际化的城市,在香港意味着你可以找到中国艺术、香港本土艺术、日本的、亚洲的、欧洲的……来自世界各地的艺术。你可以找到任何你想要的艺术。
Candy: The position of Hong Kong as an international city means you can easily find Chinese art, Hong Kong local art, Japanese, Asian, European… art from everywhere. You can find anything you want.
Viki: 香港是艺术的一个新起点。香港除了传承了中国的特点,它还融合了国际文化。举个例子,新的水墨画艺术是中国传统文化的创新,这是香港艺术特别之处。
Viki: It is a new point for the art. Hong Kong has the legacy of China but it also has exposure to international culture. For example, the New Ink Art combines traditional Chinese culture with innovation and this is special to Hong Kong.
DB: 香港有大量画廊。请问您是如何决定把哪一个画廊纳入到艺术导赏团里?Hong Kong has an abundance of galleries. How do you decide which to include in the tour?
Candy: 我们是根据地区决定的。我们的艺术导赏团分三个地区。第一个是在SOHO区,集中在荷里活道。我们参观每一个画廊,并与画廊主人交谈。画廊每几个月就更新一次展览。画廊的地理位置很重要,因为我们要设计适合的行走线路。我们每次选择一个地方以便我们能够覆盖到一片区域的艺术家。我们也在别的地区的高级画廊有艺术导赏团,港岛地区是我们为现代艺术作品欣赏选的新区域。
Candy: We focus on the district we go to. There are three groups on the tour. One is in Soho, concentrated on the Hollywood Road. We visit every gallery and talk to the gallery owners. Galleries change their exhibitions every other month. The location of the galleries is important because we design a walkable tour. We pick and choose a selection each time so we cover a range of artistic backgrounds. We have tours in other areas too which cover high-end galleries and also the South Island district which is a new destination for contemporary art.
DB: 你们能分享一件关于街头涂鸦艺术团的趣事给我们吗?Can you treat us with an interesting fact from your Street Art tour?
Viki: 我可以告诉你们一件关于符号涂鸦作品的趣事——英国艺术家Alex Croft创作的“九龙寨城公园”。这个作品位于荷里活道和嘉咸街交错的地方,非常出名,可以经常看到有人和这幅作品一起自拍。然而,大部分人不知道这个作品背后的历史意义。每当我展示历史照片,或者是告诉艺术导赏团的人关于九龙寨城公园的故事,他们总是会被作品背后的历史故事惊吓到。二战以后,难民来到这座城市,随着时间迁移,九龙城寨成为亚洲最大的贫民窟。艺术导赏团的目的就是为了让人们了解艺术品的背景知识。
Viki: I can tell you an interesting fact about the iconic graffiti piece – ‘Kowloon Walled City’ by UK artist Alex Croft. The piece is off the crossing of Hollywood Road and Graham Street so it is very famous and you can always see people taking selfies with it. However, most people don’t actually know the piece as an outstanding history point. When I show the historical photos, or tell stories about the Kowloon Walled City, people in my tour always feel surprised by the history behind the mural. After the World War II, refugees came to the city and over time the city grew into the biggest slum in Asia. The purpose of the tour is to give people this background.
Candy: 街头涂鸦的每一个作品都非常有趣。另外一件有趣的事是发生在我们和艺术家之间的事情:如果你一个人走,你也许会认不出来谁是艺术家。当你和我们走在一起的时候,我们会和艺术家交谈,你也能咨询艺术家们关于作品的问题。有一次我们正在拜访一画廊,当我在介绍艺术家背景的时候,艺术家本人正好走进来了。当然,我马上停下来,走过去和他握手、打招呼。他有着丰富的人生经验,大家问了他许多问题。我们最后呆了整整一个小时才离开。
Candy: Every piece on the Street Art Tour is very interesting. Another interesting thing is that sometimes we run into the artists on our tours. If you go alone you might not recognise the artist. When you go with us, we will get to talk to the artist and you can ask questions about the piece. Once we were visiting Yen Gallery and I was giving the background of the artist when he came in. Of course, I stopped immediately and handed over to him to talk. He had rich life experience and people asked him lots of questions. We ended up staying a whole hour.
DB: 有什么是我们的读者可以留意的?What should our readers keep an eye out for?
Candy: 我们重点推出我们每月一次的“饮食,祷告,艺术”团。人们每天都进食和祷告,我们希望大家也可以每天思考艺术。我们想要继续发展我们的导赏团,并每个季度都更新内容,增加回头客。许多人是已经非常热爱艺术而加入到我们的艺术导赏团,但我们现在加入美食探寻,希望能吸引到更多的观众。那会是有趣的一天。我们同时也售卖可被随时兑换的礼券,这样人们就可以把艺术导赏团当作礼物赠送给他们的家人朋友。
Candy: We want to highlight our monthly ‘Eat, Pray, Art’ tour. People eat and pray every day and we hope people can think about art everyday too. We want to keep the tour going and change the menu every quarter so people will come back. Lots of people that do our tours already love art but by including food we hope to open up to a wider audience whom might end up discovering a love of art after the tour too. It is a fun day and experience. We actually sell gift cards which can be redeemed at any time so that people can give the tour as a gift to their friends or family.