In a recent release, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB) officially announced that its first official Bordeaux wine online store is officially launched on JD.com, one of China’s biggest online retailers. Together with JD.com, CIVB will further develop its online market in China. As a digital window, the online store not only showcases the fascinating Bordeaux wine diversity to Chinese consumers, but also deepens the connection with Chinese consumers, further improving the closed-loop consumption path for Chinese consumers to understand, learn, and purchase.

The official store provides a clear navigation for the Bordeaux wines displayed and sold, so that consumers can explore the unique flavours of different Bordeaux production areas and understand the pleasant experience brought by different wines. Through the online store, CIVB aims to present the complete system of Bordeaux wine to Chinese consumers and wine lovers, while also showing the geographical and historical differences of the entire Bordeaux wine region. From dry white wines and world-famous Bordeaux red wines, to sparkling wines and sweet wines, the official store will lead Chinese consumers on a well-planned wine journey and discover more unforgettable tastes.
The official store will also provide consumers with diversified services: in addition to selling a variety of wines, the online store also serves as a core platform for wine education. L’Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux (Bordeaux Wine School) is a key part of CIVB’s marketing strategy in China. The school will provide online seminars and video courses in the official store to provide fans with opportunities of more in-depth understanding and learning about the colourful Bordeaux wines.

为庆贺京东波尔多葡萄酒官方产区馆的正式上线,“2020融合之美 波尔多风味之家”活动将面向广大中国葡萄酒爱好者重磅开启,邀请消费者们现场品鉴最新出炉的“ 波尔多100品味之选”百款佳酿,聆听每一杯好酒背后的风土故事,更可在活动现场即品即购,以优越的性价比探索波尔多葡萄酒的万千风味。
To celebrate the launch of the official online store, a series of event will open for Chinese wine lovers, and consumers are invited to taste the latest “Bordeaux 100 Taste Selection” wines, listen to the stories behind each glass of fine wine, exploring the thousands of flavours of Bordeaux wines at the best price available.