近日,马爹利宣布推出“马爹利干邑体验之旅”,在著名干邑小镇历史悠久的盖特伯斯古迹上推出身临其境般的互动式游客体验。作为最古老的顶级干邑品牌之一,马爹利再次展示其与时俱进的能力,以蓬勃活力和现代风格诠释其300年大胆、诚信和卓越的传统。新开幕的马爹利干邑体验之旅与马爹利基金会及2018年正式落成的 Indigo by Martell 顶楼酒吧互为补充,将使马爹利公司成为干邑地区游客的热门目的地。
Maison Martell unveiled Martell the Journey, an interactive and immersive visitor experience at its historic Gatebourse site in Cognac. Once again, the oldest of the great cognac houses is demonstrating its ability to move with the times, interpreting its 300-year legacy of audacity, integrity and excellence with true vibrancy and modernity. The opening of Martell the Journey – which complements the Fondation d’Entreprise Martell and the Indigo by Martell rooftop bar, officially inaugurated in 2018 – will make Maison Martell a must-see destination for visitors to Cognac.
With Martell the Journey; visitors can map out their personal voyage of discovery according to their own interests and inclinations. Three themes – Heritage, Savoir-Faire and Part des Anges – offer different and complementary perspectives on Maison Martell. The Heritage pathway, richly illustrated with archive materials, traces the history and international development of the House since it was founded by Jean Martell in 1715. Savoir-Faire offers an encounter with the artisans whose specialist skills contribute, not only to the creation of Martell cognacs, but to the House’s worldwide reputation for excellence and expertise. Finally, Part des Anges is a multi-sensory pathway whose novel, interactive installations enable visitors to explore cognac in an entirely original way.
Martell the Journey is a reinvented visitor experience with a contemporary scenography conceived by leading exhibition designer Nathalie Crinière. Visitors are by turns spectators and actors, as state-of-the-art digital installations are used to enhance the immersive and interactive dimensions of the itinerary. The human dimension is also a key element of the experience, with Martell experts on hand to accompany visitors in their discovery, answer their questions and share additional information and anecdotes.
By the end of their Martell journey, visitors will have gained a fascinating insight into the 300-year-old House: the legacy of its founder Jean Martell; the specificities of terroir, distillation and ageing which produce the unique taste of Martell cognacs; the intriguing words, aromas and even sounds of the cognac-making process – not to mention the myriad ways in which cognac can be enjoyed.
From the start, the audacity to set new standards
马爹利干邑体验之旅起点自然是创始人尚·马爹利的家,正是他的大胆精神为干邑设定了全新标准。这座房子位于 Gatebourse 古迹的庭院里,其中最早的一批土地是他在1750年就已经购买的。下面列出了这片古迹的后续发展,以及曾经掌舵马爹利公司发展命运的九代马爹利家族。通过视频动画,逐一介绍其中的杰出的人物,如创始人的妻子雷切尔·马爹利,她在丈夫去世后成功助其扩大了业务,以及她的曾孙爱德华·马爹利,正是他打造了标志性的马爹利蓝带傲创干邑。不仅如此,在这里,游客也可以从马爹利长达5公里的档案文献中发现各种珍贵故事,其中许多档案文献更是首次展出。随着体验旅程的展开,游客将看到品牌首次发货运往遥远目的地的记录,各种旧照片和广告,以及标记马爹利干邑的各种历史性时刻的纪念品。
The starting point of Martell the Journey is naturally the house of the founder Jean Martell, whose audacity set new standards in cognac. The house is situated in the courtyard of the Gâtebourse site, for which he acquired the first plots of land as early as 1750. The subsequent development of the site is charted here, as are the nine generations of the Martell family who presided over the destiny of Maison Martell. A video animation spotlights such outstanding figures as Rachel Martell, the wife of the founder, who successfully expanded the business after his death, and Edouard Martell, her great-grandson, who created the iconic Martell Cordon Bleu. Here, too, visitors can discover treasures from Maison Martell’s 5 kilometres of archives, many of which have never been displayed before. As their journey unfolds, they will see records of the House’s first shipments to distant destinations, vintage photographs and advertisements, and mementos of the historic occasions on which Martell cognac has been served.
Authentic testimonies from the artisans of Martell cognac
从这里开始,行程将转移到一系列旧的干邑酒窖,其中保留了过去种种令人回味的痕迹 – 坚固的横梁、混凝土地板、橡木桶和挥之不去的香气。这里是游客探索马爹利公司精湛技艺的最佳之地,而与品牌保持长期合作的葡萄栽培酿酒者、蒸馏师和制桶匠自然是最合适的发言人。在真人大小的视频装置中,他们真诚地与游客对话,仿佛他们正在与游客进行面对面的交谈。从最初尚·马爹利马穿越夏朗德地区以迎接最优秀的工匠以来,马爹利公司一直珍视这些持久的合作伙伴关系——这是由马爹利首席酿酒师克里斯多福·沃道提出的观点,他认为自己的角色就像是管弦乐中的指挥家,要将个人专业知识融入马爹利干邑的和谐整体中。
From here, the itinerary continues into a succession of former cognac cellars, which retain evocative traces of their past life – sturdy beams, concrete floors, oak barrels and lingering aromas. There is no better place to discover Maison Martell’s savoir-faire, and no better spokespeople than the House’s long-standing partners: a winegrower, a distiller and a cooper talk with sincerity and authenticity about their work in life-size video installations, as if they were engaging visitors in face-to-face conversation. Ever since Jean Martell travelled on horseback across the Charente region to meet the finest artisans, Maison Martell has valued these enduring partnerships – a point made by Martell Cellar Master Christophe Valtaud, who explains his role as that of an orchestral conductor, blending individual expertise into the overall harmony of Martell cognacs.
A 360° exploration of the Cognac region
游客将会进入一个壮观的圆形空间,以360度身临其境的体验,了解从代代相传的工艺到尖端技术的一切故事。投射于空间中心的是马爹利的经典飞燕标志。游客可以将飞燕握在手中,然后向上或向下移动,就可以升至干邑的屋顶,欣赏马爹利的地标建筑,或者一览该地区的不同景观和风土特色。从大香槟区 连绵起伏的丘陵到马爹利公司标志性的边林区平缓的山坡和树林,这个装置生动地展现了品牌对这片土地源远流长的依恋。
From ancestral skills to cutting-edge technology, as visitors are invited to step into a spectacular circular space for a 360° immersive experience. Projected in the centre of the space is the Martell swift emblem. By taking the bird in their hand, then simply moving it upwards or downwards, visitors can rise above the rooftops of Cognac to view Martell landmarks, or else explore the region’s terroirs with their different landscapes and characteristics. From the rolling hills of Grande Champagne to the gentle slopes and groves of trees of Maison Martell’s signature Borderies cru, this installation brings vividly to life the House’s lasting attachment to the land.
A multi-sensory revelation of cognac
马爹利干邑体验之旅的另一项创新在于其传达干邑的感官吸引力的方式。体验之旅的亮点之一是大型的雕塑装置,仿如藤蔓的扭曲形式,象征着一系列互动式的工作坊。例如,在这里,游客可以了解不同颜色的干邑,用干邑制作过程的声音编写旋律,或自己创建马爹利鸡尾酒配方。作为这种感官体验的延续,以及马爹利干邑体验之旅的高潮,游客在精品店里品尝品牌的三种标志性产品之一:在红色橡木桶中醇化的马爹利 VSOP、马爹利名士或马爹利 Blue Swift。
Another innovation of Martell the Journey is the way it conveys the sensorial appeal of cognac. One of the highlights of the experience is a large sculptural installation evoking the twisted form of a vine stock, which presents an array of interactive workshops. Here, visitors can, for example, discover the different colours of cognac, compose a melody with the sounds of the cognac-making process, or create their own Martell cocktail recipe. The natural continuation of this sensorial experience, and the culmination of Martell the Journey, is a tasting in the boutique, where visitors can sample one of three emblematic products: Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels, Martell Noblige or Martell Blue Swift.
Martell the Journey
Located at 16, Avenue Paul Firino Martell in Cognac
营业时间: 5月2日到10月31日,每天上午10时至晚上7时。
Open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from 2nd May to 31st October
Price: 20 Euros per person