走出大湾区:到瑞士乘坐全景观列车“Goldenpass Express” | Delta Escape: Explore Switzerland on the Pininfarina-designed Wonder Train
走出大湾区:到瑞士乘坐全景观列车“Goldenpass Express” | Delta Escape: Explore Switzerland on the Pininfarina-designed Wonder Train "Goldenpass Express"

As of next year, 4 million tourists a year will be able to enjoy the views on the borders of the Vaud and Bernese Alps from on board the new trains redesigned by Pininfarina for the MOB (Montreux Oberland Bernese) railway company.

“Goldenpass Express”将于2020年12月13日投入使用,这趟列车将会连接瑞士三大旅游目的地——蒙特勒、格斯塔德和因特拉肯。MOB总经理乔治斯-奥博森(Georges Oberson)表示:“在打造Goldenpass Express时,我们面临巨大的技术挑战,要从窄轨转换到标准轨距。我们还要让这趟旅游列车变得漂亮高雅。这正是我们将设计任务交给宾尼法利纳的原因,后者是全球最具知名度的一家设计公司。”
The Goldenpass Express, which will go into service on 13 December 2020, is a dream come true. It will connect three of Switzerland’s main tourist destinations: Montreux, Gstaad and Interlaken. “With the Goldenpass Express we are facing a spectacular technological challenge, shifting from narrow gauge to standard gauge. We also wanted this tourist train to be beautiful and elegant. That’s why we assigned the task to Pininfarina, one of the most prestigious design companies in the world”, says Georges Oberson, General Manager of MOB.

走出大湾区:到瑞士乘坐全景观列车“Goldenpass Express” | Delta Escape: Explore Switzerland on the Pininfarina-designed Wonder Train "Goldenpass Express"
走出大湾区:到瑞士乘坐全景观列车“Goldenpass Express” | Delta Escape: Explore Switzerland on the Pininfarina-designed Wonder Train “Goldenpass Express”

在重新设计“Goldenpass Express”时,宾尼法利纳结合了客户将会欣赏的某些方面。尽管根据新的安全标准,机械装置在车头的位置有所改变,但是宾尼法利纳的提议还是尽可能保持比较大的车窗,让游客能够从正面获得较好的视角。未来列车的车窗还尽可能地避免在由乘客所拍摄的照片上面产生任何反光/反射。
In redesigning the train, Pininfarina has integrated some aspects that customers will appreciate. Despite the change in the position of the mechanicals, at the head of the train, imposed by the new safety standards, the Pininfarina proposal makes it possible to maintain a large window that provides travellers with a frontal view of great impact. The window features of the future trains also make it possible to avoid any reflection or reverberation on photos taken by passengers.

宾尼法利纳的设计项目经理阿尔弗雷多-帕尔马(Alfredo Palma)对此解释说:“我们在设计时必须遵循新的安全标准,这激发了我们的创造力,而不是给我们带来了限制。无论是在汽车和交通运输领域,还是在建筑领域,在每个项目中,我们的目标都是在创造美观设计的同时,努力克服技术/监管上面的障碍。通过与MOB合作,我们所创造的列车可以带来令人沉浸于其中的旅行体验,并能与周边的自然风光和谐共生。”
“Having to deal with new safety standards”, explains Alfredo Palma, Pininfarina’s Design Project Manager, “has been a stimulus to our creativity, rather than a limitation. In every project, whether it is automotive, transportation or architecture, our goal is to create beautiful objects while overcoming technical or regulatory obstacles. With the MOB we have created a train that offers an immersive travel experience, in total symbiosis with the beauty of the surrounding nature.”

1993年,宾尼法利纳就已经为MOB设计了“Cristal Panoramic Express”,后者成为该瑞士铁路公司最为成功的列车之一。宾尼法利纳在铁路领域富有经验,曾在意大利和西班牙进行过高速列车的内外设计——意大利项目是著名的ETR 500,这是第一个意大利高速列车项目。宾尼法利纳还曾为瑞士、丹麦和挪威铁路;在里尔投入使用的轻轨系统;如今在意大利、希腊、瑞典和土耳其的不同城市运营的有轨电车,设计过客车车厢。至于Eurostar(欧洲之星),宾尼法利纳则为其e320列车设计过外部涂装和内部结构,该列车能够以每小时320公里的速度运送900多名乘客。
For MOB in 1993, Pininfarina had already designed the Cristal Panoramic Express, one of the Swiss company’s most successful trains. Pininfarina has extensive experience in the railway sector, having designed the interiors and exteriors of high-speed trains in Italy (the famous ETR 500, the first Italian project for a high-speed train) and Spain. Pininfarina has also designed carriages for the Swiss, Danish and Norwegian railways, the light rail system in service in Lille, and trams currently in operation in various cities in Italy, Greece, Sweden and Turkey. For Eurostar, Pininfarina designed the exterior livery and the interior of the e320, which carries over 900 passengers at a speed of 320 kph.