河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 |
河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 | "Enjoy Hebei" Winter Travel Promotion Event Held in Shenzhen

热闹的庙会、精彩的表演让人应接不暇,诱人的美食、别出心裁的文创非遗产品令游客纷纷驻足品鉴…… 12月19日,河北冬季游河北宣传推广月之2020“冬季游河北 福地过大年”推介会在广东省深圳市世界之窗景区举行,冰雪“冀”风景“闪耀”鹏城“朋友圈”。
The lively temple fair, wonderful performances, tantalizing cuisine, ingenious cultural and creative intangible heritage products have overwhelmed citizens of Shenzhen this weekend. On 19th December, “Enjoy Hebei” winter travel promotion event was held at “Window of the World” in Shenzhen.

河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 | "Enjoy Hebei" Winter Travel Promotion Event Held in Shenzhen

推介会现场,河北呈现了冰雪温泉、古城年俗、美食购物三大主题线路,戏冰雪、泡温泉、游古城、赏年俗、品美食、乐享购六大主题产品,来自张家口崇礼冰雪旅游度假区、承德中国马镇旅游度假区、秦皇岛渔岛海洋温泉、邯郸广府古城、定州崇文街、廊坊中信国安第一城、保定太行水镇、辛集皮革城等河北热门旅游打卡地纷纷登台推介,其中部分景区还在现场送出了精美礼品和限量优惠,邀客“冬季游河北 福地过大年”。
At the promotion event, various routes and products were introduced to Shenzhen audiences on how to enjoy the best of Hebei in winter, including three themed routes of hot springs, ancient city customs, food and shopping; Six themed products of playing ice and snow, bathing in hot springs, visiting the ancient city, enjoying new year customs, tasting food, and enjoying shopping; Representatives from parks and resorts were also present at the event, Zhangjiakou Chongli Ice and Snow Tourist District, Chengde Mazhen Tourist District, Qinhuangdao Fishing Island Ocean Hot Springs, Handan Guangfu Ancient City, Dingzhou Chongwen Street, Langfang Zhongxin Guoan First City, Baoding Taihang Water Town, Xinji Leather City and other popular tourist destinations in Hebei. During the stage promotion, some of the scenic spots also gave out exquisite gifts and limited discounts, inviting guests to visit Hebei for the New Year in winter.

河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 | "Enjoy Hebei" Winter Travel Promotion Event Held in Shenzhen

During the promotion event, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hebei Province, together with all partners in the province, introduced more than 120 scenic spots and hotel benefits, carried out 180 festival activities and performances, presenting a special New Year gift to the people of Shenzhen.

河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 | "Enjoy Hebei" Winter Travel Promotion Event Held in Shenzhen

The Department of Culture and Tourism has also launched cooperation with Tiktok, Kwai, Sina Weibo, Baidu, Meituan and other platforms to conduct online precision marketing in the form of “Internet + cultural tourism” through AR interaction, creative gameplay, KOL, Meituan aggregation page and other activities, creating an online focus on Hebei tourism.

河北冬季旅游盛典“闪耀”鹏城 | "Enjoy Hebei" Winter Travel Promotion Event Held in Shenzhen

The cultural and tourism industries of Hebei and Shenzhen will further expand the areas of cooperation. A Hebei Tourism Promotion Centre will be set up in Shenzhen, working together to create a better tomorrow for the tourism industry of the two places.