Organised by San Jiao Ling (SJL) on behalf of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (CSGKC), the French Year Event Series ended successfully with the 2019 Appreciation Reception held on the 6th December at the Park Hyatt Guangzhou.
Throughout the year, SJL served as a bridge between the China -Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City and French business and political entities, in order to deepen their mutual understanding and to explore opportunities for potential cooperation. With this purpose in mind, SJL organised a High Level Roundtable in June, as well as a CSGKC Business Tour in September for French companies based in the GBA.

除此之外,在此次年终盛典暨2019客户答谢宴上,三角铃同各位来宾共同见证了法国商务服务中心的成立。此机构的成立旨在推动法国企业在大湾区的发展,而三角铃也为协助双方践行此目标积极促成了中新广州知识城与8家法国企业签署项目合作备忘录。这些法国企业分别是中国法国工商会、La French Tech Community Hong-Kong /Shenzhen、广州斯图咨询有限公司、广州市领想咨询有限公司、嗨酷翻译有限公司、高林睿阁律师事务所及矩刻创意设计工作室,他们将作为“官方合作方”,共同推动法国企业在大湾区内的发展。
Moreover, the 2019 Appreciation Reception saw the official launch of the CSGKC French Business Service Centre, which aims at facilitating the establishment of French companies in the GBA. SJL assisted in the negotiations of the MoU signing between CSGKC and several French entities that will act as “Official Service Providers” for the centre: CCI FRANCE CHINE, La French Tech Community Hong-Kong /Shenzhen, Stos Advisory, Teamacting, HI-COM Translation, Gowling WLG and JU&KE Creative Design Studio.

在此,三角铃也想向所有参与此次年终盛典的来宾们表示由衷的感谢,尤其感谢法国驻广州总领事周丽君女士(Ms. Siv Leng Chhuor)、新加坡驻广州总领事蔡簦合先生(Mr. Chua Teng Hoe)、葡萄牙驻广州总领事安德烈·索布拉尔·科尔代罗先生(Dr. André Sobral Cordeiro)、墨西哥驻广州副总领事Tadeo Berjon Molinares先生、美国驻广州经济领事Steve Leu先生以及新西兰驻广州领事馆贸易专员Jane Liu先生在百忙之中参与我们的活动。
SJL would like to express a special thanks to all the attendees who joined the 2019 Appreciation Reception, and in particular Ms. Siv Leng Chhuor, Consul General of France in Guangzhou, Mr. Chua Teng Hoe, Consul General of Singapore in Guangzhou, Dr. André Sobra Cordeiro, Consul General of Portugal in Guangzhou, Mr. Tadeo Berjon Molinares, Deputy Consul General of Mexico in Guangzhou, Mr. Steve Leu, Economic Consul of the United States in Guangzhou and Ms. Jane Liu, New Zealand Acting Trade Commissioner in Guangzhou.
SJL provides customised events and PR services based on our customers’ needs. Have a look at our company introduction and portfolio and feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries.