中国深圳,2017 年 9 月 – 继杭州上海两家硬石餐厅成功开业后,Hard Rock International宣布国内旗舰Hard Rock硬石餐厅今日正式登陆深圳。全新餐厅坐落于世界第一高尔夫球会 – 观澜湖国家5A风景区,将为鹏城呈献原汁原味的美式餐饮体验。
SHENZHEN, China, September 2017 – Following successful openings in Hangzhou and Shanghai, Hard Rock International today announced the opening of its flagship location in China, Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen. The latest Hard Rock Cafe locates within the world’s largest golf resort – the national 5A-rated Mission Hills, bringing Hard Rock’s signature authentic American dining experience to Shenzhen.
Hard Rock Cafe深圳硬石餐厅共2层楼,占地509平方米,共设有352个座位。餐厅配有2个吧台、2间均能容纳18人的私密包间和1个现场音乐表演舞台。餐厅的整体风格为美式工业混搭欧式古典,外露的管道、裸露的砖墙、做旧的家具,营造出自由和狂放的氛围。色彩设计上以亮粉色冲击简约的黑灰色调,搭配原木色的粗犷,带出硬石餐厅独有的前卫大胆。
Spanning 509 square-meters across two floors, Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen has a seating capacity of up to 352 guests, featuring two bars, two private dining rooms (each accommodating up to 18 guests) and a live music stage. The rustic restaurant décor is a mix of industrial American and classic European styles, where exposed pipes and brick walls mingle with vintage furnishings to create a laid-back, free-spirited atmosphere. A color palette of bright pinks and dark grays balanced with raw wood elements bring out the uniquely bold energy of the Hard Rock brand.
Hard Rock Cafe 深圳硬石餐厅大门上方悬挂着标志性的8层楼高吉它模型。步入餐厅,由6,972颗水晶组合而成的吉他型吊灯悬挂于吧台上方,璀璨夺目。舞台之上, 12,000块色彩斑斓的吉他拨片绕成环形灯带,熠熠生辉。这些极具欣赏价值的设计均巧妙地运用了硬石的音乐元素,秉承了品牌“当音乐遇上美食”的理念。
Positioned right above the main entrance to Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen is an eight-storey-tall guitar that proudly bears the Hard Rock insignia. As guests head inside the restaurant, they are sure to notice the glittering guitar-shaped chandelier, meticulously adorned with 6,972 crystals, hanging above the bar. Over the live music stage is another eye-catching display – a ring-shaped light fixture composed of 12,000 colorful guitar picks. Each of these highly unique items is inspired by the musical roots of Hard Rock’s signature “when music meets gourmet” concept.
Hard Rock International开发兼运营高级副总裁Antonio Bautista表示:“Hard Rock硬石在中国市场有巨大的增长潜力,我们很高兴能够将品牌带到深圳这个活力十足的城市。深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅集音乐与美食于一身,无疑将会成为本地居民和前来度假的旅客不容错过的新去处。”
“As Hard Rock sees massive growth potential in the China market, we are thrilled to bring this brand to Shenzhen, a city that is buzzing with energy. Bringing together great music and great food, we hope Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen will become the city’s latest not-to-be-missed highlight for both locals and visitors alike,” said Antonio Bautista, senior vice president of development and operations at Hard Rock International.
Hard Rock 硬石标志性的音乐珍藏品是其引以为傲的无价之宝。深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅墙上也悬挂展示了超过60件来自世界当红艺人和传奇音乐偶像的音乐相关物品,其中包括摇滚之王猫王埃维斯·普里斯利曾在上世纪6、70年代穿过的丝绸衬衫和纹绒西装、顶级流行巨星迈克尔·杰克逊在1989年L.A.Gear运动鞋广告中所穿的牛仔裤、老鹰乐队的一把由全体成员签名的Fender Telecaster吉他、亚洲摇滚天团五月天在加州好莱坞捐赠的签名Rickenbacker 330吉他、邦乔维乐队的贝斯手休·麦克唐纳曾在舞台上穿过的造型独特的衬衫、美国史上最成功的德州布鲁斯及摇滚乐队ZZ Top三名成员的签名Gibson ES-295吉他等多项精彩展品,而价值最高音乐藏品是来自约翰·艾尔顿于1992年5月31日在丹麦哥本哈根演出所穿的夹克。
A key feature at every Hard Rock location is its priceless collection of music memorabilia. Over 60 unique items from renowned international artistes are proudly displayed on the walls of Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen, including a silk shirt and velvet suit once worn by the King of Rock himself – Elvis Presley – in the 1960s and ‘70s, a pair of jeans worn by King of Pop Michael Jackson while filming an L.A.Gear sneaker commercial, a Fender Telecaster guitar signed by every member of the band Eagles, a Rickenbacker 330 guitar signed by Asian rock band MayDay, a custom-made shirt worn by Bon Jovi bassist Hugh McDonald, a Gibson ES-295 guitar signed by members of Texas blues and rock band ZZ Top, and the most valuable item in Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen, a jacket worn by Elton John for his performance in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 31, 1992, among other treasures.
Hard Rock硬石餐厅甄选新鲜优质的食材,打造风靡全球的正宗美式餐饮。招牌汉堡嵌入特色馅料、浇上可口酱汁和浓稠起司,带来回味无穷的美食感受;Hard Rock Smokehouse则带来鲜嫩多汁的烟熏烧烤,芳香的胡桃木慢慢烤出令人垂涎欲滴的猪肋排和鸡肉;招牌自制热巧克力软糖布朗尼或外脆内绵的苹果馅饼等,为宾客奉上满足的甜蜜回忆。Hard Rock硬石餐厅各式饮品和手工调制的创意特色鸡尾酒是餐厅的另一亮点,新颖独特的饮料创意及无与伦比的调酒技艺在全球屡获殊荣,荣获“最佳饮品”大奖的“飓风”、 “狂野玛格丽特”、 “非主流摇滚”(无酒精鸡尾酒)都列在深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅的酒单中,并且由Hard Rock硬石极具收藏价值的玻璃器皿装盛。
To create its world-famous American dishes, Hard Rock Cafe uses only fresh, high quality ingredients. Hard Rock’s Legendary Burgers™, loaded with fresh toppings, delicious sauces and cheese, make for an unbeatable American experience; fresh from the Hard Rock Smokehouse comes irresistibly tender, juicy barbecue as well as mouthwatering walnut-smoked ribs and chicken; and the signature Hot Fudge Brownie and Fresh Apple Cobbler make for some sweet memories. The drinks menu is another highlight at the Hard Rock Cafe, offering a wide range of beverages and hand-crafted cocktails, including creative award-winners like the “Hurricane” and “Mad Margarita”, as well as “Alternative Rock” (non-alcoholic) concoctions, all served in collectible Hard Rock glasses.
深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅品牌零售店Rock Shop提供各色品牌商品以及Hard Rock硬石餐厅城市系列精选单品,带有城市标志的Hard Rock硬石商品只能在当地购买,最受收藏家欢迎的人气特色硬石徽章也将在零售店中进行售卖。
Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen also has its very own Rock Shop, offering collectible city-themed merchandise that is exclusively available in each Hard Rock location, including the highly coveted Hard Rock pins.
自1971年成立以来,Hard Rock International一直努力投身于世界各地的慈善活动。无论在哪座城市,Hard Rock硬石的员工都致力成为一个有价值的社区伙伴。深圳硬石餐厅团队将延续Hard Rock International的公益传统,为当地慈善事业提供支持。
Since it was founded in 1971, Hard Rock International has been dedicated to giving back to its local community. In each Hard Rock city, the local Hard Rock team does its part as valuable community partners, and this tradition will continue at Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen.
深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅
电话:+86 (0)755 3395 2888
Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen
Address: 9 Mission Hills Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China
Telephone: +86 (0)755 3395 2888