2020年8月3日至4日,三角铃协助顺德保利假日酒店举办了此次 “发现顺德”媒体考察团活动。依附自身在粤港澳大湾区强大的媒体关系网,三角铃邀请大湾区8位享誉盛名的自媒体赴顺德参加此次媒体考察团活动。
August 3rd to 4th, 2020, San Jiao Ling (SJL) assisted Holiday Inn Shunde in organizing “Discover Foshan” media FAM trip. With its own vast network in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), SJL invited 8 influential KOLs to Shunde for this FAM trip.

SJL and Holiday Inn Shunde welcomed the media fam trip group together and arranged the check-in for the media. Soon after, the media headed to a nearby “Chinese Xiangyun Sha Museum” for a visit. Chinese Xiangyun Sha (or Gambiered Canton Silk) is one of the most splendid carriers and forms of costume culture in Lingnan, as well as the precious intangible cultural heritage of China. The media has experienced the precious charm of Xiangyun Sha through the museum trip. Next stop is “Huan Jie Lun Jiao Cake”, it has a reputation of “Lingnan NO.1 cake” and the media can experience the Shunde tradition and characteristics of this hundred years culture. In the evening, the hotel has prepared the exquisite Cantonese style dinner, the media has spent the evening drenching in delicious food and a joyful atmosphere. 

The next morning, a dim sum brunch was offered for the media to taste. After enjoying the food, the hotel arranged a hotel tour for the media to get to know more about hotel facilities and also have a better understanding through the GM interview.

In the afternoon, SJL has planned two interesting routes for the media to choose. One group of media headed to “Qing Hui Garden”, to experience the Lingnan spirit of this one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong. The other group of media headed to a new Foshan landmark “Shunde OCT Harbour Plus”, the combination of theme park and water park has brought a summer vibe to the media. These two routes have set a perfect example for Shunde Holiday Inn for the weekend getaway.

With its own vast media network in the GBA, SJL customized this themed fam trip based on the brand positioning of Holiday Inn Shunde. SJL assisted Holiday Inn Shunde in building up a good relationship with various media and helped increase its brand awareness.