Now, more than ever, it is of fundamental importance that we stay connected. Throughout history, music has been an indispensable tool for bringing people together. For millenniums, people have gathered to unite in appreciation of Chinese music. 

Today, at a time where distance is advised, we are fortunate that we can stay connected thanks to the innovation of modern technology.

It is in this spirit that we bring to you the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Digital Music Series. HKCO’s Bilibili Channel and Sina Weibo are some platforms for people to unite, as our ancestors and their ancestors have done before us, via the beauty of music.

Digital Concert Hall

香港中乐团曾在不同平台上发表过许多作品,如2月在布达佩斯举行的中国春节民族音乐会。该音乐会由著名的美第奇电视台进行全球直播,观看地址: https://www.medici.tv/en/concerts/yan-huichang-conducts-hong-kong-chinese-orchestra-colorful-program-traditional-chinese-music/?fbclid=IwAR1POsp_NN0_DCu6QOhA0X7dmDLFM5wJ-UDDXgeDRcheUaEl__YcGJji0Vw 。 此外,在香港艺术节上演出的乐曲(https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kZ4y1s7NG ),也可以让你欣赏到由90多名乐手组成的中乐团的精彩演出。
HKCO has published many orchestral pieces at their various platforms. Significant occasions include it’s Grand Chinese New Year Concert at Budapest which was live broadcasted worldwide at the famous Medici TV in February (https://www.medici.tv/en/concerts/yan-huichang-conducts-hong-kong-chinese-orchestra-colorful-program-traditional-chinese-music/?fbclid=IwAR1POsp_NN0_DCu6QOhA0X7dmDLFM5wJ-UDDXgeDRcheUaEl__YcGJji0Vw ). Pieces performed at the Hong Kong Arts Festival (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kZ4y1s7NG) are also available for you to experience the stunning performance of the 90 plus-member Chinese Orchestra.

Music from the Heart Series

1999年,阎惠昌总监发起了 “心乐集”系列活动。这是一个为年轻作曲家提供的平台,让他们的新作品由香港中乐团的专业演奏家演绎。 多年来,许多有才华的青年作曲家通过此平台,成长得更为出色。值此项活动20周年之际,香港中乐团遴选了过去20年来的优秀作品,于每周五晚8时在Bilibili频道和新浪微博及其他平台上播放。 播放列表:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ge41147H7
In 1999, Maestro Yan Huichang has initiated the “Music from the Heart” series. It’s a platform for young composers to present their new works to be performed by the professional musicians of HKCO. Throughout the years, many young and talented composers were nurtured and became renowned composers now. To mark the 20-year milestone, HKCO has selected works from the past 20 years to be presented online every Fri at 8pm on HKCO’s Bilibili Channel, Sina Weiboo and other platforms. Playlist : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ge41147H7

鼓声隆隆同抗疫 – 香港鼓乐节
Synergizing Hong Kong – Hong Kong Drum Festival series

2003年,香港中乐团创办了香港鼓乐节,为香港在SARS爆发期间注入动力和斗志。自此,香港鼓乐节成为香港一年一度的文化盛事。本系列节目将首先播放在2003年创下健力士世界纪录的香港鼓乐节的视频,当时有3000多名鼓手在维多利亚公园开幕式上表演。 接下来由世界各地的著名打击乐演奏家和团体(包括李飙、龙向荣、冲绳大鼓乐团等)带来精彩表演,其中涵盖非洲、墨西哥、印度、韩国、日本及内地等地的鼓乐演奏。 香港中乐团希望通过这项鼓乐系列活动发放正能量,让雷鸣般的鼓声凝聚抗疫力量。
In 2003, HKCO founded the Hong Kong Drum Festival to inject motivation and fighting spirit into the city amidst the SARS outbreak. Since then, the Hong Kong Drum Festival has been the annual cultural event of Hong Kong. To start with the series, videos of the 2003 Guinness Record setting event with 3000 plus drummers playing at the Opening Rally Victoria Park are shown. Then, selected performances of renowned percussionists and groups from all over the world are listed on the playlist. To name a few includes Li Biao, Lung Heung Wing, Okinawa Daiko Ensemble etc covering drumming from Africa, Mexico, India, Korea, Japan and mainland. HKCO hopes the drum series reflects on the power of this movement as the thunder of the drums rosed to unite the people against the epidemic. 

Relive the magic of the birth of the drum festival and feel the rumble of the Chinese fighting spirit once more:

「爱与中乐同行 • HKCO ❤️ 4U 」同心抗疫系列
Fight the Pandemic with HKCO

由于演出场地关闭,香港中乐团不得不取消其二月至四月的音乐会。不过,在这段时间内,音乐家们受邀从不同的音乐会节目中挑选自己喜欢的作品,包括 “聊斋志异”、“香港艺术节-乐旅中国”等,并拍摄视频向观众介绍自己精选的作品。音乐家们不断创新并利用科技的力量创作出无拘无束的合奏表演节目。
HKCO has no choice but to cancel concerts in February to April with the closure of performing venues. However, musicians are invited to select their favourite piece from the various concert programmes during this period including the “Two Strange Tales From a Chinese Studio” and Hong Kong Arts Festival – “ Music about China” etc and shoot videos to introduce their selected piece to the audience. Musicians have been innovative and with technology, they are able to create ensemble performances with no boundaries.

Playlist : https://space.bilibili.com/518751833/channel/detail?cid=111553

A dynamic variety of video segments to be discovered at HKCO. Stay tuned, sit back and let the beauty of Chinese music soothe your soul.