由中国西班牙商会主办的拉丁文化节,旨在带来最纯正的拉丁文化,用热情的拉丁文化感染你!12月1日在广州塔,拉丁文化节与你不见不散! | Organized by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, Latin Festival aims at bringing you the most authentic Latin culture and inspiring you by the most enthusiastic Latin culture! On December 1st at Canton Tower, Latin Festival looks forward to your arrival!
我们带来味蕾跳动的拉丁美食,只为追求美味及乐于尝鲜的你! | Unique and delicious Latin food is ready for you!
精彩纷呈的表演,带给你更加拉丁律动~ | Wonderful performance makes you dance more, worry less~
我们也注重来宾的参与体验,一个好的活动当然少不了所有人的积极参与! | We attach importance to the guest experience. Active participation is highly appreciated here!
当然,对于这个活动而言,最重要的,还是 | Of course, in terms of the success of the activity, the most important part is
所以,作为本次活动最重要的你,还不赶紧来报名参加吗? | So, being the crucial part of the activity, why do you still hesitate?
请点击下面的链接或扫描二维码进行活动的报名。 | Please click the link below or scan the QR code to register you attendance.
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