名创优品与漫威开展官方合作推出2000款漫威英雄周边产品 MINISO Cooperates with Marvel Studios Releasing 2000 Superheroes Peripheral Products
名创优品与漫威开展官方合作推出2000款漫威英雄周边产品 MINISO Cooperates with Marvel Studios Releasing 2000 Superheroes Peripheral Products

3月13日,一场主题为“遇见英雄”的新品发布会在广州举办,全球知名零售品牌名创优品正式宣布与全球顶级 IP 漫威开展官方合作,开发一系列周边产品,并面向一百多个国家进行销售。
On 13th March, with the theme of “Meeting the Heroes”, MINISO’s new product release meeting was held in Guangzhou, China. The world’s well-known retail brand MINISO officially announced the cooperation with globally renowned top IP Marvel to develop a series of peripheral products, which will be put on sale in over 100 countries.


发布会现场设置了 MINISO x MARVEL 产品展示区域,展示漫威 IP 产品多达2000个,涵盖了蜘蛛侠、美国队长、钢铁侠、绿巨人、惊奇队长、雷神、黑寡妇等深入人心的英雄形象。
The MINISO x MARVEL products exhibition area was set up at the new product release meeting. There were as many as 2,000 Marvel products on display, including Spider-man, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Thor and Black Widow.

漫威版权方一次性向名创优品开放了123个国家的 IP 授权,授权区域横跨五大洲,授权产品涵盖了名创优品的13个产品品类,这对漫威来讲也是史无前例的。
This time, the copyright owner of Marvel has granted authorization to MINISO in 123 countries, covering five continents. The licensed products covered 13 product categories of MINISO, which was unprecedented for Marvel.

名创优品全球联合创始人兼 CEO 叶国富表示:“漫威属于全球最顶级的 IP,在全世界范围内都有广泛的影响力和号召力,包括我本人也非常喜欢漫威系列电影,几乎每一部都会去影院观看”。他认为,好的产品应该普惠大众,而不是专属于少部分人。这也是名创优品继牵手 Hello Kitty、探险活宝、咱们裸熊、粉红豹、潘通、芝麻街等知名 IP 之后,与漫威开展深度合作的原因,“名创优品会一如既往地遵循优质低价的产品理念,为世界各地的漫威迷带去一流质量、亲民价格的正版周边产品。”
Mr. Ye Guofu, the global co-founder and CEO of MINISO, said that Marvel is the world’s top IP with a wide range of influence and appeal. He loved the Marvel movies personally, and watched almost every movie of Marvel. Ye believed that good products should serve the masses instead of serving a small part of people. This is the reason why MINISO would cooperate with Marvel after developing cooperation with Hello Kitty, Adventure Time, We Bare Bears, Pink Panther, Pantone and Sesame Street. MINISO will continue to follow the principle of high quality and affordable price, and bring authentic peripheral products with first-class quality and affordable price to marvel fans around the world.

Ada Dou, the executive vice-president of MINISO Commodity Center, indicated that there were three major factors for Marvel to cooperate with MINISO: the retail terminal covering the whole world; the principle of high quality and affordable price; and the high standard product design and quality control. Marvel has formed a subtle complementary relationship with the main consumer groups of MINISO. With this cooperation, Marvel can open up the female market, while MINISO can attract more male consumers through its series of products at the same time, Ada said.

The peripheral products launched by MINISO in cooperation with Marvel are not only excellent in product design and quality, but also very competitive in price. An exquisite mug, for example, costs as little as RMB 7.9 on the market, while a Marvel superhero ornament only costs RMB 10 in MINISO, which is almost one tenth of the similar products in some boutiques.

As for MINISO, cost-effective products are always a powerful weapon to open up the global market. With this concept, MINISO was able to quickly enter the retail market in more than 80 countries within 5 years. According to MINISO’s official data, there are more than 3,500 MINISO stores throughout the world so far, with RMB 17 billion turnover in 2018.

名创优品通过不断与世界知名 IP 合作,一方面借助 IP 的号召力,促进了产品销售,另一方面借助 IP 的影响力,提升了品牌知名度和美誉度,在生活家居市场探索出了一套独有的“名创优品模式”。
Through constant cooperation with world famous IPs, on the one hand, MINISO makes use of the appeal of IPs to promote product sales; on the other hand, it also makes use of the influence of IPs to enhance brand awareness and reputation, and explores a unique “MINISO model” in the home furnishing market.