令人赞叹的数码艺术配上独特的自然花园 让美狮美高梅成为全新澳门必游景点
Awe inspiring digital art paired with unique natural gardens bolstering MGM COTAI as the new must-see destination in Macau
投资额高达34亿美元的综合度假酒店美狮美高梅即将于1月29日开业,并于2月13日举行盛大开幕典礼。 其中一项最令人期待的焦点“视博广场”(Spectacle),將为宾客带来创新且別开生面的多重感官体验,让即将开业的美狮美高梅成为新一年必游景点。
MGM COTAI, a US$3.4 billion integrated resort set to open its doors in Macau on January 29 and host its Grand Opening Celebration on February 13, today unveils one of the most exciting elements of the resort – Spectacle, an innovative, multi-dimensional sensory experience that makes the forthcoming resort a must-visit destination for the new year.
美狮美高梅将会成为澳门最创新的综合度假酒店,为宾客带来前所未见的体验。 视博广场位于度假酒店的核心地带,是美狮美高梅的娱乐焦点。 视博广场楼高超过四层,面积相当于一个标准足球场,并使用无柱式建筑结构。 视博广场会因应天气、日夜、季节甚至宾客的一举一动而转换其环境气氛,让宾客仿佛投入活灵活现、精彩纷呈的世界。
Soon to become Macau’s most innovative integrated resort, offering never-been-seen-before experiences for guests, Spectacle is the epicenter of entertainment at MGM COTAI. Located at the heart of the resort, Spectacle is over 4-stories high, spanning the length of a soccer field. It is a meticulously engineered column-free long-span diagrid structure. The space will seem to be alive, continually evolving and responding to changing conditions such as visitor behaviors, weather, time of day or season, which will provide an immersive, multi-dimensional sensory experience.
独一无二的数码艺术作品 展示世界之美
Exclusive Digital Art Collection Showcases the Beauty of the World
视博广场拥有全球面积最大的室内永久LED屏幕,展示美高梅与世界知名艺术家包括Joel Sartore、Magda Indigo、Garth Williams、Rob Kesseler和Wolfgang Stuppy合作,所创造一系列来自全球各地、独一无二且匠心独运的数码艺术作品。 视博广场亦是一个平台,让艺术家展示世界各地美景,当中包括中国多个被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的景点,进一步实现美高梅将世界带到中国,同时将中国带到世界的愿景。 视博广场的数码艺术糅合了自然、艺术、音乐、语言和文化的元素,启发宾客以不同的角度探索世界。
MGM COTAI’s Spectacle comprises the world’s largest area of permanent indoor LED screens, which showcases an exclusive array of digital art collected from around the globe. Featuring some of the world’s renowned artists including: Joel Sartore, Magda Indigo, Garth Williams, Rob Kesseler and Wolfgang Stuppy, Spectacle sets a platform for the artists to reveal the beauty of the world including several UNESCO World Heritage Sites of China, furthering MGM’s mission of bringing the world to China and China to the world. The digital art comprises the element of nature, art, music, language, and culture for guests to discover and understand the world by inspiring them to perceive it in a different way.
美高梅的制作团队耗时数月,以最新的摄影技术捕捉亚洲懾人的自然奇观,为视博广场制作了超过七个小时的数码艺术影片。 影片由美高梅与创意媒体公司Obscura Digital共同创作,以六大主题呈现在视博广场的25个LED屏幕上。Obscura Digital将创新科技与艺术之美互相融合,让宾客置身于美仑美奂的場景,投入无与伦比的体验。
To create an awe inspiring experience, MGM spent months capturing natural wonders of Asia with the latest filming technologies to produce over seven hours of exclusive content under six themes for Spectacle. The footage will be showcased on Spectacle’s 25 LED screens and was co-created with Obscura Digital, a creative studio that combines innovative technology with beautiful artistry to create unparalleled immersive experiences at scale.
Nature’s Art with Over 2,000 Plants Species
“大自然艺术之美”的主题不仅蕴藏于数码的层面,更贯穿视博广场的多个元素。 糅合科技与大自然。 视博广场拥有全世界最大的室内艺术花园“自然之艺”,种植了超过10万棵、逾2,000种不同的植物,包括超过200种兰花,当中不少更为澳门和香港的原生品种。 “自然之艺”更栽种了多种在十九至二十世纪期间已经绝种的植物,它们来自香港及欧洲的植物园种子库,经过专人悉心照料后终在视博广场重生。 各种植物均经精心铺排,呈献中国景观各种鬼斧神工的形态,交织出壮丽景色。
The theme of “Art in Nature” expands beyond digital media, into other elements of the Spectacle interior. Complementing the technology is the world’s largest indoor art garden, dubbed Nature’s Art. Spectacle will house more than 100,000 plants and over 2,000 plant species including more than 200 different orchid species, many of which are native to Macau and Hong Kong. Several extinct species, dating from the 19th and 20th century, were specially brought back to life using botanical garden seed banks in Hong Kong and Europe. Spectacle also depicts different forms of Chinese landscape through real, live plants that are carefully choreographed and interwoven to recreate magnificent sceneries.
视博广场是由业内一些最出色的建筑专家合作创造,包括创作整体设计概念的Rockwell Group。各组LED屏幕及影片则是由数码、视觉效果及音响专家共同创造而成,包括Obscura Digital、Smart Monkeys Inc、Electrosonic Inc、VER及LAB at Rockwell Group。他们在视博广场建造了长达1,000米的超高清LED屏幕、700多个LED灯泡以及超过130个高性能扬声器组合,为宾客带来赏心悦目的崭新体验。
Spectacle is created in partnership with some of the industry’s best architectural experts, including Rockwell Group, which created the overall design concept. The LED walls and their contents are a collaboration with digital, visual and audio experts including: Obscura Digital, Smart Monkeys Inc., Electrosonic Inc, and LAB at Rockwell Group. It is programmed with an incredible collection of 1,000 meters of ultra-high definition LED displays, with more than 700 LED lights, combined with over 130 high-performance speakers in one atrium space.
Avenida da Nave Desportiva, Cotai, Macau
General Enquiries: (+853) 8806 8888
Stayed tuned with Delta Bridges for later reviews!