随着游客人数不断增加,印度尼西亚旅游与创意经济部付出巨大的努力,确保在巴厘岛实施《清洁、健康、安全和环境可持续性准则》(简称《CHSE实施准则》)。随着国际航班重新开放,该部门将通过开展 #InDOnesiaCare(印尼关怀)活动,唤醒巴厘岛游客的安全出行意识。
Having seen an increase numbers of tourists, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MoTCE) of Indonesia has made massive strides to ensure a safe Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) protocols in Bali. Namely #InDOnesiaCare, they prioritize safe travel procedures for Bali’s visitors, as the international flights reopen.
据国有机场运营商 PT Angkasa Pura I 的报道,巴厘岛的航班量增幅超过50%,新准则代表了政府为振兴旅游业和当地经济而做出的努力。
旅游与创意经济部传播局局长 Agustini Rahayu 表示:“这些准则重点考虑所有巴厘岛境内外游客的健康与安全,确保其拥有完美的旅游体验。我们坚信旅游与创意经济部能够恢复增长,最重要的是安全度过新冠肺炎疫情期。”
“These protocols ensure a smooth travel experience, while prioritizing the health and safety for all domestic and global visitors who are coming to Bali. We believe that the tourism and creative economy sector can return to productivity, but most importantly remain safe from COVID-19.” said Director of Communication MoTCE Agustini Rahayu.

新准则包括相关场所的定期消毒程序、安全物理距离和温度检测等方面。进入巴厘岛之前,游客必须出示阴性咽拭子测试结果,并在移民站提供经卫生部官员核实的二维码。在 eHAC Indonesia Electronic Health Card app 上,可以通过提交电子医疗卡申请表的方式获取二维码。
The new protocols include regular disinfectant procedures, safe physical distancing, and temperature checking at every relevant venue. Before entering Bali, visitors are required to present a negative swab test result and provide the QR-code to be verified by the Ministry of Health officer at immigration stations. The QR-code can be retrieved by filling the Electronic Health Card Application Form on eHAC Indonesia Electronic Health Card app.

此外,《CHSE 实施准则》建议充分利用各种数字化和在线服务,尽量减少机场出口通道内人们的直接接触。接送与转机服务也应遵守新的实施准则,使用各类交通服务均须配备口罩与消毒液。
The CHSE protocols also maximize various digital and online services to minimize direct contact all the way to the airport exit. Pick up and transfer services are also in line with the new standard of operation, which include mandatory masks and sanitizers in all transport services.
The comprehensive health protocols also continue when visitors arrive at their place of stay. All baggage will be disinfected on arrival, while the check-in process will be done with minimal contact, utilizing digital technology where possible.

“每个通过 CHSE 评估的场所、景点或旅游企业,均会获得 ‘#InDOnesiaCare’ 官方认证标志,表示该场所符合巴厘岛的新准则且游客可以安全出游。将一切安排妥当之后,不论是游客还是旅游业从业人员,在繁荣的巴厘岛欣赏美景时都无需忧心自身安全。”Agustini 补充道。
“Every place, destination, or any tourism businesses that has passed the CHSE’s assessment will earn an official certified sign of #InDOnesiaCare. Meaning the place complies to the new protocols so people can travel safely in Bali. All this was put in place so everyone involved – both tourists and people working in the industry, can feel safe whilst enjoying the beauty a thriving Bali has to offer.” Agustini added.