The Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) will hold the 13th Australia China Alumni Awards this year, with the support of ACAA Patron, the Australian Ambassador to China, and the Australian Global Alumni Program.
The Awards celebrate excellence in Australian tertiary education and recognise the significant achievements of Australian-educated alumni in China and Chinese background alumni in Australia.
The 13th Australia China Alumni Awards nomination will open on 1 July and close on 31 August.
澳中杰出校友奖的奖项 | Awards Categories
This year, ACAA has determined nine categories which are available for sponsorship:
1. Australia China Alumni of the Year Award
2. Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award
3. CPA Australia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement
4. Austrade Australia China Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
5. Australia China Alumni Award for the Arts and Creative Industries
6. Australia China Alumni Award for Women in Leadership
7. Australia China Alumni Award for Research & Science
8. Australia China Award for Community & Social Impact
9. Australia China Award for Contributions to the Australia-China Relationship
澳中杰出校友奖提名要求 | Awards Nominations Criteria
被提名者必须满足以下条件 / The Awards welcome nominees:
1. 毕业于澳大利亚高校和职业类院校,或通过在线学习澳大利亚大学课程,取得某所澳大利亚大学的毕业证书;或通过学习澳大利亚大学的海外课程/合作项目而获得毕业证书。国籍不限;
Of any nationality, provided they graduated from an Australian university program or TAFE/VET program (in Australia or through an Australian off-shore program in any other country or online) who have made a significant contribution to their field and community in China or Australia.
2. 除了“年轻校友奖”的提名者须在提名时年龄不超过35岁之外,其它奖项对年龄没有限制;
Of any age, except for the Young Alumni of the Year Awardwhich is restricted to applicants who are 35 years or under in the year of nomination;
3. 现居住于澳大利亚的华人或华裔,或澳大利亚高校和职业类院校的校友在2021年提名开始前曾居住于中国;
Who are originally from Greater China living in China or Australia, or other alumni who have spent notable time in Greater China in previous years prior to the start of 2021 nominations;
4. 在被提名领域取得突出成就;
Who display an on-going high level of achievement in the Award category, irrespective of whether they are working in the discipline in which they graduated;
5. “澳中关系贡献奖”和“澳中社区影响力奖”对校友和非校友开放,国籍不限。
In addition, we welcome nominees to our Australia China Award for Community & Social Impact and our Award for Contributions to the Australia-China Relationship. These Awards will be open to both alumni and non-alumni, including current students, of any citizenship.
Please note that the Australia China Alumni of the Year Award shall be granted by the Awards judging panel from amongst the nominees for all other Awards.
提名 | Make a Nomination
Alumni are encouraged to nominate themselves or others who have made significant achievements in their work, life and/or service to the community. To nominate yourself or someone else for an award, please download the relevant nomination form (links below) and submit the nominations to awards@austchinaalumni.org before the deadline.
2021 Australia China Alumni Awards Nomination Form- Nominated Others
2021 Australia China Alumni Awards Nomination Form- Self-Nomination
Applications must include a short statement explaining why the nominee is deserving of the award, together with a short professional resume. Please note, incomplete applications will not be considered.
赞助机会 | Awards Sponsorship
Since 2009, the ACAA has been working closely with the corporate sector for its annual high-profile Australia China Alumni Awards. Given COVID-19 movement restrictions, the 2021 Awards ceremony will be a unique hybrid combination of an online event with concurrent offline (face to face) events. The adjusted format presents additional marketing, promotion and brand exposure opportunities for participating institutions, other stakeholders and sponsor partners. The ACAA is currently seeking expressions of interest from the corporate sector to sponsor various Awards categories. For further details of sponsorship, please contact the Australia China Alumni Association via awards@austchinaalumni.org.