Ozone重塑“FIVE ELEMENTS”推出全新鸡尾酒系列和咸点下午茶 | Ozone's New Five Elements Cocktail and Savory Afternoon Tea Menu @The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
Ozone重塑“FIVE ELEMENTS”推出全新鸡尾酒系列和咸点下午茶 | Ozone's New Five Elements Cocktail and Savory Afternoon Tea Menu @The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong

全球最高酒吧Ozone重新塑造受热捧的“FIVE ELEMENTS”鸡尾酒系列,并首次推出“FIVE ELEMENTS”咸点下午茶,为全球最高酒店的体验再次定下一个新标准。以世界中的五大元素为主题,调酒师和厨师细心构思,以美味的鸡尾酒配上创意的咸点下午茶,保证让宾客赞叹不绝。
Ozone expandsits popular Five Elements Cocktail Menu and debuts a Five Elements Savory Afternoon Tea, shaping a new icon for the highest bar in the world. Drawing inspiration from a different spectrum of ingredients that represent the five forces of nature, these elemental concoctions and savory treats are designed to take your wining and dining experience to another dimension.

“FIVE ELEMENTS”鸡尾酒系列 | “Five Elements” Cocktail Menu
“Fire”有着熔岩般的颜色,在品尝灼热的味道前,宾客将能欣赏到火光闪烁的特别效果,在刺激味蕾前先震撼你的视觉。这款火热的鸡尾酒以墨西哥 Mezcal 加上低温烹调的墨西哥辣椒,混合芒果蜜和 St-Germain 接骨木花酒。酒杯边缘沾上泰国鸟眼辣椒剂及泰式辣砂糖,每尝一口都散发出浓浓烟熏味、果味和辛辣味。
Fire is exotic and powerful just like the element. Guests will find their senses ignited with a roar of flames before diving into the lava-colored concoction. Mixing Alipus Mezcal with sous-vide jalapeño and shaken with sweet mango nectar, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, the cocktail also highlights a spicy dash of bird’s eye chili tincture and Thai-style spicy sugar on the rim. Expect every sip to be tingling with smoky, fruity and spicy sensations.

Ozone重塑“FIVE ELEMENTS”推出全新鸡尾酒系列和咸点下午茶 | Ozone's New Five Elements Cocktail and Savory Afternoon Tea Menu @The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
Ozone重塑“FIVE ELEMENTS”推出全新鸡尾酒系列和咸点下午茶 | Ozone’s New Five Elements Cocktail and Savory Afternoon Tea Menu @The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong

“Metal”以时尚的金属花瓶造型盛载,以香甜的意大利 Italicu 利口酒,加上花瓣、Beefeater 毡酒和柠檬汁,再注入茉莉康普茶,为酸甜的味道交织出一份清爽气息。以 Plantation 冧酒和浸泡过酸梅制成的“Water”,加上柚子和带有少许咸味的鲜味苦精 。饮用前,先吃一口紫菜脆片和沾上少许杯缘的咸梅粉,不论其外观和味道都让宾客仿如置身于一片汪洋之中。
Stylishly presented in a sleek metallic vessel, Metal is as sharp and crisp as its name suggests. Let citrus and floral notes from Italicus, an Italian liqueur made with flower petals, Beefeater Gin as well as lemon oleo saccharum energize the palate with a fizzy, refreshing jasmin kombucha finish. Made from Eco-spirit Plantation Rum with sous-vide salted plum, Water fluidly mimics the salinity and complexity of the ocean. Guests are not only reminded of the sea visually by its clear body from the clarified grapefruit, but also by its sophisticated hints of Japanese umami bitters. Pair with a bite of seaweed crisp and plum powder before every sip to maximize the oceanic experience.

“Earth”巧妙地利用浸泡过智利 Pisco Alto del Carmen 皮斯可酒的红菜头、Cynar Artichoke 利口酒和芋头蓉,打造渗透坚果味的绿色花园。另外更加入了菠萝、椰奶和芫茜苦精,成为一个充满惊喜的 piña colada 变奏版。
Taking the form of a lush green garden, Earth makes use of the treasures of the land and extracts nutty flavors from Pisco Alto del Carmen-infused chioggia beetroot, Cynar Artichoke Liqueur and taro. Guests will be surprised to also find hints of bitter-sweet flavors from pineapple, coconut cream and coriander bitters which resemble an earthy piña colada.

“Wood”以 Bulleit Bourbon 威士忌为基调注入浸泡黑松露的一款鸡尾酒。偏爱复杂且丰满口味的绅士与淑女,万万不能错过这款由 Mr. Black Amaro 苦甜酒、Mancino Rosso 苦艾酒、Campari 利口酒和 Fernet-Branca 利口酒,每款烈酒匀在橡木桶内陈放三个月而混合而成的鸡尾酒,其独有的神秘气息保证让人一试倾心。
As mellow and oaky as it sounds, Wood is a Bulleit Bourbon-based cocktail infused with fat-washed black truffle. Ladies and gentlemen with a preference for well-rounded flavors will appreciate the dashes of Mr. Black Coffee Amaro and Mancino Rosso Vermouth, balanced with Campari and a touch of Fernet Branca, all aged in an oak barrel for three months for more depth.

建议客人将“FIVE ELEMENTS”鸡尾酒系列与 Ozone 最新的“FIVE ELEMENTS”咸味下午茶搭配,一尝五种元素互相擦出的火花。
Besides these expanded cocktails featuring new interpretations of the five elements, guests are recommended to pair them with Ozone’s newest savory afternoon tea which also incorporates the iconic five elements.

Ozone “Five Elements” Cocktail Menu

香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 118 楼 Ozone
Ozone, Level 118, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
日期/ Date:
即日起 From now onwards
价钱/Price: HK$138 per cocktail

“Five Elements”咸点下午茶 | “Five Elements” Savory Afternoon Tea
惹味可口的小食配上使人微熏的鸡尾酒是提升餐饮体验的最佳配搭。延续“Five Elements”鸡尾酒系列,Ozone 厨师团队同时亦悉心预备了以五大元素为主题的“Five Elements”咸点下午茶,让客人开展一场味觉与视觉的探索。
The drinking and dining experience will be elevated with magnificent savory bites. Inspired by the Five Element-themed cocktail menu, the talented team of Ozone has thoughtfully prepared a series of Five Element-themed afternoon tea set menu to enhance guests’ afternoon exploration of taste.

“Five Elements”咸点下午茶包含五款的精致咸点和一款特色咸味松饼,当中包括 Ozone的招牌迷你蘑菇和牛牛肉汉堡。
The “Five Elements” Savory Afternoon Tea highlights five bite-sized savory treats and one pastry, including the bar’s signature Mini Mushroom Wagyu Beef Burger.

The journey begins with relishing a taste of greens, Wood, presenting the guest with a soft cream of Avocado mousse infused with Wasabi flavor while asparagus and egg white provide a balance of texture and taste.

Water splashes a refreshing note from the ocean with a scallop ceviche, poetically painted in aqua-blue of butterfly pea and blueberry.

Fire remixes the traditional Mexican taco with Sichuanese fiery chicken to tantalize every taste bud of the guests.

Topped with a delicate golden leaf, Metal is a crispy fried shrimp that will delight guests with a light and satisfying crunch as well as a touch of minerality.

Ozone 的招牌迷你蘑菇和牛牛肉汉堡代表着“Wood”,嫩烤牛肉与蘑菇的完美搭配,正可满足每位无肉不欢者的胃口。
Ozone’s renowned Mini Mushroom Wagyu Beef Burger represents Earth on the menu. The tender grilled beef matches perfectly with the earthy note of the mushroom to satisfy every meat lovers’ cravings.

OZONE“Five Elements”咸点下午茶
Ozone “Five Elements” Savory Afternoon Tea

香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 118 楼 Ozone
Ozone, Level 118, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
日期/Date: From now onwards
价格/Price: $298 per person
(价钱包括“Five Elements”系列鸡尾酒一杯)
(including one glass of “Five Elements” cocktail)