Women in Business Forum is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong’s(BritCham) flagship events. The event has been held for 6 years in a row in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and welcomed over 200 guests each year.
Following on from last year’s successful event, the BritCham is planning on holding its 7th Women in Business Forum in Shenzhen on 11th May 2018.
BritCham using the theme #PressforProgress this year, hopes to establish a platform for women to exchange and inspire each other, allowing them to find their true character and place in life through sharing some inspiring and motivational talks
More information regarding our speakers and agenda will be shared during the following weeks, please keep following us.
演讲嘉宾1 Speaker 1
BritCham is delighted to invite Guxi, a Co-founder of TechieCat and a volunteer of British Council’s Inspiring Women China programme as our speaker, to share her experience of building the first woman technology community, and encourage women to get more involved in technology and learn coding。
Guxi 古茜
Co-founder of TechieCat
多次代表国内女性技术社区参与国际技术交流大会与女性峰会,中国技术社群联盟成员,SheroChina 2016 女性影响力年度获奖者,国内首届女性技术大会女生科技体验节TechieFestival 发起者, PADI 认证 DiveMater 潜水长。 2014 年底联合创立 NGO 科技猫,线下女性技术活动覆盖北上广深港,以色列,肯尼亚。在社区内分享编程教程、程序媛成长故事、国内外科技活动信息和中外合作伙伴热点等,帮助每一位热爱技术的女性找到扩展自我的起点和进阶点,致力打造最温馨酷炫的女性科技圈。
Guxi is a co-founder of TechieCat, the first Chinese technology community focused on women in tech. Her role helps her represent women in tech and actively build a community of strong women leaders in China. She was granted Women Impact Award 2016 by Shero China and initiator of China’s first women tech conference TechieFestival. Her work has given her the opportunity to give speeches and participate in conferences here in China as well as internationally.
She also participated in the school activities as a volunteer of British Council’s Inspiring Women China programme to share her career story with young people particularly girls to inspire them about their future career opportunities and encourage them to be more ambitious.
活动详情 Event Details
- 时间 Time and Date
13:30-17:30 Friday, 11th May - 语言 Language
中英文 Chinese & English
*配有同声翻译 Simultaneously interpretation will be provided - 场地 Venue
China Merchants Hall, 2/F, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai - 地址 Address
No. 1177, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen - 票务信息 Ticket Prices
■ 早鸟票 Early Bird Ticket
* 4月27日截止 Till 27th April
会员 Members : 50 RMB
非会员 Non-members : 150 RMB
■ 常规票 Regular Ticket
会员 Members : 100 RMB
非会员 Non-members : 200 RMB
■ 非会员团体票 Non-member Group Ticket
2 两张 tickets: 288 RMB
3 三张 tickets: 388 RMB
4 四张tickets : 488 RMB
Please Extract Below QR Code to Book Tickets
Please comment to let us know what kinds of vocies on #ProfessforProgress would you like to hear in the Women in Business Forum. We will choose 5 people with 2 complimentary entry tickets to BritCham 2018 Women in Business Forum.
Please click for comments:
合作伙伴Event Partner
Thanks for our partner British Council’s continuing support for our Women in Business Forum.
“未来菁媖”中国行动由英国文化教育协会(英国大使馆文化教育处)在2016年发起,为在校青少年学生创造与职业女性面对面接触的机会,帮助她们更好地了解职场,拓展行业知识,尽早设立职业目标。该行动获得了英国驻华大使吴百纳女士与中国知名媒体人杨澜女士的鼎力支持。越来越多来自各行各业的职业女性正在加入“未来菁媖”中国行动在线平台,通过参加校园活动现身说法,鼓励青少年学生志存高远,努力实现职业梦想。我们诚邀各行各业的职业女性加入志愿者的队伍,每年抽出几小时进入校园与学生们分享职业生涯故事,用榜样的力量激励学生的成长,“校园两三时,分享你的故事,预习她们的未来”。更多信息请查阅官网:https://www.britishcouncil.cn/inspiring-women-china;如有任何咨询(关于如何加入成为 “未来菁媖”志愿者、合作学校或公益沙龙活动合作伙伴)请联系:Wing.Feng@britishcouncil.org.cn
The British Council’s Inspiring Women China programme offers students, particularly young girls, the opportunity to meet and learn from professional women who can inspire them about their future careers opportunities. Dame Barbara Woodward, the British Ambassador to China, and Ms Yang Lan, Chairperson of Sun Media Group, are both patrons of the programme, and a growing number of professional women from a range of industries in China are joining the programme’s volunteer network.
We are looking for professional women from all walks of life to join us as volunteers and to commit a few hours of their time to visit schools and share their career stories with young girls to inspire them about their future career opportunities and encourage them to be more ambitious. For more detailed information, please visit www.britishcouncil.cn/en/inspiring-women-china
If you have any enquiries, please contact Wing.Feng@britishcouncil.org.cn
赞助商 Sponsors
Thanks to generous sponsorship from our sponsors and media partners below to support BritCham 2018 Women in Business Forum.
场地赞助商 Venue Sponsor
About Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai
A stylish hotel in Shenzhen, ideally located in the core are of Shenzhen’s western coastal city belt, the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai hotel faces Shenzhen Bay on the west, Pearl River Estuary on the east and Hong Kong across the sea. The hotel is close to SeaWorld and the Shekou Cruise Center which connects the area to Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong Central, Macau and Zhuhai within 1 hour.
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