The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) starts into the year 2019 with its worldwide campaign on the Centenary of the foundation of the legendary Bauhaus movement in Weimar. In cooperation with their partners, such as the office of the Bauhaus consortium as well as the regional marketing organizations of all German states, the GNTB is initiating numerous activities to market this important event on a cultural tourism level.

With various digital projects the GNTB highlights the experience-oriented character of the Bauhaus Centenary. For example, at www.germany.travel/bauhaus a landing page in German, English and French provides the core messages of the campaign. An animation movie deals with the multifaceted nature of the Bauhaus heritage in design, architecture, arts and crafts and refers to the most important places of the Bauhaus accomplishments in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin as well as in the numerous places that are relevant to the topic in the states. A digital replica of the legendary Director’s office of Walter Gropius in Weimar will be used worldwide as a virtual reality project at trade and press events of the GNTB and allows a realistic impression of the Bauhaus. One project that the GNTB promotes internationally as part of the Bauhaus Centenary is the Grand Tour of the Modern Era. This allows cultural tourists to experience the topic Bauhaus on a specifically designed travel route through Germany.

“The Centenary of the Bauhaus foundation is extremely suitable to strengthen the position of Germany as the No. 1 cultural destination for the Europeans”, Petra Hedorfer, Chair of the Board of GNTB explains at the launch of the campaign. “Through the use of digital technologies and innovative event formats we emphasize the dynamic heritage of the Bauhaus movement in Germany.”

早在去年十月于魏玛举行的第二次入境旅游与品牌年度峰会上, 德旅局已就是次主题与超过20个国家的专家、媒体业者以及KOL等进行互动讨论。
Even before the start of the Centenary year the GNTB placed significant emphasis on the topic with the second Incoming and Brand Summit at the end of October in Weimar to interactively discuss Bauhaus with experts, media representatives and influencers from 20 countries.
百年包豪斯的另一焦点项目是迷你(BAU)haus巡回展览。迷你(BAU)haus由长方体组成,面积共8平方米,内部将载有互动装置,让访客犹如身处德国当地的Bauhaus,希望给予访客全方位的感官体验。迷你(BAU)haus由环保物料结合3D立体打印技术制作而成,充分体现GNTB注重可持续发展的理念。展览将于2月在鹿特丹揭幕,及后用作各项跨媒体活动。所有关于这次巡回展览的影片和网志将载有主题标签 #CelebratingBauhaus,以方便读者在社交媒体搜寻相关信息。
One project that the GNTB uses in selected markets to campaign for the Bauhaus Centenary is a Tiny(BAU)haus. As a 3D print made of recycled plastic, it uses innovative technologies and materials and extents the concept of sustainability. The central element is an accessible cuboidal block with a surface of 86 square feet. Within the object, visitors can experience the world of Bauhaus with all of their senses. Interactive picture installations story tell how visitors can experience Bauhaus in Germany. The tiny(BAU)haus will be presented for the first time in Rotterdam in February. After that it will be used in additional markets as part of a cross media campaign at press events and presentations by the GNTB. Videos and blogs with the hashtag #CelebratingBauhaus will document its journey on social media channels.

In addition to the Centenary Bauhaus campaign, the GNTB is developing marketing campaigns as well as market specific campaigns on the major trends of culture and nature. In 2019 the “German Summer Cities”, the touristic offerings of larger cities and those in more rural areas, take center stage as part of a worldwide marketing offensive. Contents of the campaign are the five clusters Urban city, Romantic Germany, Seaside Vacations, Sightseeing as well as Arts and Culture.