In a recent event of the cooperation between the logistics platform Business Link Transformation Holding (BLTH) and the global shipping logistics service provider Pactrans Air & Sea Inc to boost a wealth sharing economy, Sam Huang, Founder of BLTH met with Delta Bridges Media and shared his thoughts over global logistics under “One Belt One Road”.
DB: 百流通平台有什么特别之处?What is do special about BLTH?
SH:百流通坚持合作共赢理念,为商务伙伴提供共同发展与繁荣的合作平台。通过建立战略合作伙伴关系,每位成员都可以相互合作,相互学习。百流通平台将引进数百家公司互相合作,成立紧密联系的社区,实现各实体优势互补。最终,将百流通平台打造为适用于各类业务合作的全球综合服务平台。 BLTH has created a business cooperation platform that is in line with the contemporary trend of achieving common development and prosperity via win-win cooperation. By forging strategic alliances, the members of our platform can benefit from mutual cooperation and by learning from each other. Our business cooperation platform is a close-knit community that will have hundreds of companies collaborating with each other. All the entities will be complementing each other’s strengths to promote growth. Ultimately, our platform will evolve to become a vast global integrated supply network for all types of businesses.
DB: 百流通平台将如何与派克逊国际物流公司联手发展?How are you going to develop the synergies between BLTH and Pactrans?
SH: 百流通平台旨在促进数百家企业之间的相互合作,这也意味着必须拥有强大的物流系统。 派克逊国际物流公司在全球拥有无数分支机构和物流网络,在中国也有深厚的根基,是百流通平台发展的最佳合作伙伴。BLTH is established with the intention to improve circulation among hundreds of enterprises, and this is only possible with a strong logistics system. Pactrans is a strong logistics company with branches and logistics networks all over the world. It also has deep roots in China and is definitely a partner that can propel BLTH to rise rapidly.
DB: 您将如何发展百流通平台在中国的业务?What are your plans for BLTH’S business in China?
SH: 首先,我们将引进众多主流行业,扩大百流通的业务版图,同时将派克逊国际物流公司的物流系统整合到百流通平台。我们希望实现互联网+的理念,同时响应国家“一带一路”政策,借助派克逊国际物流公司的优势,快速拓展海外业务。我们希望做全球性的百流通平台,而不仅仅是中国的百流通平台。First, we will strengthen our lineup by rapidly absorbing various major industries, while integrating Pactrans’ system into BLTH. We want to achieve the idea of Internet Plus, while rapidly expanding our overseas presence with the help of Pactrans’ advantages. This is to support our country’s “One Belt and One Road Initiative”. We want to develop BLTH into not only China’s BLTH, but the world’s BLTH.
DB: 您对双方的合作前景怎么看?With this cooperation between PACTRANS and BLTH, what do you envision for the future?
SH: 在全球化背景以及中国的“一带一路”政策的鼓励下,百流通不仅出口产品到国外,同时也在不断引进新资源。我们有来自全球各个领域的精英人士,在语言,商务经验,资金,资源和人际关系等方面拥有绝对优势。百流通与派克逊国际物流公司强强联手,无往不利,最终将成为世界顶尖物流平台。By riding on the world’s favorable conditions and following our country’s “One Belt and One Road Initiative”, we are not only exporting domestic products out of China— but also importing the world’s resources into China. BLTH consists of elites in various fields from within the country and all over the world. We possess an absolute advantage in terms of various aspects such as language, business experience, funds, resources and human connections. We will work together with Pactrans to create a strong alliance that will sail seamlessly and be unbeatable in the world of logistics.