Shake Shack 在中国的旅程步履不停,将继续扩大与美心食品有限公司的合作关系,计划于 2030 年前在华南地区开设至少 15 家分店,目标城市包括深圳、广州、福州和厦门等。
Hello Huanan! Shake Shack’s expansion plans in China are firing up. Shake Shack Inc. and licensee Maxim’s Caterers Limited announced an expanded partnership, with plans to open a minimum of 15 Shacks in South China by 2030, including locations in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou and Xiamen.

Shake Shack 和美心食品有限公司携手并进,致力于 2030 年前在中国大陆一起经营 55 家 Shake Shack 门店。目前,美心食品有限公司经营着 Shake Shack 上海和香港的店铺,而北京和澳门门店也正在有序筹备中,希望在 2020 后半年迎来盛大开业。美心食品有限公司作为一家具规模的企业,在亚洲拥有超过 60 年的餐饮和零售领域经验,运营范围多样化,包括高端餐饮、快餐行业、烘焙事业和连锁咖啡店等。
Together, Shake Shack and Maxim’s Caterers Limited plan to operate 55 Shacks in mainland China by 2030. Maxim’s currently operates Shake Shack locations in Shanghai and Hong Kong, with Beijing and Macau in development with goals to open later in 2020. As a well-respected and proven operator in Asia, Maxim’s has more than 60 years of experience in the food, beverage and retail sectors, and its diversified operations include full-service and quick-service restaurants, bakeries and coffee shops.
“中国粉丝的支持使我们始终保持谦逊踏实的态度,而此次中国业务的良好复苏态势也给予我们极大的信心和鼓舞,预示着这是 Shake Shack 持续在中国市场扎根的绝佳时机”,Shake Shack 首席国际授权官 Michael Kark 说道。“这也是我们与美心食品有限公司合作关系中的重要一步,我们将携手共进,一起实现2030年前在中国大陆经营 55 个门店的目标。”
“We remain humbled by our fans in China and continue to be encouraged by the performance of our Chinese business through this recovery. It’s a great time to deepen our roots in this market,” said Michael Kark, Chief Global Licensing Officer of Shake Shack. ”This is a significant step in our relationship with Maxim’s as we partner to achieve 55 Shacks across mainland China by 2030.”
美心食品有限公司主席兼董事总经理伍伟国表示:“继 2018 年登陆香港和 2019 年在上海开业之后,美心与 Shake Shack 的合作伙伴关系让品牌踏上了激动人心的旅程,而我们在北京和澳门的新篇章也即将展开。我们有着共同的核心价值观,即提供高品质的食物和饮品,同时创造温馨的社区相聚空间。携着新的扩展蓝图,我们期待在 2021 年将卓越的餐饮服务展现给华南地区更多的顾客。”
“Maxim’s partnership with Shake Shack has taken the brand on an exciting journey to Hong Kong in 2018 and Shanghai in 2019, with Beijing and Macau on the horizon,” said Michael Wu, Chairman and Managing Director of Maxim’s Caterers Limited. “We remain committed to our common core values of providing inspired food and drink and creating warm community gathering places, and we look forward to bringing our boundless hospitality to more guests across South China in 2021 with our new expansion plans.”
本着优良的餐饮传统以及对优质食材来源、质量和服务的承诺,Shake Shack 提供各种经典的招牌美食,包括必吃招牌牛肉汉堡 ShackBurger®、招牌芝加哥热狗 Shack-cago Dog®、特色波浪纹薯条、精酿啤酒、红/白葡萄酒、柠檬特饮和新鲜打制冰激凌。Shake Shack 始终坚守“Stand For Something Good®”的理念,将与各城市本地生产商、供应商以及艺术家合作,支持社区发展的同时带来独具本地特色的魅力体验。
In keeping with its fine dining heritage and commitment to thoughtful ingredient sourcing, quality, and hospitality, the menu will feature Shake Shack’s signature items including the ShackBurger®, Shack-cago Dog®, crinkle-cut fries, beer, wine, lemonade and freshly spun frozencustard ice cream. Aligned with its mission to Stand for Something Good®,Shake Shack will also partner with local producers, purveyors and artists to reflect and support the communities.