吴素莹,珠海囍事设计的设计总监 - Suying, Design Director, BIGDAY, Zhuhai.
1. 你是通过什么机缘加入了囍事设计,为什么?How and why did you join BIGDAY as a design director?
其实在加入囍事设计之前,我们已经一起合作了一段时间, 觉得大家特别理念很合得来,每次合作都很愉快。 在还没加入BIGDAY前,我在经营一家法式烘培 “蜜悦法式烘培”,负责婚礼甜点台。刚开始的时候,我就很欣赏这家婚礼策划公司,敢于突破,挑战当时还不为人所熟知的订制婚礼,大概2、3年前,珠海的婚礼布置都是只用简单的布幔,连颜色的选择都不外乎几种; 更重要的是,每场婚礼,事无大小他们都为新人一一统筹得井井有条,让新人可以轻轻松松的完成他们的婚礼,对于各个合作商家也是特别的特别省心。囍事设计一邀请,我就欣然接受啦。
Before I joined BIGDAY, we have worked together for a while. Every time we work together, we feel that we have so much in common. I used to work for a French Bakery called “Simply Sweet”, which focused on wedding desserts. At the beginning, I really appreciated this wedding company because they dare for breakthrough and challenges. Two or three years ago, Zhuhai’s wedding arrangements were very simple, even the choice of colour was limited. However, BIGDAY custom-made people’s wedding and kept them as creative as possible. Everything was in better order. They make wedding couples happy and work very well with every business partner. When they asked me to join their team, I said “Yes” happily.
2. 你觉得这份工作最大的挑战是什么?What is the biggest challenge for you working for BIGDAY?
The biggest challenge for me is how to understand different people’s stories and apply all the romantic elements to the design of their one and only wedding. But this is also what I find most interesting. Every time I see the perfect wedding comes to an end, I truly feel happy and satisfied.
3. 能跟我们说说囍事设计包含了哪些婚庆服务吗?哪个最受人们欢迎?What services does BIGDAY offer to its customers? Which ones are the most popular?
囍事设计的独特设计是我们公认的优势。但我们有其他更大的亮点是有别于传统的婚礼策划公司,我们有系统的服务协助客人统筹婚礼的各个细节。例如:1. 在前期,我们会有婚礼秘书为新人整理好时间准备表,让新人清晰了解在婚礼筹备过程中所需准备的各事项,还有相应建议完成时间。这样可以确保婚礼前期准备工作有条不紊。 2. 婚礼当天我们也有婚礼统筹安排好全天流程并全天陪伴新人,帮他们解决一切突发事件,让他们安心享受人生中最美好的一天。
BIGDAY’s unique wedding design is our best advantage, however, we have other advantages that distinguish us from other wedding companies. Our systematic service helps our customers to arrange every detail of their wedding. Firstly, we will have a wedding secretary who will well prepare a timetable to inform the wedding couple of what they need to and prepare before the wedding. Secondly, we have our wedding planners on the wedding day to ensure that everything will go well and help the wedding couple to handle some unforeseen circumstances.
4. 囍事设计历往的顾客会更倾向于传统中式婚礼,还是西式或户外婚礼?Do BIGDAY’s customers usually prefer a traditional Chinese wedding or a western and outdoor one?
With the rapid development of the society, the wedding culture has been attached more importance to and more and more people would like to spend more time and energy in having a wonderful wedding. Several years ago, people still chose the traditional indoor wedding. However, more and more people recently have chosen to have a western outdoor wedding. They even want their weddings to be hosted in a town village, on the beach or in a cruise. We love to take these challenges and realise their wedding dreams.
5. 你梦想中的婚礼是怎样的?你在囍事设计为自己量身定做梦中婚礼吗?What is your dream wedding? Will you tailor-make your own wedding with BIGDAY?
I am already a mum with two sons! I don’t think I will re-organize a wedding for myself. But after joining BIGDAY, I quite regret that I got married so early because I still have a beautiful wedding dream! You know, we girls always have that dream. I still love beautiful, fancy and romantic things, even if I am a mum with two sons (Laughter). Well, I think I can just leave those beautiful fantasies to my clients.
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘囍事设计’?Where can we get more information about ‘BIGDAY’?
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