2018中法环境月 | The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment 2018

中法环境月是中法两国在环境问题上积极合作的体现。这个独一无二的跨学科主题活动月已成为每年秋天的亮点,它的内容覆盖面广,老幼皆宜,既有专业性,也有大众性,一百三十多场活动分布在全中国二十多座城市。今年的主题是“饮、食与呼吸”,从9 月15 日到10 月14 日,这些活动将带领公众去认识身体健康与环境的密切联系:污染的危害及应对方法,我们的行为尤其是饮食习惯对环境的影响。除了讲座和工作坊,观众也有机会参观展览或演出,参加生态集市或者生态农场等。如此之多精彩的项目是对我们的星球的礼赞,也是为了让我们细细去品味有时会被遗忘的、但却是与生命息息相关的饮、食和呼吸。
The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment plays a significant role in building the dynamic partnership between France and China. Having become an annual highlight in the field of the environment, this unique multi-disciplinary festival has so much to offer – whether young or old, specialist or layperson – with over 130 events throughout around 20 cities. This year’s theme is “Breathe, Drink, Eat”. From 15th September to 14th October, the program on offer will help visitors to gain a deeper insight into the intricate links between health and the environment: the risks associated with pollution and the solutions for tackling it as well as the impact of our lifestyles, especially with regard to what we eat. As well as the many conferences and workshops, you will have the chance to visit exhibitions and to see shows, to visit ephemeral market or organic farm. What a wonderful way of showcasing our planet! And what an excellent reminder to everyone to be a little more mindful about those basic and essential everyday activities which we can sometimes overlook: breathe, drink, eat.


见面会与讲座 | Meetings and Conferences

 主题 | Topic 
“Towards a sustainable and healthy agriculture”

实现既健康又可持续的农业 | Towards a sustainable and healthy agriculture
实现既健康又可持续的农业 | Towards a sustainable and healthy agriculture

农业的密集化种植,在过去几十年间极大促进了粮食产量的增加,但同时也带来了严重的负面环境影响:温室气体排放量的急剧上升,生物多样性的退化,抑或是水资源和土壤污染。到2050 年,农业产量需要增加50% 才能满足届时全球90 多亿居民的粮食需求。这将使环境和气候变得愈加脆弱,从来引发粮食安全问题。那么如何以另外一种方式来生产所需的粮食? 事实上,存在许多既尊重环境又能实现高质量和高产量农业生产的方法:永续农业,生态农业,鱼菜共生……多场讲座和圆桌讨论将介绍法国和中国在可持续农业领域开展的有益实践。 获封“ 园丁王子” 称号的路易- 阿尔贝·德布罗意王子,将成为受邀嘉宾之一。他将介绍在永续农业的启发下创立的微型生态农场,还将探讨与健康饮食密不可分的健康与环境之间的关系。
Even though the intensification of agriculture has tremendously increased the quantity of available food during the past decades, it has at the same time led to a considerable environmental toll: surge in greenhouse emission gases, decline in biodiversity or soil and water pollutions. By 2050, agricultural output will have to increase by 50% in order to feed a population of more than 9 billion inhabitants, cause for further environmental and climate harm that would further create food security issues. How to produce the same amount, but in a better way? Permaculture, agroecology, aquaponics… Numerous methods combining environmental compliance and qualitative and quantitative agricultural output exist.

Fang Suo Commune
Free Entry
19:30, Sunday, 23rd September

 主题 | Topic 
“Let’s find solutions to tackle pollutions!”

In many regions round the world, Humans, animals and plants are victims of air, soils, rivers and ocean pollutions. The consequences are significant, not only on people’s health but also towards the environment and the countries’ economies. Yet, some solutions exist in order to mitigate or fix those pollutions. Some of them are being implemented as part of cooperation projects with French institutions. During the Sino-French Month of the Environment, representatives from three of them along with their Chinese partners are going to present their solutions and exchangewith the general public and experts about ideas and good practice in order to curb this phenomenon. The conferences will touch upon many topics: measures to better prevent and manage air pollution events through the example of the cooperation between Airparif and Beijing Air Quality Monitoring Bureau, IOWater’s method of integrated management of water resources tested in China in partnership with Haihe River Water Conservancy Commission, as well as alternative solutions to corn chaff burning in Changchun, presented by two experts from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources
Pearl River Water Resources Building
NO.80, Tianshou Rd., Guangzhou
18th to 19th September, 2018

 主题 | Topic 
“Eric Baratay, a historian who gives a voice to animals”

埃里克·巴拉泰:将述说历史的话语权交给动物 | Eric Baratay, a historian who gives a voice to animals
埃里克·巴拉泰:将述说历史的话语权交给动物 | Eric Baratay, a historian who gives a voice to animals

为了反驳历史是人类专属的观点,埃里克·巴拉泰开始搜集并研究动物界的历史资料。然而这一新颖的尝试却并不是如运诸掌,因为现有的绝大多数文献资料都是以人类为中心的。 在接触到各种关于动物行为生态学的文字记载和图片资料后,他开辟出书写历史的新领域并开始了史无前例的动物传记,即以动物的感觉、感知和经历讲述它们的日常故事或生活片段。也许某一天我们不经意间会认识巴黎植物园里的长颈鹿,史蒂文森的毛驴慕德斯汀,在第一次世界大战中服役的战马瓦瑞奥,杀死了西班牙斗牛士马诺莱特的愤怒的公牛伊赛罗,两只人化的猩猩龚苏勒和梅什,还有旧金山最有名气的两只狗布默和拉撒路,托马斯·曼的狗宝山和柯莱特的狗杜茶。
To combat the idea that history is the sole preserve of humans, Eric Baratay began to study and document the stories of members of the animal kingdom. This original approach is nonetheless extremely rigorous, although its anthropocentric sources mean that it is often something of a (successful!) gamble. Combining written archives, images and ethological and environmental knowledge, Baratay pushes the boundaries of written history, offering new biographies – stories drawn from life or fragments of life – constructed around the feelings, perceptions and experiences of animals. We come to see certain animals in a completely different light: the giraffe of the Jardin des Plantes; Stevenson Modestine’s donkey; Warrior, a horse involved in the First World War; Islero the bull, who caused the death of Manolete; Consul and Meshie, two humanized chimpanzees; and the dogs Lazarus and Bummer, or Bauschan and Douchka.

9月20日 | 20th September
《Animals & Horses in WWI》
French International School of Guangzhou
《Telling history for individual animals》
Jinan University (Shipai Qiao Campus)

9月21日 | 21st September
《The history of pet cats》
Fang Suo Commune

Free Entry


展览与装置艺术 | Exhibitions and Art Installations

 主题 | Theme 
“Time to eat … with French artists!”

艺术家们的食物情缘 | Time to eat... with French artists!
艺术家们的食物情缘 | Time to eat… with French artists!

食物关乎文明:所以这是一个文化问题。跟对待所有重要的社会话题一样,艺术家们总是站在前沿来分享他们的看法及他们对世界的解读。 展览“ 艺术家们的食物情缘 – 他们对食物的独特见解” 围绕吃、买、变、种、养和存6 个主题, 从食物链到创意链,展示了15 位当代艺术家的作品及其感想。 这个生态设计展览将在中国几大城市的不同地方如图书馆、艺术中心、商业中心、遗产古迹等巡回展出。
Food is an issue of civilization: it is therefore a cultural issue. As with all major social issues, artists are at the forefront to share their vision and interpretation of the world. “Time to eat… with French artists! – Their eyes on food” presents the works and reflections of 15 contemporary artists around six themes : eating, buying, modifying, growing, raising and preserving, moving from the food chain to the chain of creation. This eco-designed and touring exhibition intends to travel among the main cities of China, in various types of venues such as libraries, art centers, shopping malls, heritage sites…

ART 23 当代艺术馆
ART 23 Contemporary Art Gallery
Qiming Bvd., Dongshankou, Guangzhou
16th September to 18th November


演出 | Performances

 剧目 | Program 


Rachid Ouramdane has drawn on the experience of his performers to develop a choreographic language centred on emotion. His exacting virtuosity is comprised of jumps, stretches and extensions. TWIST guides us away from the dramatic image of the performing body and towards another, more intimate act: a kind of infra-dance; an innerbeat by which to glimpse an entire relationship with the world.

Guangzhou Opera House

19:30, 30th September and 1st October, 2018

 剧目 | Program 
“Ventriloquists Convention”

腹语木偶艺术剧场 | Ventriloquists Convention
腹语木偶艺术剧场 | Ventriloquists Convention

这是一场腹语木偶艺术家的联欢,全剧背􀰀是一年一度、在美国肯塔基州举办的著名国际腹语艺术节。 9 位木偶艺术家通􁣿腹语这一特殊的表演艺术形式,开展了一场精彩纷呈、发人深省的人偶对话。《 腹语木偶艺术剧场》是基于现实主义的虚构、真实场􀰀的想像。场􀰀设定为在博物馆一年一度的艺术节中,来自世界各国,不同职业、社会背􀰀的腹语木偶表演艺术家在此相遇,展开对话。演出中,腹语木偶表演艺术家不仅是木偶的腹语演绎者,同时也是对话的参与者。剧中,表演者之间的对话,人偶对话,内心独白等对话方式穿插进行,而对话的内容涉及深刻的社会现实生活话题。
Every year, the largest international ventriloquists’event is held in Kentucky next to Vent Haven, a ventriloquism museum that has become a kind of puppet cemetery. This is where the puppets that have been decommissioned, often due to the death of their ventriloquist, are conserved and exhibited. The Ventriloquists Convention is an imaginative recreation of Kentucky’s annual meeting: a fictional portrayal that takes its cue from reality. The performance involving nine puppeteers-ventriloquists is shaped around the various moments that punctuate the convention, from performing the acts to portraying the various professional and private issues involved in being a ventriloquist.

Guangzhou Opera House

19:30, 12th October and 13th October, 2018


美食 | Gastronomy

 主题 | Theme 
“From the market to your plate”

从农场直送到餐桌 | From the market to your plate
从农场直送到餐桌 | From the market to your plate

Sanle BookHouse will host during the Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment several activities, especially open to the children and concerned parents : a Pop Up Market à la française with a selection of organic products and 3 workshops : My Organic Lunch Experience, My earthworms farm and DIY Water testing and filtering.

Sanle BookHouse
Sunday, 23rd September
详情及报名请联系/Information and registration


少儿活动 | Young Audience

 主题 | Theme 
“Welcome to my farm!”

欢迎来农场! | Welcome to my farm!
欢迎来农场! | Welcome to my farm!

Throughout the whole month, several Chinese farms open their doors to you and welcome you to discover the different activities and works in the field, as well as learn how to harvest and cultivate vegetables! In Guangzhou, adults and children will both have the chance to discover organic fruits and vegetables during a lunch. It will allow everyone to understand the importance of choosing good produce, of respecting seasonal changes in harvests and discover all the secrets on how to preserve the taste and nutrients of earth-grown vegetables.

Yinlin Organic Farm
Monday, 24th September
详情及报名请联系/Information and registration

 主题 | Theme 
“My organic garden”

我的生态花园 | My organic garden
我的生态花园 | My organic garden

利用堆肥和各种生态方法就完全可以以纯天然的方式照料我们的花园,不需要化肥和合成杀虫剂就可以获得好收成!在2018 年,数家NGO 将组织工作坊,让孩子和成人获得简单易行的方法,打造自己的生态花园!参与者将会发现既环保又健康的园艺方法:从花园的选址到土壤的准备。总之参与者将会了解获得好收成的关键方法,之后就可以享用到新鲜和健康的果蔬啦!
From homemade compost to organic solutions offering “natural” ways to tend a garden, there are many methods to ensure a good harvest without resorting to chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides! In 2018, several NGOs will hold workshops teaching young and old alike how to create a simple organic garden. Participants will discover gardening methods that respect the environment and are good for the health. From choosing the location of the garden to preparing the soil, the NGOs will lay out the secrets to a successful harvest. You will have the chance both to enjoy yourself and to savour your recently harvested, healthy organic fruits and vegetables.

Sanle BookHouse
14:30, Sunday, 14th October
详情及报名请联系/Information and registration