2008年,雅高酒店集团成立雅高公司基金会,旨在帮助弱势群体接受培训和职业培养。基金会设立了专门的董事会和选举委员会,负责就员工提交、常设团队评估的项目作出决策。雅高酒店集团互助基金会董事总经理Christine de Longevialle表示:“互助基金会旨在组织由集团员工推动的赞助活动。2007年,集团内部一项聚焦集团全球项目的研究表明,职业培养非常关键,而我们雅高员工一贯会在我们的业务中和酒店行业的各种岗位上,向刚刚开启职业生涯的人传授自己的专业知识。因此,通过培训和职业培养消除社会和经济隔离显然是进一步发扬这一优良传统的良好途径。我们认识到自己可以发挥重要作用。”
The Group created its Accor Corporate Foundation in 2008 to promote the training and professional integration of the most disadvantaged. A dedicated Board of Directors and a Selection Committee were set up to decide on the projects submitted by employees and evaluated by the permanent team. “Solidarity was created to structure the Group’s employee-driven sponsorship activities. In 2007, an internal study focusing on initiatives carried out around the world showed that professional integration played a prominent role. Through our business and the range of occupations in the hospitality industry, the teams in our hotels are accustomed to passing on their expertise to people starting their professional careers. Addressing the issue of social and economic exclusion through training and professional integration was therefore the obvious way forward. We felt we could make a difference,” said Christine de Longevialle, Managing Director of Solidarity AccorHotels.
In 2013, the legal structure of the foundation changed to become the Solidarity AccorHotels Endowment Fund. Launched in 2008 under the impetus of Christine Lagarde and based on the US model, in just ten years endowment funds have become established as one of the preferred legal structures for corporate donors and philanthropic businesses. This change specifically enabled Solidarity AccorHotels to raise funds from a wider range of stakeholders and mobilize more employees and guests in support of even more projects and beneficiaries.
Since 2008, Solidarity Week has grown within AccorHotels properties and headquarters around the world. Each year, over the course of a week in December, it encourages employees to participate in charity initiatives, providing a practical response to the needs expressed by local organizations. From 10th to 14th December, 2018, a charity Christmas market has been held at Sequana, the Group’s headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris. Products made by the fund’s partner organizations were on sale. Additional charity initiatives have been held within the Group’s hotels, including at Sofitel Paris Baltimore Tour Eiffel where €1 donated to the charity Les Enfants du Mékong for every drink sold (soft drinks, coffee, cocktails, etc.), and internationally, with The Grand Mercure Ibirapuera (Brazil) donated fifty christmas hampers with food and beverage to children with disabilities. In Greater China, AccorHotels Shanghai Corporate office and over 100 properties were mobilized to raise fund through different events among staff and communities to continue supporting Give a Tree campaign, with the proceeds going towards China Zigen, AccorHotels’ NGO partner for the Plant for the Planet agroforestry program in Greater China.
Without changing its focus areas or the way it operates, which has demonstrated its effectiveness over the past 10 years, Solidarity AccorHotels will resolutely maintain a long-term commitment to its projects.