We are extremely excited to introduce our new event format to you which we worked on for quite a while!
You are facing different challenges and difficulties every day, and you are coping well. BUT, don’t you notice that sometimes, you are lacking inspiration and new ideas? Being surrounded by engineers, managers, accountants, etc. make it difficult to view things from a different angle. Let us introduce you TALK@AHK, a whole evening full of new ideas, different perspectives and multiple new points of view. How to reach that? We are looking for the most inspired people from every discipline and culture. Therefore, we are honored that German basketball legend Mr. Henning Harnisch – “Flying Harnisch” will kick-off this new event series and share with us his views on how to motivate a team, how to deal with failures, how to go the extra mile and how to build up a strong team spirit. Are you keen on changing your perspectives?
Also, we are honored to have the president of the German Basketball Federation, Mr. Ingo Weiss, the highest member of German basketball to join the event.
If you are not excited enough yet, we have another surprise for you. We will invite you after the TALK to grab your currywurst, french fries and ice-cold beer (of course we will have wine and soft drinks as well). Bring your spouses, friends, colleagues along, enjoy the inspiring night together!
Register now: https://germanchambersouthchina.eventbank.cn/event/22983/register/
Member ticket: 200
Non-member ticket: 300
Please REGISTER first in order to secure your ticket.
If you would like to process the payment by Wechat or Alipay or cash, please note in the registration, we will collect your payment at the venue.
Or you can choose to pay by bank transfer. Full payment by bank transfer should be made using the following reason for payment: “event22983″
Please contact Ms. Suzanne Su at su.suzanne@gz.china.ahk.de if you have any questions.
Some more information for you in case you didn’t know:
FIBA World Cup, the biggest sports event of the year, will take place in China for the very first time! Basketball is considered one of the most popular sports in China with about 400 million fans. On the 1st of September, the German National Basketball Team will open their World Cup against the French National Basketball Team at Shenzhen Bay Sports Center – Spring Cocoon.
German basketball legend Harnisch (“Flying Harnisch”) has also built up ALBA BERLIN’s unique Sino-German basketball program, travelling to China numerous times. Since 2011 ALBA BERLIN, eight time German league champion and EuroLeague team, is using basketball to connect Chinese and German on different levels – from kindergarten, schools, universities, federations to professional athletes.