DB: 什么是“All That Junk”,你的目标是什么? What is “All That Junk” and what is your mission?

在香港,流行音乐最受推崇,但其实还有很多由独立音乐家创作的很不错的音乐值得受到大众的关注和聆听的。 “All That Junk”成立的初衷就是为草根音乐搭建通向主流音乐的桥梁。“All That Junk”是一家现场音乐活动公司,通过在香港举办乐队演出,推广独立音乐家,让人们认识这些同样很棒的乐队和音乐家。
In Hong Kong, pop music is king but there are lots of independent musicians creating great music who really need to be seen and heard. That’s where we come in at All That Junk. We are the bridge to the grassroots music scene struggling to grow in this fast paced concrete jungle. All That Junk is a live music event company that promotes independent bands in Hong Kong by organising shows throughout the city. Our mission is to help people discover these great bands and music.

DB: 是什么原因激发您成立“All That Junk”? What inspired you to start “All That Junk”?

Music is a big passion of mine. Throwing really good parties has also been a passion, so one day I just decided to combine the two and build a business. Initially, we were just doing junk boat parties with live bands on board and once we saw how connected people felt to the music, we began doing music shows on land in bars, breweries and jazz clubs.

DB: 活动策划工作给您带来过的挑战是什么? What are some of the challenges you face working in the events industry?

最大的挑战就是扩大影响力。我们本可以花费几万美金做市场宣传来获得一些关注(当然我们没有这么做),但最好又最有效的方式还是通过朋友相传。大多数客人并不认识我们推广的独立乐队,所以我们必须打造All That Junk的品牌内涵,让别人一看到All That junk,就知道这里有高质量的现场音乐。
One of the biggest challenges is developing community. We could spend thousands of dollars in marketing (which we definitely don’t have) to gain traction but honestly the best and most effective marketing is through friend referrals. Most of our guests have never heard of the bands whom we are presenting so the value proposition comes from knowing that brand, All That Junk, does excellent music curation and always presents a quality atmosphere.

DB: “All That Junk”有什么特别的地方? What makes “All That Junk” unique?

“All That Junk”的独特就在于它通过现场音乐表演的方式让听众更贴近音乐。 我们知道哪些乐队很棒,并且知道怎样为听众策划一场听觉盛宴。
All That Junk is unique in how connected we are to the live music scene. We know the bands and curate the best line-up for our audiences.

DB: 您是如何做到紧跟香港热门现场音乐表演? How do you make sure that you stay up to date with what’s hot in Hong Kong’s live music scene?

我们会一直更新表演。 此外,我们和众多音乐家一直保持交流,也参加音乐圈的活动。参加现场演唱会真的很有意义,因为这样听众才能更深刻的了解表演的乐队。
We stay up-to-date by constantly going to gigs. In addition, we are always talking to musicians and participating in the community. Going to gigs is really the most important aspect because you can experience the impact or effect a band has on the crowd.

DB: 最让您自豪的现场音乐会是哪场? Are there any events you have been particularly proud of which stand out in your mind?

印象最深的是在门神啤酒厂举行的音乐会,因为一切安排都恰到好处。门神啤酒和大厅的明代装修风格为整场音乐会营造了绝佳的氛围。找到这个隐藏在观塘的地方也是一个很有趣的过程。 但很重要的一点,就是我们有非常棒的摇滚乐队。Still Minds, The Sleeves, The David Bowie Knives 和DP的精彩演出,让在场的人都激动不已。 这场音乐会真的很棒。
The show that we put on at the Moonzen brewery was incredibly memorable because everything was exactly in place. We had the right atmosphere with the brewery and the Ming dynasty interior of Moonzen’s front parlour. Then, there was the adventure of finding this hidden location in Kwung Tong. Last but definitely not least, we had an awesome line-up of rock bands. Still Minds, The Sleeves, The David Bowie Knives and DP just made everyone get up and on to their feet. It was such a good night.

DB: 您对“All That Junk”的未来发展有什么计划? What are your plans for the future of “All That Junk”?

所有All That Junk的活动都需要一个永久的据点。我们在城市里到处表演,但我们真的希望我们的社区有一个特殊的地方,我们可以让音乐家每周演出,所以我们正在考虑开一家现场音乐酒吧。我们会在脸书上面更新更多有关All That Junk的信息。
All That Junk’s events need a permanent home. We have bounced around the city putting shows but we really want our community to have a special place where we can have musicians perform weekly so we are looking into opening our own live music bar. We will have more updates about that upcoming project soon on our Facebook page.

Website: allthatjunk.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllThatJunkHK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allthatjunkhk