Mr. Bertrand Furno – 法国驻广州总领事 – Consul General of France in Guangzhou.
DB: 欢迎参加本次珠三角创意创新盛典,您如何看待在珠三角地区推广创意创新的重要性?Welcome to the Delta Innovation & Creativity Ceremony, what do you think of the importance to promote innovation and creativity in Pearl River Delta?


These two points – creativity and innovation – are above all the most important key-aspects for the future development of the Pearl River Delta region. The area has an impressively strong base and infrastructure for creativity, and moreover, its industry will unequivocally go from strength-to-strength in the upcoming years. This growth will be possible thanks to the recent implementation of innovative techniques. This has given the industries in this area an additional value. More research has been done and new facilities have been developed. All of this will lead to an increase of innovative activities as well as the development of new and exciting products.

DB: 驻广州总领事馆在过去的一年中有做过哪些宣传本国创新创意能力的推广?What has the consulate general in Guangzhou done in the past year to promote the innovative and creative image of your country?


On 14th July 2015, we hold our National Day Reception at the French Consulate. The theme of the reception was French Touch and it was based on the topic of creativity in the Pearl River Delta region. The reception was mainly an exhibition for French companies to present their design and technological products, and it also offered a great opportunity to network with other companies within their professional field.

DB: 驻广州总领事馆在加强两国,尤其是与广东省的创意创新合作时,主要注重哪些领域?What are the fields that the consulate general focuses on for the cooperation of innovation and creativity between the two countries, especially within Guangdong?


The main field, or better yet a particular project of which we are concentrating on is our French Information Technology (IT) community in Shenzhen. Additionally, within this IT community, it accommodates more than 30 startups and SMEs, and the purpose of this is to create a new community that we are dubbing a ‘French Tech Hub’. This is a very exciting concept because of one of its key points is to interact with the Chinese people first-hand and to generate new solutions and products within the field of IT. So for me personally as of now, to oversee this project is my main task as the Consul General of France because it relies on a cooperation with our Trade Promotion Agency and Business within France.

DB: 驻广州总领事馆在帮助本国企业,甚至是当地企业提升创意创新能力上能做到哪些?What can the consulate general do to help local and international companies with improving their innovative and creative abilities?


In the Consulate we provide a Scientific Sector and through our research, we feel that innovation and creativity come from universities i.e. students and teacher. It is incredibly important to find both French and Chinese innovators that have recently graduated or maybe are still in full-time education. Students who have just graduated provide fresh ideas and new solutions, so these graduates need to be guided and assisted developing their business ideas. This assistance can be the financial help or provide research facilities from areas all over the world, including European or Asian countries. Basically, there are three steps in our creativity and innovation approach. Firstly, to obtain these graduates, then analyze their ideas or innovation solutions and finally provide the financial backing. Above all, though, we want to keep these young, newly-graduated people stimulated by providing a fantastic opportunity for them with a clear objective of creating cooperation for both China and France.