Today DB has the pleasure of talking to not one, but all three of the founders of SZketch Gang Urban Art Group and their editor in Shenzhen. Meet Phoebe Hutchinson, Barbara Ràccz, Owen Ni and Doreena Deng and hear about their background and philosophies in art.

DB: Could you tell us a little about your background and how you first became interested in art?

SZketch: szketch是由一群艺术家和爱好者组成的。我们对于群成员的背景,水平不限制,不管是以艺术为生的职人,还是刚刚开始入门的业余爱好者。我们的发起人是3个背景截然不同的人。
SZketch: SZketch is a collective made up of both seasoned artists and enthusiasts – we’re open to people of all backgrounds and ‘levels’ whether it is someone’s first peek into art or their daily bread and butter so to speak. It was founded by three people with very diverse backgrounds. Phoebe Hutchinson attended university in Korea where she specialised in fibre design and familiarised herself with a myriad of classical and ancient artistic crafts. She has made it a personal goal to preserve these mostly forgotten skills and artistic approaches and to reinvigorate them for future generations. Owen Ni started calligraphy at a very young age. Later on he attended Hubei Institute of Fine Arts and studied under international professors while directing his focus mainly onto oil painting. Barbara Ràcz reaffirmed her interest in painting and drawing while doing research for her PhD in education at a university in Rome. Ever since she has enjoyed the profound connection between art and education. Doreena Deng is our editor and engaged in art as a hobby. She works as a research assistant in a hospital. She started art at the university, by making posters with drawings and or photoshop. She regards art as a way to relax, to meditate and to get to know the inner self a bit more.

DB: How long have you been running the SZketch art group in Shenzhen?

SZketch: 我们两个月前开始了szketch。最开始只是组织晚上写生绘画活动,也是因为这个吸引了第一波人。自从我们加入了线上活动和直播,成员人数直线上升,因为本人到场已经不是刚需。
SZketch: We started SZketch around three months ago. We started off by organising local sketch evenings and that’s how we got our first members and started growing our WeChat group. Since then we’ve added online (streaming) events to our programme and now group memberships are really picking up speed as physical presence is not a requirement to join in at our events.

DB: What does a typical session consist of?

SZketch: 我们有室内的人像绘画,大家轮流做模特,一般一周2个晚上。我们主要针对速写素描,因为短时间内抓住人物特点是非常有挑战性的,同时很有成就感也很有教育意义。我们从1分钟的热身开始,然后到3分钟,5分钟和10分钟的姿势变换频率。大家自带所需画具😜
SZketch: We have indoor figure drawing sessions two evenings a week, during which we draw or paint one another with each member taking turns as a model. We focus mainly on doing quick sketches, which is very challenging but also very rewarding and educational. Typically we start with one minute warm-up poses moving on and building up to 3, 5 and 10 minutes per pose / sketch. Each member brings their own materials of course. We also organise special weekend sessions during which a hired model will pose a whole day so that members can take their time and try their hands at large(r) scale paintings.The coming month we will be focusing on Edgar Degas (Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas) – one of the founding fathers impressionism, albeit that he considered himself a realist. We hope to see some inspiring original works born out of our monthly themes during our sessions. Last but not least, we also feature outdoor sessions during which we will take short 1 or 2 day trips and visit nearby beaches and fields (or other suitable still life locations).

DB: Could you summarise the ethos of your group in a few words?

SZketch: 用心去战,艺术是我们的武器。我们对艺术非常热衷,但是我们以谦虚为本。我们在一起分享,学习,练习,享受创造的过程。
“Fight with heart – our weapon is art”. We are passionate about art – while keeping modesty in high regard. We gather together to share, learn, practice and enjoy the creation of art.

DB: How has living in China inspired the art that you create?

SZketch: 一半的成员都是中国人,但是彼此用英文交流。中国本身就是一个世界,有无数地方激发创作灵感。尤其生活在国际化的深圳,我们遇到从世界各地而来的人。我们感到很幸运以此作为我们的根据地。
SZketch: About half of our members or “SZketchers” are Chinese nationals, although we do communicate in English. China is a world onto its own with so many places to visit and draw inspiration from and living in an international city like Shenzhen has allowed us to meet people from all over the world. We feel very fortunate to be based where we are.
Barbara: I am personally quite new in China. I think learning Chinese characters influenced me and sketching became an everyday activity due to spending a lot of time on the metro. The skyscrapers inspire me to use lines and very simple shapes and city life appears more in my mind and pictures too. I also enjoy trying to give life to the amazing trees you can notice all around the streets.
Owen: Living in China, let me think… Chinese philosophy has so much to do with harmony to my comprehension. For example, our ancestors knew how to stay peaceful with nature. That spirit influenced me a lot, just as having studying calligraphy since my early childhood.

DB: What are some of the benefits of joining your group for those whom have an interest in art?

SZketch: 新老成员都发现自己融入艺术和艺术表现的机会越来越多。我们交流经历,一起成长,相互鼓励。我们的周活动月活动都是免费的,除了能磨练自己的技艺,这些活动把有着相同爱好的我们聚集起来,一起寻找灵感。我们分享关于艺术的媒体信息,各种纪录片,教程,电影。我们的成员们总是在群里相互解答问题,对作品给予反馈并且分享经验。不仅如此,我们是一大群来自全世界各个地方的发烧友,我们在语言上,生活上,购买画材上都互相帮助。
SZketch: Members both new and old will find themselves more and more engaged in art and artistic expression. We exchange experiences, improve together and motivate one another to keep on drawing. Our weekly and monthly events are all free of charge and other than opportunities to hone our skills – they’ve proven to be enticing social events where like-minded people can connect and find inspiration. We share media revolving round art such as documentaries, tutorials and films and members are always on standby to answer each other’s questions, provide feedback on artistic works and generally share and discuss experiences. Last but not least, we’re a happy and enthusiastic group of people from all over the globe and help each other with language issues, settling down in China, getting art supplies and more.

DB: Where do you see SZketch Gang headed in the future?

SZketch: 我们希望能在让人们注意到艺术,欣赏艺术上给人们正面的影响。我们希望能给人勇气与灵感,去征服最初对拿起画笔的恐惧和不情愿,为此我们提供高质量的教学线上线下教学活动。我们还希望能看到更多非盈利性艺术组织在不同地方出现。
SZketch: We hope to have a positive impact on people in terms of art awareness, appreciation and inspire people to get passed the first hurdles of fear and reluctance when starting out in art by offering quality programmes in and around Shenzhen as well as greater China by means of online participation.We also hope to see like-minded ‘gangs’ and non-profit organisations emerge in other cities and countries and cooperate with them.
Owen: In the future, I would want it grow naturally and spontaneously.

DB: Do you have a favourite artist or favourite era of artwork?

Not really – as keeping an open and unbiased mind is key to artistic development. Of course, members may have their personal preferences, but as a group we strive to appreciate the skill and artistic value of all works from all eras. We hope to be creating history – much like the old masters did with their gatherings and salons.
Barbara: I find some more inspiring than others, but it is possible to learn even from a kid. Paul Klee, Picasso, Moholy-Nagy are among the ones who I really like. I am more interested in modern and abstract art for pleasure.
Owen: I have many favourite artists. Right now I am obsessed with Frank Auerbach.