演繹粵式經典 承傳川滬百味

[澳門,即時發佈] — 新葡京酒店現於U2層推出嶄新餐廳——「日夜—南風亭」和「日夜—北香館」,演繹中國南北方的地道風味。「南風亭」的廚師團隊堅持甄選最新鮮的食材,打造廣東麵食、粵式粥品、傳統點心、煲仔飯等各式家常美味。而在毗鄰的「北香館」,賓客可於此探尋地道的中國北方美食,以及品嚐色香味俱全的川滬美饌。為了打造正宗的地道美食體驗,「南風亭」提供一系列粵式經典菜式,包括每天新鮮製作的手工點心,以及原隻水蟹粥等備受推崇的本地特色佳餚。如若賓客想要體驗北方嚐味之旅,「北香館」亦提供火辣的四川美味和濃淡相宜的上海美饌。手藝精湛的「北香館」廚師團隊還會為喜愛東北手工餃子、包點和麵食的賓客,每天供應上海小籠包和傳統的手工山西麵條。

Grand Lisboa is now home to two new restaurants – RTC – South Kitchen and RTC – Bei Xiang Guan. Located at U2/F, South Kitchen and Bei Xiang Guan celebrate the authentic flavours of China’s south and north. At South Kitchen, the chefs insist on using only the freshest of ingredients to create a variety of home-style noodle, congee, dim sum and clay pot dishes. Right next door at Bei Xiang Guan, guests will discover Northern Chinese cuisine, where the colourful and flavourful cuisines of Sichuan and Shanghai take centre stage. For a truly local dining experience, South Kitchen serves an array of Cantonese classics, freshly steamed dim sum dishes and popular local specialties such as Congee with Fresh Water Crab. If guests wish to venture north, Bei Xiang Guan offers the very best of Sichuan with fiery chilli dishes and the refreshingly popular chilled appetizers of Shanghai. For those who crave dumplings and noodles, the talented team of chefs at Bei Xiang Guan prepare freshly steamed Shanghainese dumplings and homemade Shanxi noodles every day.

午市及點心: 每日上午11:00 – 下午3:00
晚市: 每日下午6:00 – 晚上10:00
地址: 新葡京酒店U2層
查詢: +853 8803 7755

South Kitchen
Lunch and Dim Sum: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm daily
Dinner: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm daily
Location: U2/F, Grand Lisboa
Enquiries: +853 8803 7755

營業時間: 每日上午11:00 – 晚上10:00
地址: 新葡京酒店U2層
查詢: +853 8803 7755

Bei Xiang Guan
Hours: Open daily from 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Location: U2/F, Grand Lisboa
Enquiries: +853 8803 7755

矗立於澳門半島,榮獲《福布斯旅遊指南》五星殊榮的新葡京酒店,以澳門特色的蓮花標誌為建築設計,充分展現了這座城市的歷史與文化傳承,亦是本地頗具代表性的建築之一。新葡京酒店亦是全球少數獲得四項備受矚目的《福布斯旅遊指南》五星殊榮的酒店之一。酒店、新葡京水療護理中心、「天巢法國餐廳」和「8餐廳」均獲得五星評級。屢獲殊榮的酒店擁有逾400間氣派雅致的客房及套房,內飾豪華,同時亦坐擁澳門的壯麗景致。新葡京酒店以其非凡的餐飲體驗聞名遐邇,其中包括榮獲米芝蓮三星的「天巢法國餐廳」及高級中菜食府「8餐廳」、獲得一星的創新扒房「大廚」,以及提供正宗意大利風味的「當奧豐素1890意式料理」。新葡京酒店擁有逾17,000款名酒佳釀的豐富酒藏而收穫了眾多重要獎項,其中大多數酒款皆獲得由羅伯特·派克(Robert Parker)創辦的《葡萄酒宣導家》(Wine Advocate)雜誌所評予的91分以上的高分評價。此外,酒店亦是中國首家摘得《葡萄酒觀察家》所頒發的「榮譽大獎」(Grand Award)的酒店。為賓客放鬆身心、煥發神采的新葡京酒店水療護理中心總面積達10,000平方英尺,設有11間私人水療美容套房,以高級護理產品及細膩獨到的按摩手法,提供全方位效果卓越的水療護理。賓客還可在水療護理中心的髮廊享受專業髮型師的卓越服務。

如欲知更多關於新葡京酒店的資訊,請瀏覽 https://www.grandlisboahotels.com/zh-

About Grand Lisboa Hotel
Soaring above the heart of Macau, the Forbes Five-Star Grand Lisboa Hotel is an iconic architectural feat inspired by Macau’s lotus symbol and designed to reflect the city’s history and heritage. Grand Lisboa ranks among an elite few hotels – globally – to earn the coveted quadruple Forbes Five-Star distinction for the hotel, The Spa at Grand Lisboa, Robuchon au Dôme and The 8. The hotel offers more than 400 beautifully appointed rooms and suites, featuring plush interiors and unrivalled views. Grand Lisboa also boasts award-winning dining with the Michelin three-starred Robuchon au Dôme atop the hotel; The Eight, also a three-starred Michelin restaurant, serving exceptional Cantonese cuisine; The Kitchen, a Michelin one-starred steakhouse and Casa Don Alfonso, an authentically Italian restaurant from Southern Italy. In addition to offering outstanding cuisine, the hotel offers an extensive wine collection of more than 17,000 labels, most of which are rated over 91 by Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate. The hotel is also the first establishment in China to receive the “Grand Award” honour from
Wine Spectator magazine. Guests are also invited to indulge in luxuriously relaxing spa treatments at The Spa at Grand Lisboa, which spans 10,000 square feet and features 11 private treatment rooms. The spa also houses Le Salon, where guests are well looked after by professional hair stylists.

For more information, please visit: http://www.grandlisboahotels.com/