- Interviewee’s name: Florian Carle
- Interviewee’s position: Project Executive Manufacturing Innovation
DB: 请问是什么鼓舞了贵公司参与这次活动? What motivated you to join this European Business in China Awards?
Airbus China Innovation Centre was inaugurated in 2019 with a young team of local highly motivated talents and experienced employees from Airbus in Europe. In a relatively short period of time, the Manufacturing Innovation team could deliver tangible results and demonstrate value of the projects to our internal and external customers. This achievement is remarkable and the team is very proud of the results which are honored by the good feedback received from stakeholders. We wanted to share it with another audience of professionals outside the company and get their critical view. Very happy to see that it is acknowledged and recognized as well.
DB:请问可以分享一下贵公司的经营战略以及您对中国市场的看法吗? Would you like to share your strategies about developing your business in China and how do you feel about the Chinese market?
Airbus decided to launch its first Innovation Centre in Asia, the second Innovation Centre in the world, in Shenzhen, the heart of China’s Silicon Valley for new technology to fully leverage the innovation ecosystem in China including talents, partners and resources, combined with Airbus’ expertise in aerospace, to discover most promising technologies, identify Airbus service-enabling solutions, and fast-tracking delivery of innovation projects with Shenzhen agile speed, cost efficient products and good quality which is very competitive in the global market. Local partners such as small start-up companies or big players will take benefit and grow while having access to the EU market following the strategy from local to global.
DB:越来越多的企业与组织都在关注绿色能源与可持续发展的议题。请问您认为贵公司能与之竞争的优势在哪里? An increasing number of companies and organizations have paid attention to green energy and sustainability, what would be your company’s strengths to compete with them?
空中客车致力于通过实现碳中和飞行,为可持续航空做出重要贡献。我们的目标是到 2035 年推出世界首款零排放民用飞机。氢动力将帮助我们通过改进的燃气涡轮发动机以混合氢的概念实现这一雄伟目标。此外,氢燃料电池能够产生与燃气涡轮发动机互补的电力,从而形成高效的混合电力推进系统。所有这些技术都是互补的,其优势互相叠加。ZEROe零排放概念飞机使我们能够探索各种构型和氢技术,这些将影响其在未来的发展。过去50年来,空中客车不断向人们展示其创新精神,而这一新篇章标志着公司历史上的下一个重要里程碑。
Airbus committed to make a major contribution to sustainable aviation in achieving the big goal of carbon neutral flights. At Airbus, we have the ambition to develop the world’s first zero-emission commercial aircraft by 2035. Hydrogen propulsion will help us to deliver on this ambition with hybrid-hydrogen concepts through modified gas turbine engines. In addition, hydrogen fuel cells to create electrical power that complements the gas turbine, resulting in a highly efficient hybrid-electric propulsion system. All these technologies are complementary, and the benefits are additive. Our ZEROe concept aircraft enables us to explore a variety of configurations and hydrogen technologies that will shape the development of our future zero-emission aircraft. Airbus has demonstrated its innovation spirit over the past 50 years. This chapter marks the next big milestone in the company history.
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