Target the PRD Greater Bay Area innovation ecosystem with one of the 4 DCIC sponsorship packages!

7月底前赞助可享早鸟价优惠,更多详情,请联络梁婷婷女士 / Early Bird discounts available until the end of July! Contact Tracy Leung for more information:
tracy@sanjiaoling.com / (+86 13726293740)


赞助机会 2017 DCIC Sponsorship Opportunities

项目赞助 Supporting Sponsorships
You wish to gain visibility and promote your services to the numerous businesses and decision makers that are involved with DCIC.

天使赞助 Angel Sponsorships
Your company revolves around creativity and innovation and you wish to hold a central place in DCIC. One of your top executives joins our Organising Committee.

执行赞助 Patron Sponsorships
You are a regional leader in one of the 8 DCIC business categories. You wish to expose this leadership and create a network with entities with a similar business scope. Your CEO joins one of our Jury Boards.

冠名赞助 Title Sponsorship
In addition to all benefits listed and the event title itself, you wish to have a DCIC related tailored-made marketing campaign.

赞助权益回报 Comparative Sponsorship Benefits
演示文稿 2017 DCIC Presentation