番禺星执外国语小学定于7月5日下午联合幼儿园部举办题为“Music — Have a Fun — Enjoy Summer Holiday”的夏季音乐嘉年华活动,作为暑假学生离校前的散学主题活动。届时在校学生、学生家长、外籍及中方教师约500余人将在校园内享受音乐、阳光、美食和游玩项目。除了校方准备的音乐表演项目,活动现场将设置美食和游玩互动帐篷,通过丰富有趣的内容,让所有大小朋友开启欢乐的假期。
The Garden International School is scheduled to hold a music festival on the 5th of July called the “Music – Have a Fun – Enjoy Summer Holiday” which will host activities for the students to celebrate summer festivities before they break up for the holidays. Attending will be over 500 Chinese and foreign teachers, students and parents who will enjoy music, food and sunshine on campus. In addition to the musical performance project, the school will have many interactive play tents with diverse activities in each to satisfy the range of interests of both the younger and older pupils to start their holidays on a high note.


The campus is located in Panyu Xinghewan Peninsula, and as a newly established international school it is committed to ensuring every student has a thoroughly academic and supportive pastoral teaching experience. Alongside the rigorous academic teaching they organise extracurricular activities to broaden their students interests and visions for their future. They currently teach from kindergarten age to grade 2 primary school students.




餐饮区和游乐区 | F&B and Game Area
音乐主会场 | Main Venue

a) 活动时间 7月5日下午4:30 – 7:00 | Time 4:30 – 7pm, 5th July
b) 活动地点 星执外国语小学(广州市番禺区沙溪大道480号) | Location The Garden International School, No.480 Shaxi Avenue, Panyu, Guangzhou
c) 活动流程 Schedule
4:00pm 学生家长入场 | Registration
4:30 – 5:20pm GIS 音乐会 | GIS Music Festival
5:20pm 餐饮游乐及娱乐设施正式开放 | F&B, Game area open
6:30 – 7:00pm 活动结束 | End