On Saturday, 25th November, the 2017 Shenzhen British Day was successfully held at the Mission Hills Sport & Eco Park. This British cultural event is organised by British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong annually. More than 2500 guests and 60 booth vendors gathered and enjoyed a fantastic day. Our guests had a wonderful day by enjoying the amazing performances, tasting delicious traditional British food and beverages, and taking part in some fun games and activities. Some of the lucky attendees also won great prizes, including two Hong Kong-London return flight tickets offered by British Airways.
11月25日周六,由广东英国商会主办的英国日在观澜湖生态体育公园成功举办。超过2500名中外来宾,60家商家参与到当天的活动中,共享最具英伦范的英国日!活动当天,精彩的舞台表演、美味的传统英国美食、趣味互动游戏等,无不让现场的来宾们深深地感受到英国的文化和生活方式。 当天,活动主办方还为参与幸运抽奖的来宾提供了丰厚的大奖,其中包括两张香港至伦敦的往返机票!
Venue with British Style最具英伦风的活动地点
This year’s British Day was held at Mission Hills Sport & Eco Park. The big wheel and the Mission Hills river gave guests a glimpse of the famous British landmarks – the London Eye and the River Thames.
To kick off the day, guests were introduced to traditional Scottish music from a father& son bagpiper duo! After that guests were also entertained by some classic British Rock ‘n’ Roll songs, courtesy of two bands – Easy Tiger and Lips McKenzie.
Delicious British Food& Beverage美味的英式美食
Our F&B booth vendors served up some tasty treats including fish & chips, classic craft beer, cider, British BBQ and burgers for the guests.
Great Experience 最佳体验
The Best British Costume Competition and Mini Car Pull Challenge provided the guests a whole new event experience.
Games & Activities竞技游戏和互动
Our guests enjoyed some sporting activities through British traditional sports like equestrian, golf, football and boxing. Children and adults were excited when playing games.
Charities & Raffle Tickets 慈善与抽奖
At the British Day, the British Chamber sold raffle tickets to guests to raise money for charities. At the same time, we invited several charities to share their great causes at the event.
With Thanks To 致谢
The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong would like to express our utmost appreciation to all those who attended and contributed to the 2017 Shenzhen British Day. We are looking forward to seeing you next year!