集文化、美食、音乐、慈善甚至奖品于一体,广州英国日,就是这么醒目! | Looking for interesting activities with culture, delicious food, lovely music, charity even prizes? Come to join our British Day! You will have a special day~

广东英国商会将于10月20日星期六,在广州广粤天地隆重举行广州英国日活动。届时将为大家带来丰富多彩的活动及英国传统表演。 | The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong will host Guangzhou British Day at Canton Place on Saturday, October 20th where you can enjoy and participate in amazing activities and traditional performances for all our guests.

日期: 2018年10月20日 周六 11:00- 16:30 | Datetime: 11:00-16:30 Saturday, October 20th, 2018

地点: 广粤天地(广州市珠江新城海风路46号广粤天地) | Location: Canton Place (No.46 Haifeng Road, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou)

门票购买 | Entrance Fee

– 成人20元/位 | RMB 20 for adult

– 1.2米及以下儿童10元/位 | RMB 10 for kids below 1.2m

请扫描下方二维码线上购票 | Please scan the QR code below to purchase tickets





什么是英国日? | What is British Day?

自2010年起,英国日就已经成为广州年度活动中的重要一环,该活动也是广东英国商会每年最为大型的活动。2018年将为该活动举办的第七届。作为第七届广州英国日,我们将持续为您带来一股强劲的英式旋风! | British Day has been a key event in the Guangzhou social calendar to celebrate the best of British culture since 2010. It is BritCham’s largest event of the year. In 2018, it will be the 7th British Day in Guangzhou.

英国日不但邀请珠三角的英籍朋友,也欢迎广州当地和其他国籍的朋友一起参与。活动当天来宾们将有机会体验到最纯正的英国食物及英国的传统莫里斯舞表演,参与各种活动游戏,并能感受英国乐队现场的震撼演奏。 | The big day aims to provide the guests a relaxing day of fun activities, prizes, traditional British pnces and ferformaood & drink! The event will be aimed at not only British expatriates, but locals and other nationalities who are all invited to attend what promises to be a very special day.

欢迎大家踊跃参与,与我们一起共享欢乐与阳光!  | We strongly welcome you to join us and enjoy the happiness and sunshine.

活动亮点 | Event Highlights 

最具英伦风着装大赛 | Best British Costume Competition

穿上您最具英伦风或带有英国元素的服装来参加我们的英国日吧!现场来宾可报名参与最具英伦风着装大赛,并有机会赢取神秘大奖! | Guest are invited to dress up in their most British style clothing to win great prizes on the day.

正统英式音乐及舞蹈 | Authentic Traditional British Performance and Dancing

今年英国日,我们专门邀请到了来自香港的莫里斯舞舞蹈队和来自英国的Easy Tiger乐队,让大家不出国门就可以尽情感受英伦风情。 | This year we have invited a Morris Dancing band from Hong Kong and musicians Easy Tiger from Britain to perform for you on British Day. You can experience quintessential British culture without leaving the country.

莫里斯舞 |Morris Dancing:

传统的莫里斯舞主要在科茨沃尔德(Cotswolds)区域,也就是牛津和威尔士边界之间的区域,但每个地方的莫里斯舞依然各有自己的特色。科茨沃尔德附近的莫里斯舞,一般是六位表演者,三人一排呈两列。表演时,通常拿手帕或者短木棍,相互攻击对方,铃铛一般戴在膝盖以下的位置。莫里斯舞的男舞者一般穿白色的衬衫,白色的裤子或者深色的短裤,黑色的鞋,彩色的腰带或者肩带。 | Morris Dance is a traditional form of English folk dance usually accompanied by music. It is based on rhythmic stepping choreographed with a group of dancers usually wearing bell pads on their shins. Implements such as sticks, swords and handkerchiefs may also be wielded by the dancers. In a small number of dances for one or two people, steps are near and across a pair of clay tobacco pipes laid one across the other on the floor.

Easy Tiger 乐队 | Easy Tiger Band:

Easy Tiger是一个原创乐队,他们独特的音乐风格融合了各种流派,能让人感受他们的内心,并充满乐趣地随着音乐同他们一起摇摆。 | Easy Tiger is an original and cover band that formed as a fun alternative to the Guangzhou local music scene in 2017. Their unique blend of covers has a wide range of styles and genres but guarantee to get people moving and having fun.

Easy Tiger对音乐和欢乐时光的共同爱好在高能量的真实表演中得到体现,这些表演随着观众的增加而越发热情高涨。 经过多年在英国,新西兰,美国和亚洲各地演奏,Easy Tiger将在今年广州英国日同大家分享他们对娱乐、美好时光和音乐的热爱! | The Tiger’s shared love of music comes across in high energy authentic shows that feeds off the energy from the crowds. After years of playing in different bands all over the world, from the UK, New Zealand, USA and across Asia they are now coming to share their passion for good times and music here in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and beyond.

各式特色摊位及互动游戏 | Booths and Games for Fun

英国日既为一个文化体验活动,更是一个家庭日游园活动。游走在各式摊位之间,参与并体验英国文化,更有各色精美手工艺品等着你! | The British Day is not only about experiencing culture related activities. It is also a family interactive day where you can walk around and visit the many different booths which includes UK information, handicrafts and lots more.

英国特色美食及下午茶 | Delicious British Food

英国日当然少不了精美的英式下午茶及英国传统小吃-炸鱼和薯条。当然,也少不了英国精酿啤酒 | How could you miss out on exquisite traditional British food and drinks? For example, Fish & Chips, homemade Cup Cakes and British craft beer.

慈善奖券 | Charity Raffle Tickets

广东英国商会在发展的同时也不忘回馈社会。今年的英国日我们将携手希望的心,以贩卖抽奖券的形式帮助贫困地区的心脏病儿童患者接受心脏病手术。欢迎有爱心的您购买我们的慈善奖券试试手气,并有机会赢取广州-伦敦往返机票、iPad等奖品! | The British Chamber of Commerce also uses these events in Guangzhou to raise funds for those in need. This year we are supporting The Hopeful Heart charity who help young patients who suffered heart disease and required heart surgery. We will do this via our Charity Raffle so please buy as many tickets as you can to support this charity and also you could win a round trip flight from Guangzhou to London as well as an iPad. Good Luck!