时间Time and Date
13:30-18:00 Friday, 11th May
China Merchants Hall, 2/F, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai
Speakers 演讲嘉宾
广东英国商会很荣幸能够邀请到Kirsten Molyneux、Marianne Caroline Hughes、鲁京京、任丽峰、陈泽敏, 及古茜作为我们这次论坛的演讲嘉宾,去分享她们作为女性在商业社会和个人生活中的经历。
BritCham is delighted to invite Kirsten Molyneux, Marianne Caroline Hughes, Diana Lu, Catty Ren, Penny Chen and Xi Gu as our speakers, to share their experiences as female in business fields and daily life.
Kirsten Molyneux
Brunswick 集团合伙人
Partner at Brunswick Group
Kirsten Molyneux是Brunswick’s Capital Market Advisory集团负责人,负责管理全球投资者关系,帮助她的客户发展投资叙述和加深投资者参与度。
Kirsten 和她的家庭与香港有着悠久的历史联系,她家族四代人都在香港生活和工作。她在如何平衡母亲和事业的角色及对抗乳腺癌的问题上有着令人鼓舞的见解。
Kirsten Molyneux heads Brunswick’s Capital Market Advisory group in Asia, running global Investor Relations programmes and helping her clients develop their investor narrative and deepen investor engagement.
Having started her career in the early 90’s on the equity trading floor at UBS in London, where she was only one of a very few women, over the years she has helped numerous companies through the IPO process, advised on many significant M&A transactions, and co-founded an Investor Relations consultancy advising some of the world’s largest blue chips.
Kirsten also has a long history and family affinity with Hong Kong with four generations of her family having lived and worked here. She has inspiring perspectives to share on how to juggle motherhood, a career, and even survive breast cancer.
Marianne Caroline Hughes 何美艳
Knowlabel 创始人及CEO
Founder and CEO of Knowlabel
Award-winning writer
她分别被《StartUps UK》和《Real Leaders Magazine》评为值得关注的青年企业家和有梦想的青年领袖。
Marianne is a technology entrepreneur, and Founder and CEO of Knowlabel.
She’s recognised as a ‘Young Entrepreneur To Watch’ (StartUps UK) and ‘Visionary Young Leader’ (Real Leaders Magazine).
Marianne is on a mission to give everyone equal access to information about their impacts on people and the planet, starting with the global fashion industry. She brings a holistic understanding of what responsible business means for factories and brands.
She’s raised investment and UK government grant, in order to launch her business in UK, Hong Kong and mainland China.
Diana Lu 鲁京京
美国 IGI 集团创始人及 CEO
Founder and CEO of Image Global Impact Group (IGI)
Creator of Diana Lu Couture DIANA LU
Author of best selling book, Daughter of the Yellow River
A specialist on cross cultural international business operation
虽然毕业于医学院,DIANA却选择一条充满了挑战而丰富多彩的人生征途。1992年任教于西北民族大学; 1993年任香格里拉大酒店培训主任;1995年加盟英国德士力国际公司,成为该公司举足轻重的高层管理者;1997年移居美国,DIANA创办了自己的市场营销咨询公司,帮助包括世界500强在内的欧美公司开拓中国市场。1997年至2002年间成为光纤行业最年轻的企业家之一,也是当时中国光纤通信市场上唯一一名女企业家。2004年DIANA创立了Image Global Impact,致力于运用多年跨文化商海遨游的经验,搭建中外商业和文化的桥梁。帮助中西方企业家在跨文化商海中傲游。且多年从事中美(东西方)跨文化国商业市场的开发和推广。2006著作和出版了美国亚马逊网畅销书《黄河的女儿》,世界著名作家狄帕克•乔布拉(Deepak chopra)对DIANA的书作了高度评价,称《黄河的女儿》是“执着,意志,勇 气及成功的见证。” DIANA 自传体《黄河的女儿》曾获得美国亚马逊网四个专榜榜首并在200多个国家发行,也是美国福布斯图书俱乐部的精美文集。自从创办了IGI,DIANA在世界各大媒体获得广泛肯定。DIANA曾被多次应邀,其中包括IBM,HP,HUNTER & Hunter,麻省女性研讨会,上海妇女国际联合会等国际一流的商业组织做演讲。DIANA曾是中国顶级报社《第一财经日报》的专栏作家,曾为该报纸专栏“从经济大国到经济强国:中国经济改革”撰稿。DIANA不仅是一位成功的企业家同时也是一个追求时尚的女性,凭借着DIANA对时尚独到的鉴赏眼光,2007年于美国创立DIANA LU COUTURE,其品牌融合了西方优雅风格及东方文化美学的细腻和含蓄,为奢华隆重晚礼服、小礼服、职业套装、商业休闲、时尚混合搭配等更增添了独特、柔美时尚高雅大气的国际形象。自从DIANA LU品牌进入市场以来,深受好莱坞巨星以及好莱坞传媒记者的青睐,同时也吸引了连锁店尼曼的关注,为了满足亚洲尤其是中国知性女性的着装需求DIANA LU品牌 2014年2月正式进入中国,迅速受到当红明星李冰冰,龚琳娜、蔡少芬、胡杏儿、刘晓庆、苏芒,海清,佟丽娅,张萌的青睐,而且被世界五百强(戴尔、凯宾斯基、微软、英特尔、德勤等)的高管和大量富有知性女性的追捧。
IGI is an international firm that engages in cross culture business consulting; publishing; and luxurious lifestyle products. Diana grew up in Cultural Revolution of China. She was trained as a medical doctor but has chosen the business world as her career, and has achieved astounding success. From a training officer of Shangri-la hotel to the senior executive at a British firm then on rout to move to US in 1997, establishing her own consulting firm. Being the only female entrepreneur and one of the youngest in optical fiber industry back in 1997 to 2002, Diana has created market share from Zero to worth hundreds of million for an unknown fiber brand. With the help of a strong team of established and internationally experienced experts she launched IGI to help entrepreneurs navigate the hazards of establishing a successful business cross-culturally in the West and in China. Since founding IGI in 2004, Diana Lu has received international recognition throughout worldwide media. Diana is invited by premier business organizations worldwide to serve as panelist and keynote speaker. Diana autobiography Daughter of the Yellow River is distributed in more than 200 countries. Renowned author Deepak Chopra calls Diana’s book “a testament to perseverance, determination, courage, and success.” It achieved top rankings on Amazon.com and bestseller status in Singapore, Beijing, and Shanghai and is a selection of the Forbes.com Book Club. As a fashion fanatic, Diana created Diana Lu Couture to cater those multicultural background ladies, Diana Lu Couture intertwines the sophistication and styles of the West with the artistry and aesthetic of the far East and is a celebration of women’s elegance, versatility and grace. Since Diana Lu Couture established, it has attracted top Hollywood celebrates and the attentions of luxurious chain stores like Neiman Marcus, Saks, etc. Now Diana has brought her couture line into China market since 28th February 2014 with warm welcome by Vorgue.com.cn and great appreciation by top celebrities like Li Bing Bing, Gong Linna, Cai Shaofen, Hu Xinger, Liu Xiaoqing, Su Mang (Editor-in-chief of Bazaar China), Hai Qing, Tong Liya, Zhang Meng etc. and fortune 500 company(Dell, Kempinski Hotel,Microsoft,Intel, Deloitte etc.)executives and hundreds of affluent Chinese women.
Catty Ren 任丽峰
CEO & Senior Management Consultant of Shenzhen Yuanlai Consulting Co.,Ltd.
曾服务环球资源,从一线业务员成长为副总裁,历经环球资源在中国快速成长时期,负责团队的年销售额曾达到数千万美金,擅长于团队发展及管理人才的培养,对于国际贸易市场营销有深入了解。近两年担任深圳前海易联科技有限公司CEO,参与10多个城市Google Adwords体验中心项目的筹备及运营,服务中国出口企业利用Google打造品牌,拓展海外市场。
Catty was a vice president in Global Sources who started her career from a front-line Account Executive for export promotion. During her 21-year service for Global Sources, she experienced the rapid development of the company in China market. The team she led reached over tens of millions US dollars in annual sales. Catty specialises in team development and talent management. In the field of international trade, she equips professional insights on the marketing and sales perspectives. Catty was a CEO in Qianhai Yilian for two years, operating Google Adwords Experience Center programme and helping China’s export enterprises to explore their overseas markets by brand image building through Google AdWords.
Penny Chen 陈泽敏
Associate Professor in Innovation and Enterprise (UClan)
Founder of UClan Online, Self-management School
同时,Penny 也负责多个项目研究,如自我管理,社会支持, 激励,社交媒体和新媒体。她成立了兰开夏在线自我管理学院帮助个人进行自我管理以及行为改变。在过去7年时间里,Penny一直致力于帮助个人特别是女性自我成长以及儿童行为改变。2017年,除了日常工作,Penny做了13场线下的自我管理,经验分享座谈会,10次线上直播,以及15个嘉宾专访。有超过2万人关注这个直播频道。
Following the completion of a PhD degree in Business and Management from the University of Manchester in 2014 and MSc International Business and Management from the University of Central Lancashire in 2007, Penny has joined the University of Central Lancashire as a Lecturer. Penny is currently working at Uclan as an Associate Professor in Innovation and Enterprise. Penny is also the founder of Uclan Online. Penny is the mother of two sons who were born during her PhD study.
Penny has also worked on a diverse range of projects with interests that span self-management, social support, motivation, social and new media. She has set up the Uclan Online, Self-management School which help individuals to do self-management and behavioral change. Penny has been helping individuals especially women and children to make changes and do personal development and improvement in the past seven years. In 2017, Penny did 13 face-to-face self-management, personal experiences sharing talks, 10 live talks and 15 live interviews. Over 20,000 followers follow the live channel.
Xi Gu 古茜
Co-founder of TechieCat
多次代表国内女性技术社区参与国际技术交流大会与女性峰会,中国技术社群联盟成员,SheroChina 2016 女性影响力年度获奖者,国内首届女性技术大会女生科技体验节TechieFestival 发起者, PADI 认证 DiveMater 潜水长。 2014 年底联合创立 NGO 科技猫,线下女性技术活动覆盖北上广深港,以色列,肯尼亚。在社区内分享编程教程、程序媛成长故事、国内外科技活动信息和中外合作伙伴热点等,帮助每一位热爱技术的女性找到扩展自我的起点和进阶点,致力打造最温馨酷炫的女性科技圈。
Xi Gu is a co-founder of TechieCat, the first Chinese technology community focused on women in tech. Her role helps her represent women in tech and actively build a community of strong women leaders in China. She was granted Women Impact Award 2016 by Shero China and initiator of China’s first women tech conference TechieFestival. Her work has given her the opportunity to give speeches and participate in conferences here in China as well as internationally.
She also participated in the school activities as a volunteer of British Council’s Inspiring Women China programme to share her career story with young people particularly girls to inspire them about their future career opportunities and encourage them to be more ambitious.
除了以上激动人心的演讲嘉宾,我们很高兴能够要邀请到瀚纳仕人才管理咨询有限公司广州高级经理Kirsty Hulston给大家分享《瀚纳仕亚洲性别多元化报告》。
In addition to the speakers above, we will be hearing from Kirsty Hulston, Senior Manager at Hays Guangzhou, who will present the Hays Asia Gender Diversity Report.
Gender Diversity is Key to Business Success in Asia
Be inspired, be informed, as we present the key findings and recommendations based on the Hays Asia Gender Diversity Report. Topics which will be explored in this presentation include Career Ambition, Equal Opportunity, Flexible Working and Diversity & Inclusion.
活动详情Event Details
中英文 Chinese & English
* 配有同声翻译 Simultaneous interpretation will be provided
地址 Address
No. 1177, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
票务信息Ticket Prices
■ 早鸟票 Early Bird Ticket
* 4月27日截止 Till 27th April
会员 Members: 50 RMB
非会员 Non-members: 150 RMB
■ 常规票 Regular Ticket
会员 Members: 100 RMB
非会员 Non-members: 200 RMB
■ 非会员团体票 Non-member Group Ticket
两张 2 tickets: 288 RMB
三张 3 tickets: 388 RMB
四张 4 tickets: 488 RMB
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