8月22日,三角铃组织策划了2019年粤港澳大湾区香港青年实习计划总结分享会,广东省港澳办、广州市港澳办领导、香港青年动力协会 、香港驻粤办代表、25家实习单位代表及参与实习项目的香港学生出席了活动。活动上,参加此次计划的最后一批香港学生顺利拿到了实习项目结业证书。至此,今年来穗实习的246名香港学生已全部结束了实习工作。虽然实习项目已经圆满结束,但今年夏天三角铃和实习学生、企业共同度过的时光已然变成美好的回忆。
August 22th, San Jiao Ling (SJL) held 2019 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Youth Internship Program Closing Ceremony. Directors from Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government, representatives from Hong Kong Youth Power Association and Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong, 25 company representatives, and Hong Kong students attended the event. Students participating in the program successfully received internship certificates. As of today, 246 Hong Kong students have finished their internship in Guangzhou. Although the program has come to an end, the wonderful moments that we had will also be remembered.
- 欢迎来穗 Welcome to Guangzhou
Since the Opening Ceremony in June this year, SJL has been working closely with Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government to arrange welcome events, serving as a communication platform where Hong Kong students could know more about internship arrangements; and where company representatives could offer advice to their incoming interns. The welcome events thus laid a solid foundation for the program. Additionally, SJL also held sharing events students to share what they had learned and experienced during the program.

三角铃以“因地制宜”为策划理念,并结合活动的目的以及参加者的需求,以此策划了 企业对接会和总结分享会。活动场地选址方面,三角铃力图用场地来展示广州的悠久历史和现代发展。7月19日在科创咖啡馆举行的对接会活动, 巨型的落地窗让广州中央商务区城景尽收眼底,有小蛮腰之称的广州塔更是近在眼前,为来穗参加实习的香港学生展现了广州高速的经济发展;7月26日 在荔枝湾畔太平洋咖啡分店举行的总结分享会,便为活动增加了一丝古色古香的韵味。另外, 三角铃在每次活动上皆安排了茶歇环节,以保证参加者在交流时能度过轻松愉快的时光。
When planning the welcome and sharing events, SJL upheld the planning concept of “adjusting measures to conditions” and “fitting the needs of participants”. In the early stages of planning, SJL strived to showcase Guangzhou’s long history and modern development: July 19th, a welcome event was held at Creative Coffee where its gigantic floor-to-ceiling window enabled participants to have a panoramic view of downtown Guangzhou; the Canton Tower was also near at hand. This spectacular view thus certainly reflected Guangzhou’s high-speed economic development. July 26th, SJL chose the Pacific Coffee located at Lychee Bay as the event venue for a sharing event, a place with pleasant scenery and of antique flavor. This fascinating view thus granted participants a glance of traditional Cantonese architecture. Moreover, SJL offered exquisite desserts and refreshing drinks to participants in each tea break session, thereby fostering a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere for better communication.
- 跟进实习情况 Internship Follow up
广州市港澳办自2015年承办项目以来,为项目输送了超过1000个实习岗位,项目在穗港两地一直备受关注,好评如潮,并获得积极正面的评价。今年是三角铃第二年协助广州市港澳办组织此项目,三角铃秉持着“全面服务、高效协调”的宗旨,在实习计划举行期间为香港青年提供全方位的服务和支援。两个月以来,三角铃两次安排活动专员到访实习企业,配合广州市港澳办跟进实习情况。在广州银行海珠支行实习的胡海燕同学表示,她十分感激各方在实习期间对她的照顾与教导, 此次的实习计划除了能让她学以致用之余,又能进一步了解银行的业务。
Since Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government (the Office) undertook the project in 2015, it has been providing more than 1000 internship positions and receiving a positive acknowledgment in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. This year is the second year that SJL assisted the Office in organizing the program. By adhering to our rationale of “full service, efficient coordination”, SJL provided Hong Kong students with all-round service and support. In the past two months, SJL arranged event specialists to coordinate with the Office, following up the internship situation. Hu Haiyan, an intern working at Guangzhou Bank Haizhu Branch, said that she felt deeply grateful for the assistance provided by all parties and the program had allowed her to put knowledge into practice.

- 文化深度游 Deep Cultural Immersion
Apart from following daily work schedules, Hong Kong students also participated in the weekend cultural immersion activities organized by SJL so that they could gain a better understanding of Guangzhou’s long history and experience its cultural atmosphere. Exquisite Cantonese-style dim sum, savory and mellow Zhujiang Beer added a special flavor to the program; Handicraft workshops such as Tea Art workshop, Group Fans making, and Leather Goods DIY workshop were of absolute self-expression characteristics. For instance, the Cantonese Art Ceramics workshop allowed students to design decorative patterns, thereby integrating modern elements into the ancient artifact. It thus showcased an aesthetic feeling that blends the old with the new.
Considering Guangzhou is the central city of Lingnan history, SJL consequently organized several visits to the Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Huangpu Port. By visiting these attractions, Hong Kong students not only appreciated contemporary Guangdong artworks but also gained a better understanding of Guangzhou’s modern city planning and trade history.

- 不变的初心 Our Philosophy
This program has indeed provided Hong Kong youth with a platform and resources to experience the workplace culture in the Mainland, deepening their understanding of the Mainland’s economic development. It has further facilitated Hong Kong youth’s participation in the development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Belt-Road Initiative. As a professional PR agency based in the GBA, we are dedicated to the development of the GBA, therefore, offering cost-effective and tailor-made campaigns to our clients has always been our philosophy.

Unquestionably, companies, Hong Kong students and SJL have spent a splendid summer together. SJL would like to express our gratitude for the trust endowed by Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government. Moreover, SJL wishes all Hong Kong students a safe journey and a bright future.