The 24th edition of Mois de la Francophonie kicks start this morning with a south China press conference held at the Canadian Consulate General in Guangzhou. Consul Generals and representatives from consulates of France, Belgium, Congo, Senegal, Switzerland, Canada and Mali, as well as representative from Alliance Française de Canton attended the press conference and jointly announced the opening of 2019 Mois De La Francophonie.

If you like the wonderful experience of passing levels in your game, then learning French can be just as simple!
Musical games, word games, mind games, acting games… break the boundaries of language, culture, art and generation with the fun of games is what makes this festival the best.

Throught out the month of March, universities, theaters, television shows, web channels and libraries all over South China will celebrate the richness of the French language. What’s more, a series of theater, song, poetry and mathematics contests have been organized to encourage people to learn French in a fun way.
集体游戏 | Group Activities

The Kaloumba association is coming to China to present traditional games from the French-speaking world. Board games, Chinese puzzles, games of skill – there will be something for everyone. You will increase your knowledge of Francophone countries while having a good time. You will also discover that Mankind has been playing games for a very long time, and that games can be more than just a source of entertainment!

Anastasia and Vincent from the Kaloumba association will also host a series of hands-on workshops, including a unique way to build your own game that you can take home with you later. The rules are in French, Chinese and English. So come along and get involved and register for the workshops!
音乐 | Music

Let’s celebrate the spring season coming with the pure energy of five francophone groups with pop, rock and electro sounds. The Belgian, Canadian, Swiss embassies in China, the Alliances françaises, the Quebec office and the Wallonie-Bruxelles delegation are talent scouts and March in Madness is a musical springboard for promising young talents, true performers.
苏珊娜的标志性刘海,达美潭的非洲流行音乐,樱桃达林的“仿古-颓废-糖果”摇滚乐,以及Stevans和Phanee de Pool的流行语,都会唤起你心中的一点疯狂。
The iconic fringe of Suzane, the afro-pop sound of Témé Tan, the “retro-trash-bonbon” rock’n’roll of Cherie Cherry or the well-hung language of Stevans and Phanee de Pool will awake in you a grain of madness.
The Alliances françaises introduce: March in Madness
19:00 – 11:30
17th March, 2019
Rock House
Guangzhou Creative Park, NO.315 Huangpu Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
表演 | Performance

小老鼠伦巴饿了。奶酪,冒险,生活,梦想。就如同一个通过品尝食物来了解世界的的小孩子,伦巴想要吃掉云朵移开后透过窗户照进来的这个不知道是什么却看起来很好吃的东西。在这个美丽圆月的月光下——大家都知道, 它是奶酪做的!——伦巴把大眼睛闭上,进入了镜子里的另一面,就像一个老鼠世界里的爱丽丝梦游仙境……
Rumba the little mouse, is hungry … for cheese, adventure, life and dreams. Like a child tasting the world to learn more about it, Rumba wants to eat this appetizing, unknown otherworld that she sees through the window behind the passing clouds. So, under the light of a beautiful round moon – which, as everyone knows, is made of cheese! – Rumba, eyes closed, will pass through the looking glass, like Alice heading for a mice’s Wonderland …
In this musical, wordless dream, Rumba plunges into the heart of an imaginary space. The world around her changes constantly. The ground floats and dissolves under her paws; puppets and animations appear, pass by, spin around and fade away, like imaginary ballerinas.
Since its creation in 2006, The Marizibill Company has explored the theme of difference and disability. The company is based in Île-de-France, Fontenay-sous-Bois (94), and Cyrille Louge directs its performances, with puppet design by Francesca Testi. With its original creations, the company continues its research into different levels of interpretation. In particular, it promotes a vision of performances aimed at young people that are also accessible toadults.
儿童剧: 月亮上的伦巴
Rumba on the Moon: an Enchanted Journey for Children and Adults
10:30, 15:30, 19:30
21st to 24th March
Guangzhou Opera House
展览 | Exhibition

一起来玩耍!以游戏为题,以法语为共同的创作语言;六位艺术家 Viviane Dalles, Fatoumata Diabate, Mohamed Bourouissa, Elina Brotherus, Thierry Fontaine 和Henry Roy 分别来自欧洲、非洲和加勒比,此次展览他们带来摄影与影视短片作品邀请观众探索游戏的多面性。
“Jouons!” or “Let’s play!” is an exhibition which invites us to explore idea of ‘play’ from various different angles through photography and videos by six artists from Europe, Africa and the Caribbean united in their shared use of the French language: Viviane Dalles, Fatoumata Diabate, Mohamed Bourouissa, Elina Brotherus, Thierry Fontaine and Henry Roy.
展览汇集不同的视角:法籍摄影师 Viviane Dalles 通过纪录片的形式追踪澳大利亚拳击手的生活;海地摄影师Henry Roy抓住人与自然之间趣味十足的诗意图像;芬兰艺术家 Elina Brotherus 善于发掘有趣的造景;留尼旺岛摄影师 Thierry Fontaine 和 法籍摄影师 Mohamed Bourouissa 试图揭示游戏与金钱的潜在关系;或是来自于马里的艺术家 Fatoumata Diabate 制作了一系列黑白儿童面具,据说其灵感来自于著名巴马科艺术家Malick Sidibe的作品,届时将以现场摄影棚拍摄的形式与观众互动。
The works on display in the exhibition include a documentary on boxers in Australia by the French photographer Viviane Dalles, poetic and evocative images of the playful relationship between man and nature from the Haitian photographer Henry Roy, and improbable depictions from the Finnish artist Elina Brotherus. Works by Thierry Fontaine and Mohamed Bourouissa shed light on the relationship between play and money. Last but not least, the Malian photographer Fatoumata Diabate presents a series of black and white children’s masks, and a photo studio inspired by Bamako’s famous portrait photographer, Malick Sidibe.
Exhibition “Let’s play!”
6th March to 31st March, 2019
Shuter Art Museum
No.882 Gongye South Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
文学讲座 | Lectures

Bernard Cerquiglini is the author of a dozen or so academic books about the French language. He will be in China once again to present OuLiPo, or how literature can become a game. OuLiPo (short for “Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle” – Workshop for Potential Literature) is a literary movement whereby we are freed from existing norms in order to face up to new, self-imposed constraints. A distinguished speaker, the French government has also entrusted Bernard Cerquiglini in recent years with several research missions, notably concerning the reform of spelling and national languages in France.
He will make several appearances during his tour of China. Come along to meet him and discover the unique features of OuLiPo, of which he has been a member since 1995.
The OuLiPo or how to create by playing with the words
16:30 – 18:30
31st March, 2019
Alliance Française Guangzhou
2/F, NO.12 Beijiaochang Heng Rd., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou
Exit B, Xiaobei Station, Metro Line 5

Laetitia Colombani’s first novel, The Braid, was published to worldwide acclaim. Translated into about twenty languages, even before its publication in France, it has received numerous literary prizes.
The fates of three women intertwine: one, an Untouchable from Badlapur in India flees with her daughter to avoid her suffering the same life; another must take over her dead father’s business in Palermo, Sicily; and a third faces up to serious illness while working in a ruthless professional environment in Montreal, Quebec.
These three fragments of life intertwine within the same braid: a ‘fresco’ depicting the feminine condition in the modern world.
Laetitia Colombani’s visit to China will be her first opportunity to make her feminist voice heard as part of both International Women’s Rights Day and the Francophonie Festival.
Laetitia Colombani, The interwoven fates of three heroines
19:30 – 21:15
12th March, 2019
Fang Suo Commune Guangzhou
MU35, TaiKooHui, No.383 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

The “Dany Laferrière in South China” theme salon and lecture will be held at 7:30pm on Saturday, 9th March at Shuter Life Taikoo.
In 2013, Laferrière became a member of the Académie française. His election is considered a major event in the annals of literature. After spent his childhood with his grandmother in Petit-Goâve, he left Haiti for Quebec, fleeing the Duvalier dictatorship. Prix Médicis for The Return, his 2018 Autoportrait de Paris avec Chat was considered by the press as the craziest and most liberating book written in decades. Its 320 pages were all written by hand. Laferrière’s work is patient and powerful, and gracefully combines fiction and reflection. Between 1985 and 2018, he published 30 books, and his work, adapted in movies, has been translated into more than 15.
Dany Laferrière in South China
19:30 – 21:30
9th March, 2019
Fang Suo Commune Guangzhou
MU35, TaiKooHui, No.383 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
竞赛 | Contests
19th French Song Contest

一年一度的法语歌曲大赛再次回归,欢迎大家积极参加!今年是法语歌曲大赛19岁的生日,全新法语歌单推荐给大家。去年,来自近150所大学和法语联盟的众多参赛者在中国六个城市进行了半决赛, 今年我们再次期待发现更多同学的精彩表现! 他们年龄在18至25岁之间,法语水平在B1以上。
Come along again this year to experience the traditional French song contest! A brand new repertoire of French songs is available for this 19th edition. Last year, participants from nearly 150 universities and Alliances Françaises competed in the six Chinese cities with the most vibrant Franophone presence. And once again, we are looking forward to receiving a new batch of candidates this year. Entrants must be French learners between 18-25 years old, with a level of at least B1.
参赛者将有机会通过与我们合作的中国200多个城市的卡拉OK进行试唱为参加比赛做准备。 今年,获奖者将能够在法国享受旅游和文化发现之旅。哪个大学将会接替成都西南交通大学获得2019年的法语歌曲大赛的冠军呢?
They have had the opportunity to prepare for the competition through our partnerships with French karaoke venues in more than 200 cities across China. A cultural trip to France awaits the winner. So which university will win the 2019 Song Award, taking the crown from Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu?
半决赛/Semi Final
14:30 – 16:30
JZ Club
Pearl River Beer Museum, Yuejiang West Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou
14:00 – 17:00
Yellow Crane Tower
NO.1 Snake Hill,Wuchang District, Wuhan
5th Poetry Translation Contest

比赛选题为Clément Marot的 « Épitaphe de Jean Serre, excellent joueur de farces», Antoine-Vincent Arnault的 « Le colin-maillard », Pierre Reverdy的 « Joueurs » 和Jean Tardieu的 « RÉCATONPILU »。这些经典诗歌充分展现了“游戏”主题的不同形式:文字游戏,爱情游戏,音乐游戏,戏剧游戏和娱乐游戏等。
The four poems selected are: Épitaphe by Jean Serre, excellent joueur de farces by Clément Marot, Le colin-maillard by Antoine-Vincent Arnault , Joueurs by Pierre Reverdy, and RÉCATONPILU by Jean Tardieu. These poems explore the theme of the ‘game’ in its many facets: language games, love games, musical games, and the game in the sense of pranks and fun activities.
Participants have until 5th February to submit their four translations. The semi-finals will be held in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai and Wuhan in March 2019. The final will be held in Shenyang on 30th March, 2019. Good luck to everybody taking part!
5th Poetry Translation Contest
半决赛/Semi Final: Guangzhou
决赛/Final: Shenyang
3rd French Theatre Contest

For this 2019 edition, the Francophonie Festival will plunge you into the world of comic theatre with Molière’s The Middle Class Gentleman. In its day, this play was one of the masterpieces that attracted the best actors and musicians. Young actors will have their chance to tread the boards by plunging into the world of Monsieur Jourdain and other characters in the story.
This major national theatre competition is for students from universities and Alliances Françaises. It is organized throughout China, with a jury made up of Chinese and French celebrities from the theatre world and from education. Students will perform excerpts from The Middle Class Gentleman at five regional semi-finals. The shortlisted candidates will then compete in the national final in Guangzhou. A cultural trip to France awaits the winners. Which university will win the 2019 theatre trophy, taking the crown from Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou ?
半决赛/Semi Final
14:30 – 16:30
9th March, 2019
14:30 – 16:30
30th March, 2019
Watermelon Theatre
2nd Street, Yongqingfang, No. 99 Enning Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou