香港港丽酒店 Pacific Bar翻新后以全新形象回归,眺望大都市风情的绝佳视野。 | The newly renovated Pacific Bar With captivating views of the beauty of Central and Admiralty.
香港港丽酒店 Pacific Bar翻新后以全新形象回归,眺望大都市风情的绝佳视野。 | The newly renovated Pacific Bar With captivating views of the beauty of Central and Admiralty.

近日,香港港丽酒店 Pacific Bar 已完成翻新,并以全新形象回归。室内空间延续着别致优雅的格调,并以时尚为定位,充分展现现代都会风格。酒吧亦重新打造餐饮选项,酒单选择丰富而齐全,提供多款年份红酒、精心调配的特色鸡尾酒和高级毡酒等,让宾客在精致的质感氛围之中,体验富底蕴的微醺快乐。
Having established itself as one of the most iconic social destinations in Hong Kong, Pacific Bar at Conrad Hong Kong was renovated recently to welcome guests with a new image. In an interior space which maintains its elegant spirit but is given a stylish edge, visitors are able to sample an extended selection of foods and beverages, from gins to cocktails to wines. These novel touches show the Bar has solidified its position as a place where everyone can be inspired and express their personality.

全新设计的Pacific Bar延续别致优雅的格调,同时运用线条打造时尚活力的空间。 | The new Pacific Bar has switched to a more dynamic design while preserving an air of elegance.
全新设计的Pacific Bar延续别致优雅的格调,同时运用线条打造时尚活力的空间。 | The new Pacific Bar has switched to a more dynamic design while preserving an air of elegance.

座落于繁华市中心,全新设计的Pacific Bar除了在空间架构和材质上保有优雅风范外,亦巧妙地注入时尚活力,运用线条打造现代感,并以沉稳黄铜、圆润木质及细腻织品等元素,建构出洗炼奢华与简约现代的新美学空间。酒吧大片落地窗景,创造视觉延伸的开阔感,提供眺望大都市风情的绝佳视野。
The new Pacific Bar has switched to a more dynamic design while preserving an air of elegance. The contemporary ambience underlines its location at the financial heart of Hong Kong, and this sensibility is echoed by the fashionable new furniture pieces. At the same time, the spectacular metropolitan views are still accessible to visitors through the large windows, providing the Bar a fantastic changing backdrop depending on the time of the day.

调酒师将根据客人的口味与喜好,调制出别树一帜的毡酒。 | A wide variety of gin is available from the Gin Trolley. Mixologist will tailor a G&T to your likelihood.
调酒师将根据客人的口味与喜好,调制出别树一帜的毡酒。 | A wide variety of gin is available from the Gin Trolley. Mixologist will tailor a G&T to your likelihood.

空间改造以外,酒单亦带来不一样的体验。以鸡尾酒世界里最古老的经典书籍《The Bon Vivant’s Companion》为灵感缪思,Pacific Bar的专业调酒师团队 经持续试验后,以精湛的调酒技术炮制出3款精调鸡尾酒。Smoked Negroni以等量的英人牌毡酒、金巴利酒、甜香艾酒和梅斯卡尔酒调制而成,甜、苦、烈的掺合,夹带着药草香与甜橙皮的味道,呈上时伴随轻烟袅袅,煞是好看。带地中海风情的Sorrento,结合柠檬酒、柳橙苦酒,加上西柚汁和青柠汁,顶层饰以由迷迭香和Perrier-Jouet香槟制成的泡沫,清新怡人,尝一口就像拥抱了最精彩的夏日时光。口感极具层次的Scent of Fall,以慢煮菊花毡酒、查特酒、雪莉酒为基底,再加入柠檬汁、桂花糖、蜜糖和蛋白,清香爽口,迸发新鲜有趣的碰撞。
Building on their reputation for making delicious cocktails, the mixologists at Pacific Bar undertook much research and concocted three new beverages. For this reason, all of them carry a nostalgic charm, crafted with deft skills. In Smoked Negroni, the combination of Beefeater gin, Campari, vermouth and mezcal is served in a glass bottle along with a cloud of smoke. Mediterranean-inspired Sorrento is made with limoncello, Aperol, grapefruit and lime juice, with a layer of rosemary and Champagne foam on top like the most sophisticated summer breeze. Scent of Fall boasts an unparalleled complexity as it features sous-vide chrysanthemum gin, green chartreuse and sherry with lemon juice, osmanthus syrup, honey and egg white.

Pacific Bar的专业调酒师团队创制一系统精调鸡尾酒。|  A lineup of new anDinnovative cocktails crafted by the Bar’s mixologists
Pacific Bar的专业调酒师团队创制一系统精调鸡尾酒。| A lineup of new anDinnovative cocktails crafted by the Bar’s mixologists

在众多新元素当中,别树一帜的毡酒车绝对予人惊喜。调酒师为宾客搜罗来自英国、日本、芬兰,甚至本地的各地精选毡酒,定期更换毡酒车的选项,让宾客保持新鲜感。毡酒车最大特色是客制化,调酒师将根据客人的口味与喜好,搭配与别不同的毡酒、汤力水及配料。调酒师亦会为宾客介绍各式酒品,让宾客在酒吧尽兴之余,还能带领他们开启对广阔美妙的酒饮世界的探索。每逢星期一至星期五,傍晚5时至7时,酒吧更推出Happy GIN Hours,各式精选毡酒只需港币60元一杯,进一步让宾客沉浸在毡酒世界中。
Among the exciting new elements is the introduction of the gin trolley. It boasts an ever-changing line-up with varieties from England to Japan, from Finland to the unique blend made in Hong Kong. In addition, the trolley highlights a personal touch which allows guests to customise their drinks and add the garnishes they prefer. They can also learn up-close about all the bottles as well as the creative ways they are served at the Bar. The Happy ‘GIN’ Hours promotion gives them further opportunities to immerse themselves in the world of gin. Between 5pm and 7pm from Monday to Friday, the selected gins are available for just HK$60 a glass. There will also be a “pick of the day” offered at a special price on every weekday.

The Wine & Cheese Library
The Wine & Cheese Library

素来大受欢迎的Wine & Cheese Library继续是Pacific Bar的王牌。酒窖珍藏多种极品佳酿,囊括来自世界各地的红白酒、玫瑰酒、香槟和意大利气泡酒,定能满足不同味蕾。同样地,Wine & Cheese Library供应各国的优品及手工芝士,或浓或淡,或软或硬,种类繁多,芝味浓郁。
The much-loved wine and cheese library remains an integral part of the Bar. Its wide selection of premium wines — available by bottle or by glass — encompass red, white, rose, champagne and prosecco produced from various terroirs, ensuring every guest would find a bottle to their palate. By the same token, the cheese room also stocks cheeses with a mix of origins, degrees of hardness for different levels of appreciation.

Cheese Librarians为宾客介绍世界各地精选的手工芝士。|  Artisan cheese selection introduced by the bar’s cheese Librarians
Cheese Librarians为宾客介绍世界各地精选的手工芝士。| Artisan cheese selection introduced by the bar’s cheese Librarians

从空间设计、调酒到细致入微的服务,Pacific Bar不仅仅是一个纯粹品酒的地方,更是一个能够细细玩味调酒美学、餐前餐后醉月谈心的理想场所。香港港丽酒店总经理汤浩博先生表示:“香港港丽酒店致力重新定义为现代奢华,是次酒吧的翻新及酒单革新,冀能为宾客带来别具一格的品味体验。”
Such a lavish food and drink lineup makes Pacific Bar an ideal place to unwind before or after a delightful dinner at the adjacent restaurants, all accomplished in front of the dazzling Hong Kong skyline. “The renovation is an important milestone for Pacific Bar and Conrad Hong Kong. With the new design and enriched menu, the Bar will continue to provide excellent service to the guests of the hotel,” said Thomas Hoeborn, General Manager, Conrad Hong Kong.

Pacific Bar
Level 8, Conrad Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
营业时间/Opening Hours
12 noon to 12 midnight (Mon. – Fri.)
5pm to 12 midnight (Sat. & Sun.)
Tel: +852-2822 8816