In the summer of 2019, San Jiao Ling (SJL) helped to organize 2019 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Youth Internship Program, providing all-round service and support to over 200 participant students. In order to enrich students’ lives in Guangzhou, SJL planned wonderful weekend activities for students, leaving unforgettable and long-standing memories.
Considering Guangzhou is the central city of the Lingnan culture, which has a long history and unique characteristics in arts and handicrafts, SJL consequently arranged several experiential craft workshops, museum tours and cultural sightseeing for the students, granting Hong Kong students the chance to know more about the city from different angles.

手作坊活动注重互动性,除了能让学生在学习传统文化之余,还能亲自体验制作工艺品的乐趣。在参观广彩艺术工作室、国茶荟时,大学生们认真倾听老师的悉心讲解,了解了广彩瓷器的美学传统以及茶艺的品茗文化,随后在老师的指导下进行实践。 另外,在中秋佳节来临之际,三角铃还安排了广式月饼的制作活动。为了给学生此次行程留下纪念品,三角铃特意安排了DIY体验活动,亲手制作团扇、皮具与古风灯饰。
As workshops aimed to make weekend activities more interactive, SJL arranged visits to Guangdong decorated porcelain studio and the Grand Tea Mall. After listening to the teachers’ detailed explanation, students got to know more about the aesthetic tradition of Guangdong decorated porcelain and Tea Art. Practice sessions under the teachers’ guidance thus came afterwards. As this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up, SJL arranged a Cantonese-style mooncake workshop led by the chef of the Garden Hotel. In order to offer handmade souvenirs to the students, SJL planned the DIY activities of making group fans, leather goods and traditional style lighting.

Moreover, SJL also organized several visits to Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Huangpu Port. By visiting these attractions, the Hong Kong students not only appreciated contemporary Guangdong artworks, but also gained a better understanding of Guangzhou’s modern city planning and trade history.

Time flies, the two-month 2019 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Youth Internship Program has come to an end. Under the all-around service provided by SJL, the Hong Kong students not only has experienced Guangzhou’s working atmosphere, but also got to know more about Cantonese culture on weekends.

三角铃希望在穗实习的香港学生们能将这份美好的经历带回香港,并把实习过程中收获的经验融入到今后的学习和工作之中,并在未来助力粤港澳大湾区的建设。在此,三角铃祝所有学生一路顺风,前程似锦。SJL hopes that this summer will be one of the best chapters in Hong Kong students’ lives and will integrate what they learned during the internship into their future studies and work. SJL hereby wishes all the students a bright future.