Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan was honored to visit the children in the Welfare House

2019年12月20日, 中国佛山 – 佛山岭南天地马哥孛罗酒店总经理马塞尔先生率领酒店管理团队,带着用酒店员工义卖活动所得款项购买的礼物,于2019年12月17日下午到佛山市社会福利院探望了可爱的孩子们。
Mr. Marcel Sawyere, general manager of the Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan, and his hotel management team visited the lovely children at Foshan Social Welfare House on the afternoon of December 17, 2019, with gifts purchased by the income from hotel staff’s charity sale.

It was sunny and warm that afternoon, and the activity officially started with a burst of applause: the hotel representatives play finger dance and fold paper planes with the children. They got along well and had a lot of laughs. Before one second they were strangers, but for the next second they became close. After Santa Claus sent gifts to the children, Mr. Marcel Sawyere and Mr. Zeng, the head of the Welfare House, cut cakes and celebrate for the children whose birthday are on December. After the birthday celebration, the activities also ended in the happy blessing.

Since its opening, the hotel insists on doing social public welfare activities as much as it can and fulfill its social responsibility. This activity has been well received by the Welfare House. Through internal publicity, the hotel employees’ sense of kindness and caring for the society has been further strengthened.