肖健蕾, 珠海所乐联合办公空间总经理 - Kenny Xiao, GM, Soler, Zhuhai.
DB:谁提出要建立联合办公空间的理念?为什么呢?Who came up with the concept of establishing a co-working space and why?

Soler is an important project in Lanhai financial centre that is initiated by Da Yue Real Estate under Wen Hua Li Investment industry group, which covers such industries as medicine, real estate, education and cultural communication. With the emergence of sharing transportation, sharing houses and sharing finance, the public lifestyle is experiencing tremendous changes. In the era where sharing economy is rapidly developing, we are trying a new business model. The concept of sharing space in Zhuhai still remains as an incubator or it has a relatively narrow development path. Based on this situation, Soler is inspired by the idea of “Youth Community” and builds a cost-saving co-working space for many young entrepreneurs.

DB:‘所乐’联合办公空间将会吸引哪些目标人群?What kind of target customers will Soler attract for sharing such a co-working space?

Soler aims to attract small and micro businesses, start-ups, young entrepreneurs and cross-region marketing explorers.

DB:‘所乐’联合办公空间是如何通过设计和布局来满足客户的娱乐和办公需求?How is Soler Co-working Space designed to cater for recreation and office use?

我们整个理念来自于“智慧办公让简单呈现”的理念。翻译成英文是Smart Office Let Easy Reality,Soler的名字取源于此。我们也是根据整个理念来打造整个空间。整个空间设计是现代化的感观设计,实现更有活力的办公圣地;融入loft风格办公空间,使办公生活更舒适愉悦;线性的条纹与年轻的色调相互结合下,简约地展现出年轻一派的活跃和激情,配合简单的艺术座椅,轻轻松松就能找到属于自己空间,一切简单而不平凡。所乐联合办公空间里应用了很多智能化系统,智慧共享的功能区域,茶水区、联合办公区、休闲区等舒适的空间是我们智慧碰撞火花的重点要素。另外我们不仅仅希望打造一个最具舒适感的办公环境,更希望是打造一个生态平衡,身心灵健康,和志同道合的伙伴一起共同学习成长的Soler Life Circle社区。SLC社区会不定期的举办早餐会、生日会、电影周、S-IWS讲堂等一系列的活动,帮助会员成长,加强会员们之间的交流,丰富会员的办公生活。另外,所乐提供给会员的配套服务:免费咖啡、复印打印、预定(酒店、机票)、无线网络、休闲区域、社区活动等,可享蓝海金融中心配套服务:健身房、西餐厅、银行、咖啡厅、三层停车位、会议中心等。
Our concept derives from the idea of “Smart Office Let Easy Reality”, which is also the inspiration for our name “Soler”. We built our space based on this entire concept. The design of the whole environment lies in the sense of modernization, aiming to deliver full energy to every worker here. The loft style promises to bring joy and pleasure, with various line designs combined with bold colours that represent dynamic passion. Tables and Chairs are the representation of edgy fashion and art. Smart facilities are provided, with different sharing areas including pantry, co-working space and recreational rooms. In addition, we not only want to build a cosy working environment, but also a community that people sharing common grounds can enjoy and learn together. SLC will hold a series of events such as breakfast meeting, birthday party, movie week, and S-IWS lectures, which helps to strengthen their mutual communication and boost their personal growth. Moreover, Soler offers its members free coffees, free printing quotas, flight/hotel-tickets booking, WIFI and so on. They can also enjoy the supporting service by Lan Hai Financial Center: fitness room, restaurants, banks, café, parking lots and conference rooms.

DB:进驻‘所乐’联合办公空间的公司们是如何进行互利互赢?How can companies in the co-working space benefit from each other?

In Soler, working is a pleasure rather than just for living. In this trendy, free and quality working space, people can have endless creativity and business opportunities. With one-stop consultancy services, companies will for sure grow faster. Soler co-working space welcomes all kind of companies, and with their arrival, we can hold various events and seek for different cooperation. This helps to build a resource-sharing ecosystem.

DB:目前已有公司进驻‘所乐’联合办公空间吗?您对‘所乐’未来发展的期望是什么?Has any company joined Soler’s co-working space yet? What is your expectation of the future development of Soler?

Currently, we have received some companies like He She Design, Yin Si, Hong Bao Jun and Guo Ni. Since Soler has opened its door, the take-up rate has increased to 46% within one month. Our vision is to build a unique business experience and make what our clients wish come true.

DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘所乐联合办公空间’?Where can we get more information about Soler?

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