莫凡,麦田教育基金会创始人 —— Founder of Maitian Education Foundation
DB: 可以向我们简单介绍一下麦田计划吗? Could you brief us some information about Maitian?
Set up in 2005, Maitian registered and initiated Guangdong Maitian Education Fund in Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province in 2010. Maitian aims to improve the educational and living situations of children in need in rural areas and urban floating children. Currently, Maitian has set up 79 branches in China, with more than 10 thousand volunteers.
DB: 是什么促使您创立麦田计划的? What motivated you to set up Maitian?
I set up Maitian by chance. A visit to Yunlong County in Dali, Yunnan in June 16, 2005 really impressed me. Children there studying deep in mountains have never read any extracurricular books during the elementary school time. They don’t know Snow White, nor Anderson. When the president there expressed his wish to set up a small library, I agreed without hesitation and Maitian was born.
DB: 哪些孩子是麦田计划主要的扶持对象?您对你们所帮助的孩子寄予怎样的期待?What kind of children are the main targets for support? What are your wishes for the children you support?
Both the children in need in rural areas and children of rural migrant workers in cities are our main targets for support.
The educational idea of Maitian is “To make every child have the chance to be the one who can enjoy education and in addition, become a free and independent person with public view. “
It’s also our expectation for these children. We hope that all of the children who have ever been supported can treat others as our volunteers have done in the future, when they have grown up to be an able person.
DB: 可以和我们分享在运营麦田计划的过程中遇到的令您难忘的事情吗? Can you share with us the impressive experiences when you are running Maitian?
麦田是一个助学机构,但麦田还是一个志愿者平台,志愿者是麦田最大的财富。我们号召了成千上万的志愿者和我们一起为使命奋斗。 我非常注重组织文化建设,所以吸引了不同身份,不同文化背景的人一起参与。
麦田还感召了一些曾经误入歧途的人改邪归正。其中一个年轻人本来是在赌场负责“收数”,混黑社会。后面遇到麦田,被麦田的故事打动开始参与公益,从此脱离“黑道”。用了三年的时间从一名普通志愿者努力做到了麦田分社召集人,还收获了爱情。这样的例子在麦田很多。 On one hand, Maitian is an institution of assisting- student, but on the other hand, Maintian is also a voluntary platform. Volunteers are the biggest asset of Maitian. We have called for thousands of volunteers to fight for our mission. I really attach great importance to the construction of organisational culture, and consequently this has attracted people with different identities and cultural backgrounds to join in.
Maitian also allows people who have ever gone astray by chance to return to the right path. One of the youths joined the criminal syndicate, collecting debt for a gambling house, but was touched by Maitian’s stories and began joining in public welfare and broke away from the criminal syndicate. He has become the call-up of the branch of Maitian from a normal volunteer in only 3 years and has met his true love here. There are a great number of examples like this in Maitian.
DB: 在您看来,当今中国人对资助项目、慈善活动的态度是怎么样的? What do you think about Chinese people’s attitudes on distribution projects and charity activities nowadays?
With people becoming richer and with the increase of advanced information technology, people’s awareness of charity and public welfare has been raised. The number of participants and donors are increasing. More specifically, the development of Maitian is pushed by the passion of the donors. Currently people purely keep their eyes on the term “charity”. They need more time to understand and participate in public welfares.
DB: 根据在麦田工作的经验,您觉得中国慈善公益方面有哪些做得好的地方?哪些方面还能做得更好? Based on your experience working in Maitian, what do you think are the strengths of Chinese public welfare? What can be improved?
1) Our government strongly supports the development of public welfare.
2) Public welfare organisations are more and more professional.
3) The participants of enterprises, especially leading enterprises in IT, are encouraging the rapid development of Chinese public welfare.
4) Entrepreneurs have deeper understandings of public welfare.
Things can be improved:
1) More supports from government can be given.
2) There is still a long way to go for national public service.
3) The system for protecting commonweal man can be improved.
DB:可以分享一下您对麦田计划未来的设想吗? Can you share your future plans of Maitian?
1) For Maitian, we hope it can be a voluntary platform which focuses on student financial aid and education. Hopefully Maitian can help and support more individuals and organisations which are willing to contribute to education in rural areas.
2) For volunteers in Maitian, I hope we can build a super nursing home in the future, in which the people who fight for Maitian in their life-time can continue to gather together.
DB:最后,有什么话想要通过DB传达给我们的读者、公众的? Lastly, what do you want to say to our readers and the public?
Public welfare can change the world. We hope everyone can join us to make changes to the world and promote social progress.
Maitian is interesting. We welcome everyone who joins us to take part in the interesting and meaningful events.
I am just an ordinary person. Thanks for your encouragement and supports so that I can go further and further!
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