澳门新葡京酒店拥有屡获殊荣的葡萄酒收藏,其多家特色餐厅可为宾客奉上逾17,000款名酒佳酿。酒店亦连续多年荣获酒评杂志《葡萄酒观察家》 (Wine Spectator)与中国年度最佳酒单(China’s Wine List)的最高荣誉。即日起至 2019年12月,酒店诚邀您品鉴顶级的Magnum限量版精选,并佐以「天巢法国餐厅」、 「大厨」、「当奥丰素1890意式料理」及「8餐厅」出品的精致美馔,纵享醉人时光。
Grand Lisboa Hotel is home to an award-winning wine collection of more than 17,000 wine labels on offer across its signature restaurants – consistently earning the highest of honours from Wine Spectator and China’s Wine List, year after year. Now through December 2019, Grand Lisboa invites you to enjoy the hotel’s collection of the finest Magnum wines paired with exquisite dishes at Robuchon au Dôme, The Kitchen, Casa Don Alfonso and The 8.

酒店已为宾客甄选数款Magnum佳酿,令宾客可全年在酒店的特色餐厅中细细品鉴。第一款为Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Domaine du Pégaü, Cuvée Réservée, Rhône 2010。这款酒荣获了由美国酒评家罗伯特帕克(Robert Parker)创办的《葡萄酒倡导家》(Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate)杂志所授予的98分,被描述为「酒体饱满醇厚,复杂的层次感相互融合……余味浓烈且清新,萦绕不歇」。第二款是Château Pavie Macquin, St.- Emilion 2008。这款法国红酒获得Wine Advocate授予的94+分,被赞以「呈现如同碎岩 石精华的丰富口感,蓝莓、黑莓、黑树莓、甘草、樟脑、松露的风味在口中交织融 合,回味悠长。」第三款精选美酒则是Keller Riesling Dalsheim Hubacker GG Trocken 2013,它得到Wine Advocate授予的93分,被誉为「Keller酒庄产出的顶级佳酿之 一」。
Grand Lisboa has selected several phenomenal Magnums for guests to enjoy throughout the year at its signature restaurants. The first is Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Domaine du Pégaü, Cuvée Réservée, Rhône 2010. This wine received an astounding 98 points from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate, who described it as “full-bodied and beautifully concentrated, offering a seamless, layered profile on the palate…and a blockbuster finish that stays fresh and beautifully focused.” The second is Château Pavie Macquin, St.-Emilion 2008. This French red wine earned 94+ points from the Wine Advocate, who said it is “a beautiful St.-Emilion that tastes like the quintessence of crushed rocks intermixed with blueberry, blackberry, black raspberry, licorice, camphor and truffle notes.” The third is the Keller Riesling Dalsheim Hubacker GG Trocken 2013. Rated 93 points by the Wine Advocate, this German Reisling is said to be “one of, if not the most impressive Hubackers that Keller has ever produced.”

除了这些令人印象深刻的Magnum限量版精选,拥有丰富世界级佳酿收藏的酒店亦可为宾客提供其他超凡的葡萄酒。酒店拥有全球最大的葡萄酒与烈酒收藏,逾49万瓶的数 量令人叹为观止。20年前,酒店已开始在世界各地甄选各款顶级葡萄酒,从最初的 1,000款增至如今的近50万瓶,旨在寻得最优质的葡萄酒之余,创建全球最大的名酒收藏。酒库中80%的葡萄酒来自于「旧世界」,而20%则来自「新世界」。1825 Château d’Y quem是其中最昂贵的葡萄酒之一,价值澳门币400,000元。
Beyond these impressive Magnums, Grand Lisboa also serves exceptional wines from its extensive collection of world-class vintages. Commercially, Grand Lisboa and Hotel Lisboa house the world’s largest collection of wines and spirits of an astonishing 490,000 bottles. Two decades ago, the hotels began their collection with just 1,000 labels, and now that has grown to close to half a million after sourcing the world over not only to build the world’s largest collection, but to find wines of the highest quality. Eighty percent of the hotels’ wines are Old World, while 20 percent are New World. One of the most expensive bottles in the wine collection is the vintage 1825 Château d’Yquem, valued at MOP 400,000.

澳门新葡京酒店的酒库亦珍藏了来自全球各地的一系列稀世珍酿,其中包括Château Margaux 1900; Château Haut-Brion 1929; Romanée Conti 1959; J.J. Prüm, Wehlner Sonnenuhr Riesling 1959;以及Henri Jayer Richebourg 1962。宾客可在酒店的特色餐厅内私享这些迷人风味的葡萄酒。酒店经验丰富的厨艺团队还将根据每一款葡萄酒的风味,为宾客搭配最合适的美馔。
The cellars feature a remarkable range of extremely rare wines from around the world such as the Château Margaux 1900; Château Haut-Brion 1929; Romanée Conti 1959; J.J. Prüm, Wehlner Sonnenuhr Riesling 1959; and Henri Jayer Richebourg 1962. The bottles are to be experienced exclusively at Grand Lisboa Hotel’s signature restaurants. Wine runs through the veins of the experienced food and beverage team at Grand Lisboa who strive to serve the best and thoughtfully pair each wine with just the right dishes.

酒评杂志《Wine Spectator》于2008年澳门新葡京酒店开幕时,天巢法国餐厅及当奥丰素1890意式料理获颁发最高评级的「荣誉大奖」。在2018年,全世界仅有91间餐厅获得此项殊荣,而其中就有两间餐厅来自澳门新葡京酒店。同年,天巢法国餐厅、8餐 厅及当奥丰素1890意式料理凭借其「卓越酒单」荣获中国年度最佳酒单(China’s Wine List)的至高荣誉「三杯奖」。
Since 2008, when Grand Lisboa opened its doors, Wine Spectator has awarded Robuchon au Dôme and Casa Don Alfonso with its highest honor of the “Grand Award”. In 2018, there were only 91 restaurants around the world to receive this prestigious accolade, and two of them were given to restaurants at Grand Lisboa. China’s Wine List of the year also awarded its highest awards of “3-Glass Ratings” for an “Extraordinary Wine List” to Robuchon au Dôme, The 8 and Casa Don Alfonso in 2018.

如欲知更多关于新葡京酒店的餐饮预订信息,请致电浏览 https://www.grandlisboahotels.com/zh-hans/dining
For reservations and enquiries for dining at Grand Lisboa, please contact: (853) 2828 3838 or visit: https://www.grandlisboahotels.com/en/dining