雅高心悦界开启全球宣传活动“重燃对旅行的热爱” | Accor Launches ‘Reignites the Love of Travel’ Global Campaign
雅高心悦界开启全球宣传活动“重燃对旅行的热爱” | Accor Launches ‘Reignites the Love of Travel’ Global Campaign

近日,雅高集团宣布将开始重新开业部分因应对全球疫情而暂时关闭的酒店。目前,许多旅游目的地的限制正在放宽,预计在未来几个月雅高集团重新开业的酒店数量也将稳步攀升。在此背景下,雅高集团正致力于帮助其业务所在社区的旅游业、服务业及经济复苏。ALL – Accor Live Limitless 雅高心悦界这一贯穿雅高集团品牌组合,整合礼赏、服务与体验的全球生活方式平台推出一项全新的全球宣传活动:“重燃对旅行的热爱”。配合宣传活动,雅高还推出了一部短片,在为观众带来振奋观感的同时打消顾虑,激发人们对旅行的向往。
In a recent announcement, Accor has begun the process of reopening some of its hotels that temporarily closed in response to the global pandemic. With restrictions now easing across many destinations, and the number of reopened hotels in the Accor network projected to climb steadily over the coming months, Accor is investing in the resurgence of the travel and service industries and economic recovery in the communities where it operates. ALL – Accor Live Limitless, the daily lifestyle companion that integrates rewards, services and experiences throughout the Accor portfolio of brands, has introduced a new global campaign: ‘Reignite the Love of Travel’. The campaign is launched with a short film designed to reassure and to create desire while uplifting its audience.

雅高集团首席营销官 Steven Taylor 表示:“在各地封城期间,我们惊讶地发现社交媒体上有很多人在分享对旅行的渴望,他们的幽默和创造力令人振奋。正如我们想念着他们,他们也想念着我们,这让人倍感温暖。在为即将到来的假季以及更长期的酒店预订做准备之时,我们顺势推出了此次活动。看到中国业务的迅速及有序的复苏,我们希望尽自己的一份力为客人带来安心,重燃人们对旅行的渴望。”
Steven Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer, Accor said: “During the lockdown periods everywhere, we have been surprised to see so many people on social media sharing their craving for travel with such uplifting humour and creativity: it was heart-warming for us to see that they were missing us as much as we were missing them. The message of our campaign then came naturally as we invested to prepare for the immediate holiday season as well as for longer term bookings. Seeing the quick business recovery in China, we wanted to do our part to reassure our guests and to reignite the travel desire.”

雅高集团将发起引人瞩目的社交媒体活动,借此拉开“重燃对旅行的热爱”活动的序幕。届时活动将邀请旅行者分享他们的旅行梦想和灵感,同时结合这些分享内容,以蒙太奇风格打造第二部 ALL – Accor Live Limitless 雅高心悦界旅行电影。
Accor’s ‘Reignite the Love of Travel’ campaign will launch with an engaging social media campaign. Travelers will be invited to share their travel dreams and inspiration, which will be combined to create a second ALL montage-style inspirational travel film.

Offering reassurance to travelers as they head back into the world, Accor’s ALLSAFE cleanliness program protects guests and staff, while assuring travelers they can feel safe while staying at Accor’s hotels. These measures have been developed with the support of Bureau Veritas, a recognized world leader in testing, inspections and certification services.

Taylor 补充道:“我们以成熟全面的营销策略应对此次疫情危机。首先是推出确保客人安全的安心悦界ALLSAFE计划,建立高标准的卫生标准和方案,以确保客人入住期间的全方位安全。其次,在这个充满挑战的时代,我们坚信自己的使命之一是用积极、幽默的态度激励人们,鼓励他们重新点燃对旅行的热爱。”
Added by Taylor, “We have reacted to the crisis with a fully-fledged marketing strategy which firstly reassures our guests through the launch of ALLSAFE and that has established world-class cleanliness standards and protocols to ensure our guests are welcomed back in full safety. Secondly, in these challenging times we believe it is part of our mission to inspire people with positivity, humour and encourage them to reignite their love of travel.”

Accor’s ‘Reignite the Love of Travel’ campaign will launch in key markets worldwide throughout the summer.