American Pistachio Growers of the United States pistachio industry launched the first global live broadcast and online cooking activities in late November this year. The United States and six other countries such as China, Italy, Germany, Spain and India connected in real time through camera, to witness the harvest moment of American pistachios and share the joy of the harvest. At the same time, the event brought together many celebrity chefs from all over the world, showing the use of American pistachios in cooking local special dishes. The last stop of the global event took place in China on 26th November, attracting the attention of more than 300 media in mainland China and Hong Kong, and more than 200 online media reporters were also participated in cooking Chinese cuisine with American pistachios with the famous Chinese-American chef Martin Yan.

American Pistachio Virtual Harvest China event, opened by famous Hollywood host Billy Harris, followed with Richard Kreps, representative of American Pistachio Growers, took everyone to the harvest site in real time.
美国开心果既是一个健康的休闲小食, 也是不可多得的烹饪原料。 活动中,名厨甄文达(Martin Yan)通过在线上为嘉宾“云”烹饪了两道美国开心果中式美食,开心海鲜生菜杯以及开心果巧克力脆球。 既体现了中国美食文化的精髓,又把美国开心果与中式菜肴完美结合,食材搭配、营养、口感及色泽都相得益彰,令人回味再三,唇齿留香。而在线媒体也积极响应,跟着甄大厨一起学做美食,开心洋溢,幸福满满。
American pistachio is not only a healthy snack, but can also be a nice cooking ingredient. During the event, celebrity chef Martin Yan cooked two Chinese dishes with American pistachios, Seafood Cup with Pistachio and Pistachio Chocolate Ball for audiences online.

美国开心果全球市场总监Judy Hirigoyen女士在活动中也介绍道:近年来,中国已经成为美国开心果最大的出口市场,无论是各大超市,便利店和线上销售平台,都有美国开心果供应。随着新年及中国春节的来临,美国开心果更是节日送礼,阖家分享的好选择。 相信美国开心果能带给中国的家庭和消费者更多营养和开心。
According to Judy Hirigoyen, vice-president at American Pistachio Growers, China has become the largest export market for American pistachios in the past few years and their pistachios can be found in many supermarkets and online retail platforms in China. As the holiday season is coming, pistachios can be a good present for families to share and she hoped the American pistachios can bring more nutrition and happiness to Chinese families and customers, Hirigoyen added.